Hive MCP Server
by gluneau
# Contributing to Hive MCP Server
Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Hive MCP Server! This document provides guidelines and instructions for contributing to this project.
## Code of Conduct
Please be respectful and considerate of others when contributing to this project. We strive to maintain a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone.
## Getting Started
1. Fork the repository on GitHub
2. Clone your fork locally
3. Install dependencies with `npm install`
4. Create a new branch for your changes
5. Make your changes
6. Test your changes using the MCP Inspector (`npm run inspector`)
7. Commit and push your changes to your fork
8. Submit a pull request
## Development Guidelines
### Coding Standards
- Use TypeScript for all new code
- Follow the existing code style in the repository
- Use meaningful variable and function names
- Add comments for complex logic
### MCP Best Practices
- Follow the [Model Context Protocol specification](
- Use appropriate error handling in all tools and resources
- Include proper input validation using Zod schemas
- Provide clear and helpful error messages
### Testing
- Test all new features manually using the MCP Inspector
- Ensure your changes don't break existing functionality
### Pull Requests
- Keep pull requests focused on a single change
- Provide a clear description of the changes and their purpose
- Reference any related issues
- Update documentation as needed
### Commit Messages
Follow the [Conventional Commits]( format:
feat: add new tool for finding posts by keyword
fix: correct error handling in account history tool
docs: update README with new examples
test: add tests for voting functionality
## Adding New Features
### New Tools
When adding a new tool:
1. Define a descriptive name and purpose
2. Create a Zod schema for input validation
3. Implement the core functionality
4. Handle errors appropriately
5. Update documentation to reflect the new tool
### New Resources
When adding a new resource:
1. Define a clear URI template
2. Implement the resource handler
3. Ensure proper error handling
4. Document the new resource in the README
## License
By contributing to this project, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the project's ISC license.