MCP HTTP with SSE transport Tools

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Provides support for installing plugins via GitHub repositories, allowing users to input repository addresses and select version numbers to complete installations.

Dify 1.0 Plugin MCP HTTP with SSE transport Tools

Author: Junjie.M
Version: 0.0.4
Type: tool
Github Repo:
Github Issues: issues


Fetch and call tools by MCP protocol through HTTP with SSE transport.

通过 HTTP with SSE 传输使用 MCP 协议来发现和调用工具。

MCP Servers config, support multiple MCP services. The following example:

MCP服务配置,支持多个MCP服务。 如下示例:

{ "server_name1": { "url": "", "headers": {}, "timeout": 5, "sse_read_timeout": 300 }, "server_name2": { "url": "" } }

Managed MCP Servers 托管的MCP服务器

If you want to try MCP but don't know how to deploy SSE transport's MCP Server, can you try connect to composio Managed MCP Servers.

如果你想尝试 MCP,但是不知道如何部署 SSE 传输的 MCP Server,可以尝试连接 composio 托管的 MCP 服务器

Example 示例

Reference Cursor Settings, shown below:

参考 Cursor 设置,如下图:

MCP Servers config, shown below:


{ "tavily": { "url": "" } }

Installing Plugins via GitHub 通过 GitHub 安装插件

Can install the plugin using the GitHub repository address. Visit the Dify platform's plugin management page, choose to install via GitHub, enter the repository address, select version number and package file to complete installation.

可以通过 GitHub 仓库地址安装该插件。访问 Dify 平台的插件管理页,选择通过 GitHub 安装插件,输入仓库地址后,选择版本号和包文件完成安装。


How to Handle Errors When Installing Plugins? 安装插件时遇到异常应如何处理?

Issue: If you encounter the error message: plugin verification has been enabled, and the plugin you want to install has a bad signature, how to handle the issue?

Solution: Add the following line to the end of your .env configuration file: FORCE_VERIFYING_SIGNATURE=false Once this field is added, the Dify platform will allow the installation of all plugins that are not listed (and thus not verified) in the Dify Marketplace.

问题描述:安装插件时遇到异常信息:plugin verification has been enabled, and the plugin you want to install has a bad signature,应该如何处理?

解决办法:在 .env 配置文件的末尾添加 FORCE_VERIFYING_SIGNATURE=false 字段即可解决该问题。 添加该字段后,Dify 平台将允许安装所有未在 Dify Marketplace 上架(审核)的插件,可能存在安全隐患。

security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A plugin that allows Dify to connect to multiple MCP (Model Control Protocol) servers using HTTP with Server-Sent Events transport, supporting custom configurations for URLs, headers, and timeouts.

  1. Description
    1. Managed MCP Servers 托管的MCP服务器
      1. Example 示例
    2. Installing Plugins via GitHub 通过 GitHub 安装插件
      1. FAQ
        1. How to Handle Errors When Installing Plugins? 安装插件时遇到异常应如何处理?