by Cam10001110101
@echo off
REM Script to manage the Ollama Deep Researcher MCP server Docker container on Windows
REM Function to display usage information
echo Usage: %0 [command]
echo Commands:
echo start - Build and start the Docker container
echo stop - Stop the Docker container
echo restart - Restart the Docker container
echo logs - Show logs from the Docker container
echo status - Check the status of the Docker container
echo help - Show this help message
goto :eof
REM Check if Docker is installed
where docker >nul 2>nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 (
echo Error: Docker is not installed or not in PATH
echo Please install Docker from
exit /b 1
where docker-compose >nul 2>nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 (
echo Error: docker-compose is not installed or not in PATH
echo It should be included with Docker Desktop, or you can install it separately
exit /b 1
goto :eof
REM Check if .env file exists, create from example if not
if not exist .env (
if exist .env.example (
echo Creating .env file from .env.example...
copy .env.example .env
echo Please edit .env file to add your API keys
) else (
echo Error: .env.example file not found
exit /b 1
goto :eof
REM Start the Docker container
echo Building and starting the Docker container...
docker-compose up -d
echo Container started. Use '%0 logs' to view logs
goto :eof
REM Stop the Docker container
echo Stopping the Docker container...
docker-compose down
goto :eof
REM Restart the Docker container
echo Restarting the Docker container...
docker-compose restart
goto :eof
REM Show logs from the Docker container
echo Showing logs from the Docker container (Ctrl+C to exit)...
docker-compose logs -f
goto :eof
REM Check the status of the Docker container
echo Checking status of the Docker container...
docker-compose ps
goto :eof
REM Main script logic
call :check_docker
if "%1"=="" (
call :show_usage
exit /b 1
if "%1"=="start" (
call :check_env_file
call :start_container
) else if "%1"=="stop" (
call :stop_container
) else if "%1"=="restart" (
call :restart_container
) else if "%1"=="logs" (
call :show_logs
) else if "%1"=="status" (
call :check_status
) else if "%1"=="help" (
call :show_usage
) else if "%1"=="--help" (
call :show_usage
) else if "%1"=="-h" (
call :show_usage
) else (
echo Unknown command: %1
call :show_usage
exit /b 1
exit /b 0