Twitter MCP Server
Server Configuration
Describes the environment variables required to run the server.
Name | Required | Description | Default |
X_API_KEY | Yes | Your Twitter API key | |
X_API_SECRET | Yes | Your Twitter API secret | |
X_ACCESS_TOKEN | Yes | Your Twitter access token | |
X_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET | Yes | Your Twitter access token secret |
Interactive templates invoked by user choice
Name | Description |
No prompts |
Contextual data attached and managed by the client
Name | Description |
No resources |
Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions
Name | Description |
postTweet | Post a tweet to Twitter |
postTweetWithMedia | Post a tweet with media attachment to Twitter |
likeTweet | Like a tweet by its ID |
unlikeTweet | Unlike a previously liked tweet |
getLikedTweets | Get a list of tweets liked by a user |
searchTweets | Search for tweets using a query string |
replyToTweet | Reply to a tweet |
getUserTimeline | Get recent tweets from a user timeline |
getTweetById | Get a tweet by its ID |
getUserInfo | Get information about a Twitter user |
getTweetsByIds | Get multiple tweets by their IDs |
retweet | Retweet a tweet by its ID |
undoRetweet | Undo a retweet by its ID |
getRetweets | Get a list of retweets of a tweet |
followUser | Follow a user by their username |
unfollowUser | Unfollow a user by their username |
getFollowers | Get followers of a user |
getFollowing | Get a list of users that a user is following |
createList | Create a new Twitter list |
addUserToList | Add a user to a Twitter list |
removeUserFromList | Remove a user from a Twitter list |
getListMembers | Get members of a Twitter list |
getUserLists | Get lists owned by a user |
getHashtagAnalytics | Get analytics for a specific hashtag |
deleteTweet | Delete a tweet by its ID |