OpenAI MCP Server

#!/bin/bash # Installation script for Claude Code Python Edition # Set up colors GREEN='\033[0;32m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' RED='\033[0;31m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color echo -e "${GREEN}Installing Claude Code Python Edition...${NC}" # Check Python version python_version=$(python3 --version 2>&1 | awk '{print $2}') echo -e "${YELLOW}Detected Python version: ${python_version}${NC}" # Check if Python version is at least 3.10 if [[ $(echo "${python_version}" | cut -d. -f1,2 | sed 's/\.//') -lt 310 ]]; then echo -e "${RED}Error: Python 3.10 or higher is required.${NC}" exit 1 fi # Create virtual environment if it doesn't exist if [ ! -d "venv" ]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}Creating virtual environment...${NC}" python3 -m venv venv if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${RED}Error creating virtual environment.${NC}" exit 1 fi else echo -e "${YELLOW}Using existing virtual environment.${NC}" fi # Activate virtual environment echo -e "${YELLOW}Activating virtual environment...${NC}" source venv/bin/activate if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${RED}Error activating virtual environment.${NC}" exit 1 fi # Install dependencies echo -e "${YELLOW}Installing dependencies...${NC}" pip install -r requirements.txt if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${RED}Error installing dependencies.${NC}" exit 1 fi # Install in development mode echo -e "${YELLOW}Installing Claude Code in development mode...${NC}" pip install -e . if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${RED}Error installing package.${NC}" exit 1 fi # Create .env file if it doesn't exist if [ ! -f ".env" ]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}Creating .env file...${NC}" cat > .env << EOF # API Keys (uncomment and add your keys) # OPENAI_API_KEY=your_openai_api_key # ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=your_anthropic_api_key # Models (optional) # OPENAI_MODEL=gpt-4o # ANTHROPIC_MODEL=claude-3-opus-20240229 # Budget limit in dollars (optional) # BUDGET_LIMIT=5.0 EOF echo -e "${YELLOW}Created .env file. Please edit it to add your API keys.${NC}" else echo -e "${YELLOW}.env file already exists. Skipping creation.${NC}" fi # Create if it doesn't exist if [ ! -f "" ]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}Creating${NC}" cat > << EOF from setuptools import setup, find_packages setup( name="claude_code", version="0.1.0", packages=find_packages(), install_requires=[ line.strip() for line in open("requirements.txt", "r").readlines() ], entry_points={ "console_scripts": [ "claude-code=claude_code.claude:app", ], }, ) EOF echo -e "${YELLOW}Created file.${NC}" else echo -e "${YELLOW} file already exists. Skipping creation.${NC}" fi echo -e "${GREEN}Installation complete!${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}To activate the virtual environment, run:${NC}" echo -e " source venv/bin/activate" echo -e "${YELLOW}To run Claude Code, use:${NC}" echo -e " claude-code" echo -e "${YELLOW}Or:${NC}" echo -e " python -m claude_code.claude" echo -e "${GREEN}Enjoy using Claude Code Python Edition!${NC}"