Twitter MCP Server

Server Configuration

Describes the environment variables required to run the server.

X_API_KEYYesYour Twitter API key
X_API_SECRETYesYour Twitter API secret
X_ACCESS_TOKENYesYour Twitter access token
X_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRETYesYour Twitter access token secret



Interactive templates invoked by user choice


No prompts


Contextual data attached and managed by the client


No resources


Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions

postTweetPost a tweet to Twitter
postTweetWithMediaPost a tweet with media attachment to Twitter
likeTweetLike a tweet by its ID
unlikeTweetUnlike a previously liked tweet
getLikedTweetsGet a list of tweets liked by a user
searchTweetsSearch for tweets using a query string
replyToTweetReply to a tweet
getUserTimelineGet recent tweets from a user timeline
getTweetByIdGet a tweet by its ID
getUserInfoGet information about a Twitter user
getTweetsByIdsGet multiple tweets by their IDs
retweetRetweet a tweet by its ID
undoRetweetUndo a retweet by its ID
getRetweetsGet a list of retweets of a tweet
followUserFollow a user by their username
unfollowUserUnfollow a user by their username
getFollowersGet followers of a user
getFollowingGet a list of users that a user is following
createListCreate a new Twitter list
addUserToListAdd a user to a Twitter list
removeUserFromListRemove a user from a Twitter list
getListMembersGet members of a Twitter list
getUserListsGet lists owned by a user
getHashtagAnalyticsGet analytics for a specific hashtag
deleteTweetDelete a tweet by its ID