
by nbbaier
# mcp-turso A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that provides access to the Turso-hosted LibSQL databases. Currently, the server provides the following functionality: - Retrieving a list of tables in a database - Retrieview the database schema - Retrieving the schema of a table - Performing SELECT queries ## Configuration ### With Claude Desktop Add this to your `claude_desktop_config.json`: ```json { "mcpServers": [ "turso": { "command": "npx", "args": ["-y", "mcp-turso"], "env": { "TURSO_DATABASE_URL": "your_url", "TURSO_AUTH_TOKEN": "your_token" } } ] } ``` You will need an existing database to continue. If you don’t have one, [create one]( To get the database URL via the Turso CLI, run: ```bash turso db show --url <database-name> ``` Then get the database authentication token: ```bash turso db tokens create <database-name> ``` Add those values to your configuration as shown above. ### Logging The server includes a custom logger for debugging outside of Claude Desktop. By default, this logger writes to `<parent-dir>/logs/mcp-turso.log`, where `<parent-dir>` is the parent directory of directory containing the `mcp-turso` script. In other words, if the path to `mcp-turso` is `~/foo/bin/mcp-turso`, the logs will be at `~/foo/logs/mcp-turso.log`. If running with NPX as above, the default logs will be: ``` ~/.npm/_npx/<npx-dir-name>/node_modules/mcp-turso/logs/mcp-turso.log ``` If you would like to specify a custom path, you can include a `--logs` flag with an **absolute posix path** in the server's configuration: ```json { "mcpServers": [ "turso": { "command": "npx", "args": ["-y", "mcp-turso", "--logs", "/Users/<username>/path/to/dir/mcp-logs.log"], "env": { "TURSO_DATABASE_URL": "your_url", "TURSO_AUTH_TOKEN": "your_token" } } ] } ``` The path to the log file (default or custom) is always logged to `stderr` when the server is created. For Claude desktop, this will show up in your server logs in `~/Library/Logs/Claude`. _Note_: Right now, I haven't implemented specifying a custom logging file for Windows, but this is coming. ## Server Capabilities The server provides the following tools: - `list_tables` - Get a list of all the tables in the database - No input - Returns: an array of table names - `get_db_schema` - Get the schemas of all tables in the database - No input - Returns: an array of SQL creation statements - `describe_table` - View schema information for a specific table - Input: - `table_name` (string): Name of table to describe - Returns: Array of column definitions with names and types - `query` - Execute a SELECT query to read data from the database - Input: - `query` (string): The SELECT SQL query to execute - Returns: Query results as an object of type `{ columns: string[]; rows: Record<string, unknown>[]; rowCount: number; }` ## Todo - [ ] Add the ability to specify a custom log file on windows - [ ] Add more query tools ## License MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.