Hive MCP Server

by gluneau
# Smithery configuration file: startCommand: type: stdio configSchema: # JSON Schema defining the configuration options for the MCP. type: object required: [] properties: hiveUsername: type: string description: Hive blockchain username. Required for authenticated operations. hivePostingKey: type: string description: Hive posting private key. Required for content operations like voting or posting. hiveActiveKey: type: string description: Hive active private key. Required for token transfers. hiveMemoKey: type: string description: Hive memo private key. Required for encrypted memos. commandFunction: # A JS function that produces the CLI command based on the given config to start the MCP on stdio. |- (config) => ({ command: 'node', args: ['dist/index.js'], env: { HIVE_USERNAME: config.hiveUsername || '', HIVE_POSTING_KEY: config.hivePostingKey || '', HIVE_ACTIVE_KEY: config.hiveActiveKey || '', HIVE_MEMO_KEY: config.hiveMemoKey || '' } }) exampleConfig: hiveUsername: example-user hivePostingKey: 5KEXAMPLEPOSTINGKEYxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx hiveActiveKey: 5KEXAMPLEACTIVEKEYxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx hiveMemoKey: 5KEXAMPLEMEMOKEYxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx