
by seanivore
  • md_pdf_mcp
"""Core PDF conversion functionality for markdown to PDF conversion.""" import os import tempfile import urllib.request import urllib.error from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional, Dict from urllib.parse import urlparse import markdown from xml.etree import ElementTree from PIL import Image as PILImage from reportlab.platypus import SimpleDocTemplate, Paragraph, Spacer, Image, Table from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4 from reportlab.lib.units import inch from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle from .vscode_styles import get_vscode_stylesheet, em_to_pt, THEME_COLORS from markdown.extensions import fenced_code, codehilite, attr_list, tables, toc, extra class MDPDFError(Exception): """Base exception for MD-PDF-MCP""" pass class InvalidMarkdownError(MDPDFError): """Raised when markdown cannot be parsed""" pass class PDFGenerationError(MDPDFError): """Raised when PDF generation fails""" pass class ImageError(MDPDFError): """Raised when image processing fails""" pass def is_url(path: str) -> bool: """Check if a path is a URL.""" try: result = urlparse(path) return all([result.scheme, result.netloc]) except ValueError: return False def download_image(url: str, temp_dir: str) -> str: """Download an image to a temporary file.""" try: filename = os.path.join(temp_dir, os.path.basename(url)) urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename) return filename except (urllib.error.URLError, OSError) as e: raise ImageError(f"Failed to download image {url}: {str(e)}") def get_image_size(image_path: str, max_width: float) -> tuple[float, float]: """Calculate image dimensions constrained to max width.""" try: with as img: orig_width, orig_height = img.size if orig_width <= max_width: return orig_width, orig_height scale_factor = max_width / orig_width new_height = orig_height * scale_factor return max_width, new_height except Exception as e: raise ImageError(f"Failed to process image {image_path}: {str(e)}") def process_inline_text(element) -> str: """Process inline text formatting (bold, italic, etc.)""" if element.text is None: element.text = '' text = element.text for child in element: if child.text: if child.tag == 'strong' or child.tag == 'b': text += f'<b>{child.text}</b>' elif child.tag == 'em' or child.tag == 'i': text += f'<i>{child.text}</i>' else: text += child.text for nested in child: if nested.text: if nested.tag == 'strong' or nested.tag == 'b': text += f'<b>{nested.text}</b>' elif nested.tag == 'em' or nested.tag == 'i': text += f'<i>{nested.text}</i>' else: text += nested.text if nested.tail: text += nested.tail if child.tail: text += child.tail return text.strip() def validate_markdown(text: str) -> None: """Validate markdown syntax.""" stack = [] for i, char in enumerate(text): if char in '[(': stack.append((char, i)) elif char in '])': if not stack: raise InvalidMarkdownError(f"Unmatched closing bracket at position {i}") last_char, _ = stack.pop() if (char == ']' and last_char != '[') or (char == ')' and last_char != '('): raise InvalidMarkdownError(f"Mismatched brackets at position {i}") if stack: pos = stack[-1][1] raise InvalidMarkdownError(f"Unclosed bracket at position {pos}") def convert_markdown_to_pdf( markdown_text: str, output_path: str, theme: str = 'light', progress_callback: Optional[callable] = None ) -> bool: """Convert markdown to PDF using VS Code styling.""" try: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: if progress_callback: progress_callback(0, "Starting conversion...") # Handle empty content if not markdown_text.strip(): doc = SimpleDocTemplate( output_path, pagesize=A4, rightMargin=72, leftMargin=72, topMargin=72, bottomMargin=72 )[]) return True # Split content but preserve header and signature newlines lines = markdown_text.split('\n') processed_lines = [] in_header = True in_signature = False for line in lines: if line.strip() == '': processed_lines.append('') # Keep empty lines if len(processed_lines) > 4: # After title, role, blank line, and date in_header = False elif in_header: processed_lines.append(line) # Keep header lines as-is elif 'Hope to hear from you soon' in line: # Start of signature in_signature = True processed_lines.append(line) elif in_signature: processed_lines.append(line) # Preserve signature line breaks else: processed_lines.append(line.rstrip()) # Outside header/signature, replace single newlines processed_text = '\n'.join(processed_lines) # Validate markdown syntax validate_markdown(processed_text) try: # Parse markdown to HTML with extensions html = markdown.markdown( processed_text, extensions=[ 'fenced_code', 'codehilite', 'attr_list', 'tables', 'toc', 'extra', ], output_format='xhtml' ) except Exception as e: raise InvalidMarkdownError(f"Failed to parse markdown: {str(e)}") if progress_callback: progress_callback(25, "Markdown parsed...") # Create PDF document with styles doc = SimpleDocTemplate( output_path, pagesize=A4, rightMargin=72, leftMargin=72, topMargin=72, bottomMargin=72 ) page_width = A4[0] - 144 # Width minus margins styles = get_vscode_stylesheet(theme) if progress_callback: progress_callback(50, "Styles applied...") # Convert HTML to flowables elements = [] try: root = ElementTree.fromstring(f"<root>{html}</root>") except ElementTree.ParseError as e: raise InvalidMarkdownError(f"Generated HTML is invalid: {str(e)}") # Track document sections in_header = False in_signature = False last_was_heading = False for element in root.iter(): if element.tag == 'root': continue if element.tag in ('h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'): text = process_inline_text(element) style = f'Heading{element.tag[1]}' elements.append(Paragraph(text, styles[style])) # Update section tracking if element.tag == 'h1': in_header = True else: in_header = False last_was_heading = True elif element.tag == 'p': text = process_inline_text(element) # Check for signature section if 'Hope to hear from you soon' in text: in_signature = True # Use special styles for different sections if in_header: if 'ITALICS' in text: # Date line text = text.replace('ITALICS', '').strip() elements.append(Paragraph(text, styles['Heading3'])) else: # Role line elements.append(Paragraph(text, styles['Heading2'])) if last_was_heading: elements.append(Spacer(1, em_to_pt(0.3))) elif in_signature: # Split signature into lines and add each as separate paragraph sig_lines = text.split('\n') for line in sig_lines: if line.strip(): elements.append(Paragraph(line.strip(), styles['Signature'])) else: elements.append(Paragraph(text, styles['Body'])) last_was_heading = False elif element.tag == 'ul': list_items = [] for li in element.findall('li'): text = process_inline_text(li) if text.strip(): list_items.append(Paragraph('• ' + text.strip(), styles['ListItem'])) # Add all list items elements.extend(list_items) # Add space after the whole list if list_items: # Only add space if list wasn't empty elements.append(Spacer(1, em_to_pt(0.8))) last_was_heading = False elif element.tag == 'pre': # Handle code blocks properly code = element.find('code') if code is not None: # Get the code text text = code.text.strip('`') if code.text else '' # Split into lines and process each line lines = text.split('\n') processed_lines = [] for line in lines: line = line.rstrip() # Remove trailing whitespace if line.lstrip().startswith('#'): # Python comment processed_lines.append(Paragraph(line, styles['CodeComment'])) else: processed_lines.append(Paragraph(line, styles['Pre'])) elements.extend(processed_lines) else: text = element.text.strip('`') if element.text else '' elements.append(Paragraph(text, styles['Pre'])) last_was_heading = False elif element.tag == 'img': src = element.get('src') if not src: continue # Handle remote images if is_url(src): try: src = download_image(src, temp_dir) except ImageError as e: print(f"Warning: Failed to download image {src}: {e}") continue # Calculate image size try: width, height = get_image_size(src, page_width) image = Image(src, width=width, height=height) elements.append(image) except ImageError as e: print(f"Warning: Failed to process image {src}: {e}") continue last_was_heading = False if progress_callback: progress_callback(75, "Content processed...") # Generate PDF if progress_callback: progress_callback(100, "PDF generated successfully!") return True except Exception as e: raise PDFGenerationError(f"Failed to generate PDF: {str(e)}")