MCP Calc Tools
by nbiish
#!/usr/bin/env node
import { genkit, z } from 'genkit';
import { mcpServer } from 'genkitx-mcp';
import * as math from 'mathjs';
const ai = genkit({});
// Helper functions for mathematical operations
const derivative = (expr, variable = 'x') => {
try {
const node = math.parse(expr);
const derivativeExpr = math.derivative(node, variable);
return derivativeExpr.toString();
} catch (e) {
return `Error: ${e.message}`;
const integral = (expr, variable = 'x') => {
try {
// For basic polynomials
const powerMatch = expr.match(new RegExp(`${variable}\\^(\\d+)`));
if (powerMatch) {
const n = parseInt(powerMatch[1]);
return `${variable}^${n + 1}/${n + 1}`;
// For basic functions
const rules = {
'e^x': 'e^x',
'1/x': `ln|${variable}|`,
[`sin(${variable})`]: `-cos(${variable})`,
[`cos(${variable})`]: `sin(${variable})`,
'x': 'x^2/2'
return rules[expr] || 'Cannot compute integral';
} catch (e) {
return `Error: ${e.message}`;
const riemannSum = (expr, variable, a, b, n, method = 'midpoint') => {
try {
const deltaX = (b - a) / n;
let sum = 0;
const node = math.parse(expr);
const scope = {};
if (method === 'left' || method === 'right') {
const offset = method === 'right' ? 1 : 0;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const x = a + (i + offset) * deltaX;
scope[variable] = x;
sum += math.evaluate(node, scope) * deltaX;
} else if (method === 'midpoint') {
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const x = a + (i + 0.5) * deltaX;
scope[variable] = x;
sum += math.evaluate(node, scope) * deltaX;
} else if (method === 'trapezoid') {
for (let i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
const x = a + i * deltaX;
scope[variable] = x;
const coef = (i === 0 || i === n) ? 0.5 : 1;
sum += coef * math.evaluate(node, scope) * deltaX;
return sum;
} catch (e) {
return `Error: ${e.message}`;
// Define mathematical tools
name: 'derivative',
description: 'Calculate the derivative of a mathematical expression',
inputSchema: z.object({
expression: z.string().describe('Mathematical expression (e.g., "x^2", "e^x", "sin(x)")'),
variable: z.string().optional().describe('Variable to differentiate with respect to (default: x)')
outputSchema: z.string(),
async ({ expression, variable = 'x' }) => {
return derivative(expression, variable);
name: 'integral',
description: 'Calculate the indefinite integral of a mathematical expression',
inputSchema: z.object({
expression: z.string().describe('Mathematical expression (e.g., "x^2", "e^x", "sin(x)")'),
variable: z.string().optional().describe('Variable to integrate with respect to (default: x)')
outputSchema: z.string(),
async ({ expression, variable = 'x' }) => {
return integral(expression, variable);
name: 'riemann_sum',
description: 'Calculate the Riemann sum of a function using different methods',
inputSchema: z.object({
expression: z.string().describe('Function to integrate'),
variable: z.string().describe('Variable of integration'),
a: z.number().describe('Lower limit of integration'),
b: z.number().describe('Upper limit of integration'),
n: z.number().describe('Number of subintervals'),
method: z.enum(['left', 'right', 'midpoint', 'trapezoid']).default('midpoint')
.describe('Method: left, right, midpoint, or trapezoid')
outputSchema: z.number(),
async ({ expression, variable, a, b, n, method }) => {
return riemannSum(expression, variable, a, b, n, method);
name: 'area',
description: 'Calculate the area under a curve between two points',
inputSchema: z.object({
expression: z.string(),
start: z.number(),
end: z.number(),
n: z.number().optional().describe('Number of subintervals (default: 1000)')
outputSchema: z.number(),
async ({ expression, start, end, n = 1000 }) => {
return riemannSum(expression, 'x', start, end, n, 'trapezoid');
name: 'volume',
description: 'Calculate the volume of revolution around x-axis',
inputSchema: z.object({
expression: z.string(),
start: z.number(),
end: z.number()
outputSchema: z.number(),
async ({ expression, start, end }) => {
// Volume of revolution using disk method
const steps = 1000;
const dx = (end - start) / steps;
let volume = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
const x = start + i * dx;
const y = eval(expression.replace(/x/g, `(${x})`));
volume += Math.PI * y * y * dx;
return volume;
name: 'logarithm',
description: 'Calculate logarithm with any base',
inputSchema: z.object({
value: z.number(),
base: z.number().optional()
outputSchema: z.number(),
async ({ value, base = Math.E }) => {
return Math.log(value) / Math.log(base);
name: 'exponential',
description: 'Calculate exponential function (e^x)',
inputSchema: z.object({
power: z.number()
outputSchema: z.number(),
async ({ power }) => {
return Math.exp(power);
// Financial analysis tools
name: 'compound_interest',
description: 'Calculate compound interest',
inputSchema: z.object({
principal: z.number(),
rate: z.number(), // annual interest rate as decimal
time: z.number(), // years
compounds: z.number().optional() // times per year
outputSchema: z.number(),
async ({ principal, rate, time, compounds = 12 }) => {
return principal * Math.pow(1 + rate/compounds, compounds * time);
name: 'present_value',
description: 'Calculate present value of future cash flows',
inputSchema: z.object({
futureValue: z.number(),
rate: z.number(), // discount rate as decimal
time: z.number() // years
outputSchema: z.number(),
async ({ futureValue, rate, time }) => {
return futureValue / Math.pow(1 + rate, time);
name: 'npv',
description: 'Calculate Net Present Value of cash flows',
inputSchema: z.object({
cashFlows: z.array(z.number()),
rate: z.number() // discount rate as decimal
outputSchema: z.number(),
async ({ cashFlows, rate }) => {
return cashFlows.reduce((npv, cf, t) =>
npv + cf / Math.pow(1 + rate, t), 0);
const darbouxSum = (expr, variable, a, b, n, type = 'upper') => {
try {
const deltaX = (b - a) / n;
let sum = 0;
const node = math.parse(expr);
const scope = {};
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const x1 = a + i * deltaX;
const x2 = x1 + deltaX;
scope[variable] = x1;
const y1 = math.evaluate(node, scope);
scope[variable] = x2;
const y2 = math.evaluate(node, scope);
const value = type === 'upper' ? Math.max(y1, y2) : Math.min(y1, y2);
sum += value * deltaX;
return sum;
} catch (e) {
return `Error: ${e.message}`;
const findLimit = (expr, variable, approach) => {
try {
const node = math.parse(expr);
const scope = {};
const epsilon = 1e-10;
// Evaluate near the approach point
scope[variable] = approach + epsilon;
const rightLimit = math.evaluate(node, scope);
scope[variable] = approach - epsilon;
const leftLimit = math.evaluate(node, scope);
// Check if limits from both sides are approximately equal
if (Math.abs(rightLimit - leftLimit) < epsilon) {
return (rightLimit + leftLimit) / 2;
return 'Limit does not exist';
} catch (e) {
return `Error: ${e.message}`;
// Define additional calculus tools
name: 'darboux_sum',
description: 'Calculate the Darboux sum of a function',
inputSchema: z.object({
expression: z.string().describe('Function to integrate'),
variable: z.string().describe('Variable of integration'),
a: z.number().describe('Lower limit of integration'),
b: z.number().describe('Upper limit of integration'),
n: z.number().describe('Number of subintervals'),
type: z.enum(['upper', 'lower']).default('upper')
.describe('Type: upper or lower Darboux sum')
outputSchema: z.union([z.number(), z.string()]),
async ({ expression, variable, a, b, n, type }) => {
return darbouxSum(expression, variable, a, b, n, type);
name: 'limit',
description: 'Calculate the limit of a function as it approaches a value',
inputSchema: z.object({
expression: z.string().describe('Function to evaluate limit'),
variable: z.string().describe('Variable approaching the limit'),
approach: z.number().describe('Value the variable approaches')
outputSchema: z.union([z.number(), z.string()]),
async ({ expression, variable, approach }) => {
return findLimit(expression, variable, approach);
name: 'solve',
description: 'Solve an equation for a variable',
inputSchema: z.object({
expression: z.string().describe('Equation to solve (e.g., "x^2 = 4")'),
variable: z.string().describe('Variable to solve for')
outputSchema: z.array(z.string()),
async ({ expression, variable }) => {
try {
// Convert equation to standard form (expression = 0)
const sides = expression.split('=').map(s => s.trim());
if (sides.length !== 2) {
throw new Error('Invalid equation format. Use "expression = value"');
const equationNode = math.parse(`${sides[0]}-(${sides[1]})`);
const solutions = math.solve(equationNode, variable);
return => sol.toString());
} catch (e) {
return [`Error: ${e.message}`];
// Engineering functions
const laplaceTransform = (expr, t, s) => {
try {
const node = math.parse(expr);
// Using numerical integration for a basic approximation
const upperLimit = 100; // Approximation of infinity
const steps = 1000;
const dt = upperLimit / steps;
let result = math.complex(0, 0);
for (let i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
const time = i * dt;
const scope = { [t]: time };
const ft = math.evaluate(node, scope);
const expTerm = math.exp(math.multiply(math.complex(-s, 0), time));
result = math.add(result,
math.multiply(ft, expTerm, dt));
return result.toString();
} catch (e) {
return `Error: ${e.message}`;
const fourierTransform = (expr, t, omega) => {
try {
const node = math.parse(expr);
// Using numerical integration for a basic approximation
const limit = 50; // Approximation of infinity
const steps = 1000;
const dt = (2 * limit) / steps;
let result = math.complex(0, 0);
for (let i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
const time = -limit + i * dt;
const scope = { [t]: time };
const ft = math.evaluate(node, scope);
const expTerm = math.exp(
math.complex(0, -1),
result = math.add(result,
math.multiply(ft, expTerm, dt));
return result.toString();
} catch (e) {
return `Error: ${e.message}`;
const zTransform = (expr, n, z, limit = 100) => {
try {
const node = math.parse(expr);
let result = math.complex(0, 0);
for (let k = 0; k <= limit; k++) {
const scope = { [n]: k };
const fn = math.evaluate(node, scope);
const zTerm = math.pow(z, -k);
result = math.add(result, math.multiply(fn, zTerm));
return result.toString();
} catch (e) {
return `Error: ${e.message}`;
// Engineering transform tools
name: 'laplace_transform',
description: 'Calculate the Laplace transform of a function',
inputSchema: z.object({
expression: z.string().describe('Function of time'),
timeVar: z.string().describe('Time variable'),
laplaceVar: z.string().describe('Laplace variable')
outputSchema: z.string(),
async ({ expression, timeVar, laplaceVar }) => {
return laplaceTransform(expression, timeVar, laplaceVar);
name: 'fourier_transform',
description: 'Calculate the Fourier transform of a function',
inputSchema: z.object({
expression: z.string().describe('Function of time'),
timeVar: z.string().describe('Time variable'),
freqVar: z.string().describe('Frequency variable')
outputSchema: z.string(),
async ({ expression, timeVar, freqVar }) => {
return fourierTransform(expression, timeVar, freqVar);
name: 'z_transform',
description: 'Calculate the Z-transform of a function',
inputSchema: z.object({
expression: z.string().describe('Function of discrete time'),
timeVar: z.string().describe('Discrete time variable'),
zVar: z.string().describe('Z-transform variable'),
limit: z.number().optional().describe('Upper limit for summation (default: 100)')
outputSchema: z.string(),
async ({ expression, timeVar, zVar, limit = 100 }) => {
return zTransform(expression, timeVar, zVar, limit);
// Financial helper functions
const normalCDF = (x) => {
const t = 1 / (1 + 0.2316419 * Math.abs(x));
const d = 0.3989423 * Math.exp(-x * x / 2);
const p = d * t * (0.319381530 + t * (-0.356563782 + t * (1.781477937 + t * (-1.821255978 + t * 1.330274429))));
return x >= 0 ? 1 - p : p;
const normalPDF = (x) => {
return (1 / Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI)) * Math.exp(-0.5 * x * x);
const blackScholes = (S, K, T, r, sigma, optionType = 'call') => {
try {
const d1 = (Math.log(S / K) + (r + 0.5 * sigma * sigma) * T) / (sigma * Math.sqrt(T));
const d2 = d1 - sigma * Math.sqrt(T);
if (optionType === 'call') {
return S * normalCDF(d1) - K * Math.exp(-r * T) * normalCDF(d2);
} else if (optionType === 'put') {
return K * Math.exp(-r * T) * normalCDF(-d2) - S * normalCDF(-d1);
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid option type. Must be "call" or "put".');
} catch (e) {
return `Error: ${e.message}`;
const optionGreeks = (S, K, T, r, sigma, optionType = 'call') => {
try {
const d1 = (Math.log(S / K) + (r + 0.5 * sigma * sigma) * T) / (sigma * Math.sqrt(T));
const d2 = d1 - sigma * Math.sqrt(T);
let delta, gamma, vega, theta, rho;
if (optionType === 'call') {
delta = normalCDF(d1);
gamma = normalPDF(d1) / (S * sigma * Math.sqrt(T));
vega = S * normalPDF(d1) * Math.sqrt(T);
theta = -(S * normalPDF(d1) * sigma) / (2 * Math.sqrt(T)) -
r * K * Math.exp(-r * T) * normalCDF(d2);
rho = K * T * Math.exp(-r * T) * normalCDF(d2);
} else if (optionType === 'put') {
delta = normalCDF(d1) - 1;
gamma = normalPDF(d1) / (S * sigma * Math.sqrt(T));
vega = S * normalPDF(d1) * Math.sqrt(T);
theta = -(S * normalPDF(d1) * sigma) / (2 * Math.sqrt(T)) +
r * K * Math.exp(-r * T) * normalCDF(-d2);
rho = -K * T * Math.exp(-r * T) * normalCDF(-d2);
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid option type. Must be "call" or "put".');
return { delta, gamma, vega, theta, rho };
} catch (e) {
return `Error: ${e.message}`;
// Define additional financial tools
name: 'black_scholes',
description: 'Calculate Black-Scholes option price',
inputSchema: z.object({
S: z.number().describe('Current price of the asset'),
K: z.number().describe('Strike price of the option'),
T: z.number().describe('Time to expiration in years'),
r: z.number().describe('Risk-free interest rate'),
sigma: z.number().describe('Volatility of the asset'),
optionType: z.enum(['call', 'put']).default('call')
.describe('Option type: "call" or "put"')
outputSchema: z.union([z.number(), z.string()]),
async ({ S, K, T, r, sigma, optionType }) => {
return blackScholes(S, K, T, r, sigma, optionType);
name: 'option_greeks',
description: 'Calculate the Greeks for a Black-Scholes option',
inputSchema: z.object({
S: z.number().describe('Current price of the asset'),
K: z.number().describe('Strike price of the option'),
T: z.number().describe('Time to expiration in years'),
r: z.number().describe('Risk-free interest rate'),
sigma: z.number().describe('Volatility of the asset'),
optionType: z.enum(['call', 'put']).default('call')
.describe('Option type: "call" or "put"')
outputSchema: z.union([
delta: z.number(),
gamma: z.number(),
vega: z.number(),
theta: z.number(),
rho: z.number()
async ({ S, K, T, r, sigma, optionType }) => {
return optionGreeks(S, K, T, r, sigma, optionType);
const server = mcpServer(ai, { name: 'genkit_mcp', version: '0.1.0' });
// Log when server starts
console.log('Genkit MCP server started. Waiting for connections...');