# Invoice Payments
## The Invoice Payment Object
### Attributes:
- id (integer): Unique ID for the payment
- amount (decimal): The amount of the payment
- paid_at (datetime): Date and time the payment was made
- paid_date (date): Date the payment was made
- recorded_by (string): Name of person who recorded payment
- recorded_by_email (string): Email of person who recorded payment
- notes (string): Any notes associated with the payment
- transaction_id (string): Card authorization or PayPal transaction ID
- payment_gateway (object): Payment gateway ID and name
- created_at (datetime): Creation timestamp
- updated_at (datetime): Last update timestamp
## Required Permissions
Administrator or Manager with invoice permissions required.
## Available Endpoints
### List Payments for an Invoice
GET /v2/invoices/{INVOICE_ID}/payments
- updated_since (datetime): Filter by update date
- per_page (integer): Records per page (1-2000)
### Create a Payment
POST /v2/invoices/{INVOICE_ID}/payments
Required Parameters:
- amount (decimal): Payment amount
Optional Parameters:
- paid_at (datetime): Payment timestamp (use either paid_at or paid_date)
- paid_date (date): Payment date (use either paid_at or paid_date)
- notes (string): Payment notes
- send_thank_you (boolean): Send thank you email if invoice will be fully paid
### Delete a Payment
DELETE /v2/invoices/{INVOICE_ID}/payments/{PAYMENT_ID}
## Example Response
"id": 10336386,
"amount": 1575.86,
"paid_at": "2017-07-24T13:32:18Z",
"paid_date": "2017-07-24",
"recorded_by": "Jane Bar",
"recorded_by_email": "jane@example.com",
"notes": "Paid by phone",
"transaction_id": null,
"created_at": "2017-07-28T14:42:44Z",
"updated_at": "2017-07-28T14:42:44Z",
"payment_gateway": {
"id": null,
"name": null