flightradar24-mcp-serversunsetcoderAsecurityAlicenseAqualityA Claude Desktop MCP server that helps you track flights in real-time using Flightradar24 data. Perfect for aviation enthusiasts, travel planners, or anyone curious about flights overhead!25JavaScriptMIT LicenseApple
VirusTotal MCP ServerBurtTheCoderAsecurityAlicenseAqualityA MCP server for querying the VirusTotal API. This server provides tools for scanning URLs, analyzing file hashes, and retrieving IP address reports.7104TypeScriptMIT LicenseApple
NYTimes Article Search MCP ServerangheljfAsecurityAlicenseAqualityThis is a TypeScript-based MCP server that allows searching for New York Times articles from the last 30 days based on a keyword.147JavaScriptMIT LicenseApple
Brave Search MCP ServermodelcontextprotocolAsecurityAlicenseAqualityAn MCP server implementation that integrates the Brave Search API, providing both web and local search capabilities.22,00510,010JavaScriptMIT License
Google Maps MCP ServermodelcontextprotocolAsecurityAlicenseAqualityMCP Server for the Google Maps API.726110,010JavaScriptMIT License