
Apple Notifier MCP Server

Send native macOS notifications and interact with system dialogs through any MCP-compatible client like Claude Desktop or Cline.

<a href=""><img width="380" height="200" src="" alt="apple-notifier-mcp MCP server" /></a>


  • macOS
  • Node.js >= 18
  • An MCP-compatible client (Claude Desktop, Cline)


Installing via Smithery

To install Apple Notifier for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install apple-notifier-mcp --client claude

Manual Installation

  1. Install the package globally:
npm install -g apple-notifier-mcp
  1. Add to your MCP configuration file:

For Cline (cline_mcp_settings.json):

{ "mcpServers": { "apple-notifier": { "command": "apple-notifier-mcp" } } }

For Claude Desktop (claude_desktop_config.json):

{ "mcpServers": { "apple-notifier": { "command": "apple-notifier-mcp" } } }


Send Notifications

Display native macOS notifications with customizable content.


  • title (required): string - The title of the notification
  • message (required): string - The main message content
  • subtitle (optional): string - A subtitle to display
  • sound (optional): boolean - Whether to play the default notification sound (default: true)

Display Prompts

Show interactive dialog prompts to get user input.


  • message (required): string - Text to display in the prompt dialog
  • defaultAnswer (optional): string - Default text to pre-fill
  • buttons (optional): string[] - Custom button labels (max 3)
  • icon (optional): 'note' | 'stop' | 'caution' - Icon to display


Use macOS text-to-speech capabilities.


  • text (required): string - Text to speak
  • voice (optional): string - Voice to use (defaults to system voice)
  • rate (optional): number - Speech rate (-50 to 50, defaults to 0)

Take Screenshots

Capture screenshots using macOS screencapture.


  • path (required): string - Path where to save the screenshot
  • type (required): 'fullscreen' | 'window' | 'selection' - Type of screenshot
  • format (optional): 'png' | 'jpg' | 'pdf' | 'tiff' - Image format
  • hideCursor (optional): boolean - Whether to hide the cursor
  • shadow (optional): boolean - Whether to include window shadow (only for window type)
  • timestamp (optional): boolean - Add timestamp to filename

File Selection

Open native macOS file picker dialog.


  • prompt (optional): string - Prompt message
  • defaultLocation (optional): string - Default directory path
  • fileTypes (optional): object - File type filter (e.g., {"public.image": ["png", "jpg"]})
  • multiple (optional): boolean - Allow multiple file selection

Example Usage

// Send a notification await client.use_mcp_tool("apple-notifier", "send_notification", { title: "Hello", message: "World", sound: true }); // Show a prompt const result = await client.use_mcp_tool("apple-notifier", "prompt_user", { message: "What's your name?", defaultAnswer: "John Doe", buttons: ["OK", "Cancel"] }); // Speak text await client.use_mcp_tool("apple-notifier", "speak", { text: "Hello, world!", voice: "Samantha", rate: -20 }); // Take a screenshot await client.use_mcp_tool("apple-notifier", "take_screenshot", { path: "screenshot.png", type: "window", format: "png" }); // Select files const files = await client.use_mcp_tool("apple-notifier", "select_file", { prompt: "Select images", fileTypes: { "public.image": ["png", "jpg", "jpeg"] }, multiple: true });


See for development setup and guidelines.


MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - permissive license
quality - confirmed to work

A simple MCP server that can send notifications on mac devices.

  1. Prerequisites
    1. Installation
      1. Installing via Smithery
        1. Manual Installation
        2. Features
          1. Send Notifications
            1. Display Prompts
              1. Text-to-Speech
                1. Take Screenshots
                  1. File Selection
                  2. Example Usage
                    1. Contributing
                      1. License