Hive MCP Server
by gluneau
# Hive MCP Server
An MCP server that enables AI assistants to interact with the Hive blockchain through the Model Context Protocol.
## Overview
This server provides a bridge between AI assistants (like Claude) and the Hive blockchain, allowing AI models to:
- Fetch account information and history
- Retrieve blog posts and discussions
- Get posts by tag or user
- Vote on content and create posts (when properly authenticated)
- Send HIVE or HBD tokens to other accounts
- Sign and verify messages with Hive keys
- Send and receive encrypted messages
## Features
### Tools
#### Reading Data
- `get_account_info` - Get detailed information about a Hive blockchain account
- `get_post_content` - Retrieve a specific post by author and permlink
- `get_posts_by_tag` - Retrieve posts by tag and category (trending, hot, etc.)
- `get_posts_by_user` - Fetch posts from a specific user or their feed
- `get_account_history` - Get transaction history for an account with optional operation filtering
- `get_chain_properties` - Fetch current Hive blockchain properties and statistics
- `get_vesting_delegations` - Get a list of vesting delegations made by a specific account
#### Blockchain Interactions (Require Authentication)
- `vote_on_post` - Vote on Hive content (requires posting key)
- `create_post` - Create new blog posts on the Hive blockchain (requires posting key)
- `create_comment` - Comment on existing posts or reply to comments (requires posting key)
- `send_token` - Send HIVE or HBD cryptocurrency to other accounts (requires active key)
#### Cryptography
- `sign_message` - Sign a message using a Hive private key
- `verify_signature` - Verify a message signature against a Hive public key
#### Encrypted Messaging
- `encrypt_message` - Encrypt a message for a specific Hive account
- `decrypt_message` - Decrypt an encrypted message from a specific Hive account
- `send_encrypted_message` - Send an encrypted message using a token transfer
- `get_encrypted_messages` - Retrieve and optionally decrypt messages from account history
## Debugging with MCP Inspector
The MCP Inspector provides an interactive interface for testing and debugging the server:
npx @modelcontextprotocol/inspector npx @gluneau/hive-mcp-server
### Authentication Configuration
To enable authenticated operations (voting, posting, sending tokens), you'll need to set environment variables:
export HIVE_USERNAME=your-hive-username
export HIVE_POSTING_KEY=your-hive-posting-private-key # For content operations
export HIVE_ACTIVE_KEY=your-hive-active-private-key # For token transfers
export HIVE_MEMO_KEY=your-hive-memo-private-key # For encrypted messaging
**Security Note**: Never share your private keys or commit them to version control. Use environment variables or a secure configuration approach.
## Integration with AI Assistants
### Claude Desktop
To use this server with Claude Desktop:
1. Ensure you have [Claude Desktop]( installed
2. Open or create the Claude configuration file:
- macOS: `~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json`
- Windows: `%APPDATA%\Claude\claude_desktop_config.json`
3. Add this server to your configuration:
"mcpServers": {
"hive": {
"command": "npx",
"args": ["-y", "@gluneau/hive-mcp-server"],
"env": {
"HIVE_USERNAME": "your-hive-username",
"HIVE_POSTING_KEY": "your-hive-posting-private-key",
"HIVE_ACTIVE_KEY": "your-hive-active-private-key",
"HIVE_MEMO_KEY": "your-hive-memo-private-key"
### Windsurf and Cursor
The same JSON configuration works for Windsurf (in `windsurf_config.json`) and Cursor (in `cursor_config.json`).
## Examples
Once connected to an MCP client, you can ask questions like:
- "What are the trending posts in the #photography tag on Hive?"
- "Show me the recent posts from username 'alice'"
- "What's the account balance and details for 'bob'?"
- "Get the transaction history for 'charlie'"
- "Can you upvote the post by 'dave' with permlink 'my-awesome-post'?"
- "Create a new post on Hive about AI technology"
- "Send 1 HIVE to user 'frank' with the memo 'Thanks for your help!'"
- "Sign this message with my Hive posting key: 'Verifying my identity'"
- "What are the current Hive blockchain properties?"
- "Show me the vesting delegations made by user 'grace'"
- "Encrypt this message for user 'alice': 'This is a secret message'"
- "Decrypt this message from 'bob': '#4f3a5b...'"
- "Send an encrypted message to 'charlie' saying 'Let's meet tomorrow'"
- "Show me my encrypted messages and decrypt them"
- "Get the last 10 encrypted messages I've exchanged with 'dave'"
## Tool Documentation
### `get_account_info`
Fetches detailed information about a Hive blockchain account including balance, authority, voting power, and other metrics.
- Parameters:
- `username`: Hive username to fetch information for
### `get_post_content`
Retrieves a specific Hive blog post identified by author and permlink.
- Parameters:
- `author`: Author of the post
- `permlink`: Permlink of the post
### `get_posts_by_tag`
Retrieves Hive posts filtered by a specific tag and sorted by a category.
- Parameters:
- `category`: Sorting category (trending, hot, created, etc.)
- `tag`: The tag to filter posts by
- `limit`: Number of posts to return (1-20)
### `get_posts_by_user`
Retrieves posts authored by or in the feed of a specific Hive user.
- Parameters:
- `category`: Type of user posts to fetch (blog or feed)
- `username`: Hive username to fetch posts for
- `limit`: Number of posts to return (1-20)
### `get_account_history`
Retrieves transaction history for a Hive account with optional operation type filtering.
- Parameters:
- `username`: Hive username
- `limit`: Number of operations to return
- `operation_filter`: Optional list of operation types to filter for
### `get_chain_properties`
Fetch current Hive blockchain properties and statistics.
- Parameters: None
### `get_vesting_delegations`
Get a list of vesting delegations made by a specific Hive account.
- Parameters:
- `username`: Hive account to get delegations for
- `limit`: Maximum number of delegations to retrieve
- `from`: Optional starting account for pagination
### `vote_on_post`
Vote on a Hive post (upvote or downvote) using the configured Hive account.
- Parameters:
- `author`: Author of the post to vote on
- `permlink`: Permlink of the post to vote on
- `weight`: Vote weight from -10000 (100% downvote) to 10000 (100% upvote)
### `create_post`
Create a new blog post on the Hive blockchain using the configured account.
- Parameters:
- `title`: Title of the blog post
- `body`: Content of the blog post (Markdown supported)
- `tags`: Tags for the post
- Various optional parameters for rewards, beneficiaries, etc.
### `create_comment`
Create a comment on an existing Hive post or reply to another comment.
- Parameters:
- `parent_author`: Username of the post author or comment you're replying to
- `parent_permlink`: Permlink of the post or comment you're replying to
- `body`: Content of the comment (Markdown supported)
- Various optional parameters for rewards, beneficiaries, etc.
### `send_token`
Send HIVE or HBD tokens to another Hive account using the configured account.
- Parameters:
- `to`: Recipient Hive username
- `amount`: Amount of tokens to send
- `currency`: Currency to send (HIVE or HBD)
- `memo`: Optional memo to include with the transaction
### `sign_message`
Sign a message using a Hive private key from environment variables.
- Parameters:
- `message`: Message to sign
- `key_type`: Type of key to use (posting, active, or memo)
### `verify_signature`
Verify a digital signature against a Hive public key.
- Parameters:
- `message_hash`: The SHA-256 hash of the message in hex format
- `signature`: Signature string to verify
- `public_key`: Public key to verify against
### `encrypt_message`
Encrypt a message for a specific Hive account using memo encryption.
- Parameters:
- `message`: Message to encrypt
- `recipient`: Hive username of the recipient
### `decrypt_message`
Decrypt an encrypted message received from a specific Hive account.
- Parameters:
- `encrypted_message`: Encrypted message (starts with #)
- `sender`: Hive username of the sender
### `send_encrypted_message`
Send an encrypted message to a Hive account using a small token transfer.
- Parameters:
- `message`: Message to encrypt and send
- `recipient`: Hive username of the recipient
- `amount`: Amount of HIVE to send (minimum 0.001, default: 0.001)
### `get_encrypted_messages`
Retrieve encrypted messages from account history with optional decryption.
- Parameters:
- `username`: Hive username to fetch encrypted messages for
- `limit`: Maximum number of messages to retrieve (default: 20)
- `decrypt`: Whether to attempt decryption of messages (default: false)
## Development
### Project Structure
- `src/index.ts` - Main server implementation
- `src/tools/` - Implementation of all tools
- `src/schemas/` - Zod schemas for tool parameters
### Dependencies
- [@hiveio/dhive]( - Hive blockchain client
- [@modelcontextprotocol/sdk]( - MCP SDK
- [zod]( - Schema validation
## License
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
See the []( file for more detailed contribution guidelines.