Gemini Thinking Server
#!/usr/bin/env node
import { Client } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/client/index.js";
import { StdioClientTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/client/stdio.js";
import { spawn } from "child_process";
// Example query
const exampleQuery = "What are the key considerations for designing a sustainable urban transportation system?";
// Example approach
const exampleApproach = "Consider environmental impact, economic feasibility, and social accessibility.";
async function runClient() {
try {
// Start the Gemini Thinking Server as a child process
console.log("Starting Gemini Thinking Server...");
const serverProcess = spawn("node", ["dist/index.js"], {
stdio: ["pipe", "inherit", "inherit"],
env: { ...process.env }
// Create a client connected to the server via stdio
const transport = new StdioClientTransport(serverProcess.stdin);
const client = new Client();
await client.connect(transport);
console.log("Connected to Gemini Thinking Server");
console.log(`\nExample Query: "${exampleQuery}"`);
console.log(`Example Approach: "${exampleApproach}"`);
// Initialize thought tracking
let thoughtNumber = 1;
let nextThoughtNeeded = true;
const previousThoughts = [];
const totalThoughts = 3;
// Process thoughts sequentially
while (nextThoughtNeeded && thoughtNumber <= totalThoughts) {
console.log(`\nGenerating thought ${thoughtNumber}/${totalThoughts}...`);
// Prepare the arguments for the geminithinking tool
const args = {
query: exampleQuery,
approach: exampleApproach,
nextThoughtNeeded: true,
// Call the geminithinking tool
const result = await client.callTool("geminithinking", args);
// Parse the response
const response = JSON.parse(result.content[0].text);
// Store the thought for future reference
if (response.thought) {
console.log(`\nThought ${thoughtNumber}:\n${response.thought}`);
// Display meta information if available
if (response.metaComments) {
console.log(`\nMeta Comments: ${response.metaComments}`);
if (response.confidenceLevel) {
console.log(`Confidence: ${response.confidenceLevel * 100}%`);
if (response.alternativePaths && response.alternativePaths.length > 0) {
console.log("\nAlternative Paths:");
response.alternativePaths.forEach((path, index) => {
console.log(` ${index + 1}. ${path}`);
// Update tracking variables
thoughtNumber = response.thoughtNumber + 1;
nextThoughtNeeded = response.nextThoughtNeeded;
// Pause between thoughts
if (nextThoughtNeeded && thoughtNumber <= totalThoughts) {
console.log("\nPress Enter to continue to the next thought...");
await new Promise(resolve => {
process.stdin.once('data', () => resolve());
console.log("\nAnalysis completed!");
// Clean up
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);
// Run the client