Harvest Natural Language Time Entry MCP Server
by adrian-dotco
- docs
- harvest_api_docs
- 05_invoices
# Invoice Messages
## The Invoice Message Object
### Attributes:
- id (integer): Unique ID for the message
- sent_by (string): Name of the user that created the message
- sent_by_email (string): Email of the user that created the message
- sent_from (string): Name of the user that the message was sent from
- sent_from_email (string): Email of the user that message was sent from
- recipients (array): Array of message recipients
- subject (string): The message subject
- body (string): The message body
- include_link_to_client_invoice (boolean): DEPRECATED - True when payment_options assigned
- attach_pdf (boolean): Whether to attach invoice PDF to email
- send_me_a_copy (boolean): Whether to email copy to current user
- thank_you (boolean): Whether this is a thank you message
- event_type (string): Type of invoice event (close, draft, re-open, send)
- reminder (boolean): Whether this is a reminder message
- send_reminder_on (date): Date reminder email will be sent
- created_at (datetime): Creation timestamp
- updated_at (datetime): Last update timestamp
### Message Recipient Object
- name (string): Name of the message recipient
- email (string): Email of the message recipient
## Required Permissions
Administrator or Manager with invoice permissions required.
## Available Endpoints
### List Messages for an Invoice
GET /v2/invoices/{INVOICE_ID}/messages
- updated_since (datetime): Filter by update date
- per_page (integer): Records per page (1-2000)
### Create and Send Message
POST /v2/invoices/{INVOICE_ID}/messages
- recipients (array): Array of recipient objects
- subject (string): Message subject
- body (string): Message body
- attach_pdf (boolean): Attach PDF to email
- send_me_copy (boolean): Send copy to current user
- thank_you (boolean): Is thank you message
- event_type (string): Invoice event type
### Get Message Template
GET /v2/invoices/{INVOICE_ID}/messages/new
- thank_you (boolean): Get thank you message template
- reminder (boolean): Get reminder message template
### Delete Message
DELETE /v2/invoices/{INVOICE_ID}/messages/{MESSAGE_ID}
### Mark Draft as Sent
POST /v2/invoices/{INVOICE_ID}/messages
With event_type: "send"
### Mark as Closed
POST /v2/invoices/{INVOICE_ID}/messages
With event_type: "close"
### Re-open Closed Invoice
POST /v2/invoices/{INVOICE_ID}/messages
With event_type: "re-open"
### Mark as Draft
POST /v2/invoices/{INVOICE_ID}/messages
With event_type: "draft"
## Example Response
"id": 27835324,
"sent_by": "Bob Powell",
"sent_by_email": "bob@example.com",
"sent_from": "Bob Powell",
"sent_from_email": "bob@example.com",
"include_link_to_client_invoice": false,
"send_me_a_copy": true,
"thank_you": false,
"reminder": false,
"send_reminder_on": null,
"created_at": "2017-08-23T22:25:59Z",
"updated_at": "2017-08-23T22:25:59Z",
"attach_pdf": true,
"event_type": null,
"recipients": [
"name": "Richard Roe",
"email": "richard@example.com"
"name": "Bob Powell",
"email": "bob@example.com"
"subject": "Invoice #1001",
"body": "The invoice is attached below."