Server Configuration
Describes the environment variables required to run the server.
Name | Required | Description | Default |
SAP_URL | Yes | The URL of your SAP server (e.g., https://your-sap-server.com:44300) | |
SAP_USER | Yes | Your SAP username | |
SAP_CLIENT | No | Your SAP client (optional but recommended) | |
SAP_LANGUAGE | No | Your SAP language (optional but recommended) | |
SAP_PASSWORD | Yes | Your SAP password | |
NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED | No | Set to '0' if using self-signed certificates |
Interactive templates invoked by user choice
Name | Description |
No prompts |
Contextual data attached and managed by the client
Name | Description |
No resources |
Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions
Name | Description |
login | Authenticate with ABAP system |
logout | Terminate ABAP session |
dropSession | Clear local session cache |
transportInfo | Get transport information for an object source |
createTransport | Create a new transport request |
hasTransportConfig | Check if transport configuration exists |
transportConfigurations | Retrieves transport configurations. |
getTransportConfiguration | Retrieves a specific transport configuration. |
setTransportsConfig | Sets transport configurations. |
createTransportsConfig | Creates transport configurations. |
userTransports | Retrieves transports for a user. |
transportsByConfig | Retrieves transports by configuration. |
transportDelete | Deletes a transport. |
transportRelease | Releases a transport. |
transportSetOwner | Sets the owner of a transport. |
transportAddUser | Adds a user to a transport. |
systemUsers | Retrieves a list of system users. |
transportReference | Retrieves a transport reference. |
objectStructure | Get object structure details |
searchObject | Search for objects |
findObjectPath | Find path for an object |
objectTypes | Retrieves object types. |
reentranceTicket | Retrieves a reentrance ticket. |
classIncludes | Get class includes structure |
classComponents | List class components |
createTestInclude | Create test include for class |
syntaxCheckCode | Perform ABAP syntax check with source code |
syntaxCheckCdsUrl | Perform ABAP syntax check with CDS URL |
codeCompletion | Get code completion suggestions |
findDefinition | Find symbol definition |
usageReferences | Find symbol references |
syntaxCheckTypes | Retrieves syntax check types. |
codeCompletionFull | Performs full code completion. |
runClass | Runs a class. |
codeCompletionElement | Retrieves code completion element information. |
usageReferenceSnippets | Retrieves usage reference snippets. |
fixProposals | Retrieves fix proposals. |
fixEdits | Applies fix edits. |
fragmentMappings | Retrieves fragment mappings. |
abapDocumentation | Retrieves ABAP documentation. |
lock | Lock an object |
unLock | Unlock an object |
getObjectSource | Retrieves source code for ABAP objects |
setObjectSource | Sets source code for ABAP objects |
deleteObject | Deletes an ABAP object from the system |
activateObjects | Activate ABAP objects using object references |
activateByName | Activate an ABAP object using name and URL |
inactiveObjects | Get list of inactive objects |
objectRegistrationInfo | Get registration information for an ABAP object |
validateNewObject | Validate parameters for a new ABAP object |
createObject | Create a new ABAP object |
nodeContents | Retrieves the contents of a node in the ABAP repository tree. |
mainPrograms | Retrieves the main programs for a given include. |
featureDetails | Retrieves details for a given feature. |
collectionFeatureDetails | Retrieves details for a given collection feature. |
findCollectionByUrl | Finds a collection by its URL. |
loadTypes | Loads object types. |
adtDiscovery | Performs ADT discovery. |
adtCoreDiscovery | Performs ADT core discovery. |
adtCompatibiliyGraph | Retrieves the ADT compatibility graph. |
unitTestRun | Runs unit tests. |
unitTestEvaluation | Evaluates unit test results. |
unitTestOccurrenceMarkers | Retrieves unit test occurrence markers. |
createTestInclude | Creates a test include for a class. |
prettyPrinterSetting | Retrieves the pretty printer settings. |
setPrettyPrinterSetting | Sets the pretty printer settings. |
prettyPrinter | Formats ABAP code using the pretty printer. |
gitRepos | Retrieves a list of Git repositories. |
gitExternalRepoInfo | Retrieves information about an external Git repository. |
gitCreateRepo | Creates a new Git repository. |
gitPullRepo | Pulls changes from a Git repository. |
gitUnlinkRepo | Unlinks a Git repository. |
stageRepo | Stages changes in a Git repository. |
pushRepo | Pushes changes to a Git repository. |
checkRepo | Checks a Git repository. |
remoteRepoInfo | Retrieves information about a remote Git repository. |
switchRepoBranch | Switches the branch of a Git repository. |
annotationDefinitions | Retrieves annotation definitions. |
ddicElement | Retrieves information about a DDIC element. |
ddicRepositoryAccess | Accesses the DDIC repository. |
packageSearchHelp | Performs a package search help. |
publishServiceBinding | Publishes a service binding. |
unPublishServiceBinding | Unpublishes a service binding. |
bindingDetails | Retrieves details of a service binding. |
tableContents | Retrieves the contents of an ABAP table. |
runQuery | Runs a SQL query on the target system. |
feeds | Retrieves a list of feeds. |
dumps | Retrieves a list of dumps. |
debuggerListeners | Retrieves a list of debugger listeners. |
debuggerListen | Listens for debugging events. |
debuggerDeleteListener | Stops a debug listener. |
debuggerSetBreakpoints | Sets breakpoints. |
debuggerDeleteBreakpoints | Deletes breakpoints. |
debuggerAttach | Attaches the debugger. |
debuggerSaveSettings | Saves debugger settings. |
debuggerStackTrace | Retrieves the debugger stack trace. |
debuggerVariables | Retrieves debugger variables. |
debuggerChildVariables | Retrieves child variables of a debugger variable. |
debuggerStep | Performs a debugger step. |
debuggerGoToStack | Navigates to a specific stack entry in the debugger. |
debuggerSetVariableValue | Sets the value of a debugger variable. |
renameEvaluate | Evaluates a rename refactoring. |
renamePreview | Previews a rename refactoring. |
renameExecute | Executes a rename refactoring. |
atcCustomizing | Retrieves ATC customizing information. |
atcCheckVariant | Retrieves information about an ATC check variant. |
createAtcRun | Creates an ATC run. |
atcWorklists | Retrieves ATC worklists. |
atcUsers | Retrieves a list of ATC users. |
atcExemptProposal | Retrieves an ATC exemption proposal. |
atcRequestExemption | Requests an ATC exemption. |
isProposalMessage | Checks if a given object is a proposal message. |
atcContactUri | Retrieves the contact URI for an ATC finding. |
atcChangeContact | Changes the contact for an ATC finding. |
tracesList | Retrieves a list of traces. |
tracesListRequests | Retrieves a list of trace requests. |
tracesHitList | Retrieves the hit list for a trace. |
tracesDbAccess | Retrieves database access information for a trace. |
tracesStatements | Retrieves statements for a trace. |
tracesSetParameters | Sets trace parameters. |
tracesCreateConfiguration | Creates a trace configuration. |
tracesDeleteConfiguration | Deletes a trace configuration. |
tracesDelete | Deletes a trace. |
extractMethodEvaluate | Evaluates an extract method refactoring. |
extractMethodPreview | Previews an extract method refactoring. |
extractMethodExecute | Executes an extract method refactoring. |
revisions | Retrieves revisions for an object. |
healthcheck | Check server health and connectivity |