MCP Command Server
import pytest
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
import subprocess
import asyncio
from mcp_command_server.terminal.terminal_interface import TerminalInterface, TerminalError, CommandTimeoutError
def terminal():
"""Create a TerminalInterface instance for testing"""
return TerminalInterface()
class TestTerminalInterface:
async def test_execute_command_success(self, terminal):
"""Test successful command execution with output capture"""
result = await terminal.execute("echo 'test'")
assert result.stdout.strip() == "test"
assert result.returncode == 0
assert result.stderr == ""
async def test_execute_command_with_error(self, terminal):
"""Test command execution that results in error"""
with pytest.raises(TerminalError) as exc_info:
await terminal.execute("nonexistent_command")
assert "Command execution failed" in str(exc_info.value)
async def test_command_timeout(self, terminal):
"""Test command execution timeout"""
with pytest.raises(CommandTimeoutError):
await terminal.execute("sleep 10", timeout=0.1)
async def test_command_output_streaming(self, terminal):
"""Test streaming output capture from long-running command"""
output_lines = []
async for line in terminal.execute_streaming("for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i; sleep 0.1; done"):
assert output_lines == ["1", "2", "3"]
async def test_process_termination(self, terminal):
"""Test proper process termination"""
process = await terminal.execute("echo 'test'")
assert process.returncode == 0
# Ensure process resources are cleaned up
with pytest.raises(TerminalError):
process.kill() # Should raise error as process already terminated
async def test_environment_variables(self, terminal):
"""Test command execution with custom environment variables"""
env = {"TEST_VAR": "test_value"}
result = await terminal.execute("echo $TEST_VAR", env=env)
assert result.stdout.strip() == "test_value"
async def test_working_directory(self, terminal, tmp_path):
"""Test command execution in specific working directory"""
result = await terminal.execute("pwd", cwd=str(tmp_path))
assert result.stdout.strip() == str(tmp_path)
async def test_handle_large_output(self, terminal):
"""Test handling of commands with large output"""
large_output = "echo " + "x" * 1024 * 1024 # 1MB of output
result = await terminal.execute(large_output)
assert len(result.stdout) == 1024 * 1024 + 1 # +1 for newline
async def test_concurrent_execution(self, terminal):
"""Test concurrent command execution"""
commands = ["sleep 0.1; echo 1", "sleep 0.2; echo 2", "sleep 0.3; echo 3"]
tasks = [terminal.execute(cmd) for cmd in commands]
results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
outputs = [r.stdout.strip() for r in results]
assert outputs == ["1", "2", "3"]