OpenAI MCP Server

#!/usr/bin/env python3 # claude_code/lib/tools/ """Tool execution manager.""" import logging import time import json import uuid import os from typing import Dict, List, Any, Optional, Callable, Union, Sequence import concurrent.futures from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, Future from .base import Tool, ToolResult, ToolRegistry, Routine, RoutineStep, RoutineDefinition logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RoutineExecutionManager: """Manages the execution of tool routines.""" def __init__(self, registry: ToolRegistry, execution_manager: 'ToolExecutionManager'): """Initialize the routine execution manager. Args: registry: Tool registry containing available tools and routines execution_manager: Tool execution manager for executing individual tools """ self.registry = registry self.execution_manager = execution_manager self.active_routines: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {} self.progress_callback: Optional[Callable[[str, str, float], None]] = None self.result_callback: Optional[Callable[[str, List[ToolResult]], None]] = None # Load existing routines self.registry.load_routines() def set_progress_callback(self, callback: Callable[[str, str, float], None]) -> None: """Set a callback function for routine progress updates. Args: callback: Function that takes routine_id, step_name, and progress (0-1) as arguments """ self.progress_callback = callback def set_result_callback(self, callback: Callable[[str, List[ToolResult]], None]) -> None: """Set a callback function for routine results. Args: callback: Function that takes routine_id and list of ToolResults as arguments """ self.result_callback = callback def create_routine(self, definition: RoutineDefinition) -> str: """Create a new routine from a definition. Args: definition: Routine definition Returns: Routine ID Raises: ValueError: If a routine with the same name already exists """ # Convert step objects to dictionaries steps = [] for step in definition.steps: step_dict = { "tool_name": step.tool_name, "args": step.args } if step.condition is not None: step_dict["condition"] = step.condition if step.store_result: step_dict["store_result"] = True if step.result_var is not None: step_dict["result_var"] = step.result_var steps.append(step_dict) # Create routine routine = Routine(, description=definition.description, steps=steps ) # Register routine self.registry.register_routine(routine) return def create_routine_from_tool_history( self, name: str, description: str, tool_results: List[ToolResult], context_variables: Dict[str, Any] = None ) -> str: """Create a routine from a history of tool executions. Args: name: Name for the routine description: Description of the routine tool_results: List of tool results to base the routine on context_variables: Optional dictionary of context variables to identify Returns: Routine ID """ steps = [] # Process tool results into steps for i, result in enumerate(tool_results): # Skip failed tool calls if result.status != "success": continue # Get tool tool = self.registry.get_tool( if not tool: continue # Extract arguments from tool call args = {} # Here we would need to extract the arguments from the tool call # This is a simplification and would need to be adapted to the actual structure # Create step step = { "tool_name":, "args": args, "store_result": True, "result_var": f"result_{i}" } steps.append(step) # Create routine routine = Routine( name=name, description=description, steps=steps ) # Register routine self.registry.register_routine(routine) return def execute_routine(self, name: str, context: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> str: """Execute a routine with the given context. Args: name: Name of the routine to execute context: Context variables for the routine Returns: Routine execution ID Raises: ValueError: If the routine is not found """ # Get routine routine = self.registry.get_routine(name) if not routine: raise ValueError(f"Routine not found: {name}") # Create execution ID execution_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Initialize context if context is None: context = {} # Initialize execution state self.active_routines[execution_id] = { "routine": routine, "context": context.copy(), "results": [], "current_step": 0, "start_time": time.time(), "status": "running" } # Record routine usage self.registry.record_routine_usage(name) # Start execution in background thread executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) executor.submit(self._execute_routine_steps, execution_id) return execution_id def _execute_routine_steps(self, execution_id: str) -> None: """Execute the steps of a routine in sequence. Args: execution_id: Routine execution ID """ if execution_id not in self.active_routines: logger.error(f"Routine execution not found: {execution_id}") return execution = self.active_routines[execution_id] routine = execution["routine"] context = execution["context"] results = execution["results"] try: # Execute each step for i, step in enumerate(routine.steps): # Update current step execution["current_step"] = i # Check for conditions if "condition" in step and not self._evaluate_condition(step["condition"], context, results):"Skipping step {i+1}/{len(routine.steps)} due to condition") continue # Process tool arguments with variable substitution processed_args = self._process_arguments(step["args"], context, results) # Create tool call tool_call = { "id": f"{execution_id}_{i}", "function": { "name": step["tool_name"], "arguments": json.dumps(processed_args) } } # Report progress self._report_routine_progress(execution_id, i, len(routine.steps), step["tool_name"]) # Execute tool result = self.execution_manager.execute_tool(tool_call) # Add result to results results.append(result) # Store result in context if requested if step.get("store_result", False): var_name = step.get("result_var", f"result_{i}") context[var_name] = result.result # Check for loop control if "repeat_until" in step and not self._evaluate_condition(step["repeat_until"], context, results): # Go back to specified step target_step = step.get("repeat_target", 0) if 0 <= target_step < i: i = target_step - 1 # Will be incremented in next loop iteration # Check for exit condition if "exit_condition" in step and self._evaluate_condition(step["exit_condition"], context, results):"Exiting routine early due to exit condition at step {i+1}/{len(routine.steps)}") break # Update execution status execution["status"] = "completed" # Report final progress self._report_routine_progress(execution_id, len(routine.steps), len(routine.steps), "completed") # Call result callback if self.result_callback: self.result_callback(execution_id, results) except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Error executing routine: {e}") execution["status"] = "error" execution["error"] = str(e) # Report error progress self._report_routine_progress(execution_id, execution["current_step"], len(routine.steps), "error") def _process_arguments( self, args: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], results: List[ToolResult] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Process tool arguments with variable substitution. Args: args: Tool arguments context: Context variables results: Previous tool results Returns: Processed arguments """ processed_args = {} for key, value in args.items(): if isinstance(value, str) and value.startswith("$"): # Variable reference var_name = value[1:] if var_name in context: processed_args[key] = context[var_name] elif var_name.startswith("result[") and var_name.endswith("]"): # Reference to previous result try: idx = int(var_name[7:-1]) if 0 <= idx < len(results): processed_args[key] = results[idx].result else: processed_args[key] = value except (ValueError, IndexError): processed_args[key] = value else: processed_args[key] = value else: processed_args[key] = value return processed_args def _evaluate_condition( self, condition: Dict[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Any], results: List[ToolResult] ) -> bool: """Evaluate a condition for a routine step. Args: condition: Condition specification context: Context variables results: Previous tool results Returns: Whether the condition is met """ condition_type = condition.get("type", "simple") if condition_type == "simple": # Simple variable comparison var_name = condition.get("variable", "") operation = condition.get("operation", "equals") value = condition.get("value") # Get variable value var_value = None if var_name.startswith("$"): var_name = var_name[1:] var_value = context.get(var_name) elif var_name.startswith("result[") and var_name.endswith("]"): try: idx = int(var_name[7:-1]) if 0 <= idx < len(results): var_value = results[idx].result except (ValueError, IndexError): return False # Compare if operation == "equals": return var_value == value elif operation == "not_equals": return var_value != value elif operation == "contains": return value in var_value if var_value is not None else False elif operation == "greater_than": return var_value > value if var_value is not None else False elif operation == "less_than": return var_value < value if var_value is not None else False return False elif condition_type == "and": # Logical AND of multiple conditions sub_conditions = condition.get("conditions", []) return all(self._evaluate_condition(c, context, results) for c in sub_conditions) elif condition_type == "or": # Logical OR of multiple conditions sub_conditions = condition.get("conditions", []) return any(self._evaluate_condition(c, context, results) for c in sub_conditions) elif condition_type == "not": # Logical NOT sub_condition = condition.get("condition", {}) return not self._evaluate_condition(sub_condition, context, results) return True # Default to True def _report_routine_progress( self, execution_id: str, current_step: int, total_steps: int, step_name: str ) -> None: """Report progress for a routine execution. Args: execution_id: Routine execution ID current_step: Current step index total_steps: Total number of steps step_name: Name of the current step """ progress = current_step / total_steps if total_steps > 0 else 1.0 # Call progress callback if set if self.progress_callback: self.progress_callback(execution_id, step_name, progress) def get_active_routines(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]: """Get information about active routine executions. Returns: Dictionary mapping execution ID to routine execution information """ return { k: { "routine_name": v["routine"].name, "current_step": v["current_step"], "total_steps": len(v["routine"].steps), "status": v["status"], "start_time": v["start_time"], "elapsed_time": time.time() - v["start_time"] } for k, v in self.active_routines.items() } def get_routine_results(self, execution_id: str) -> Optional[List[ToolResult]]: """Get the results of a routine execution. Args: execution_id: Routine execution ID Returns: List of tool results, or None if the routine execution is not found """ if execution_id in self.active_routines: return self.active_routines[execution_id]["results"] return None def cancel_routine(self, execution_id: str) -> bool: """Cancel a routine execution. Args: execution_id: Routine execution ID Returns: Whether the routine was canceled successfully """ if execution_id in self.active_routines: self.active_routines[execution_id]["status"] = "canceled" return True return False class ToolExecutionManager: """Manages tool execution, including parallel execution and progress tracking.""" def __init__(self, registry: ToolRegistry): """Initialize the tool execution manager. Args: registry: Tool registry containing available tools """ self.registry = registry self.active_executions: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {} self.progress_callback: Optional[Callable[[str, float], None]] = None self.result_callback: Optional[Callable[[str, ToolResult], None]] = None self.max_workers = 10 # Initialize routine manager self.routine_manager = RoutineExecutionManager(registry, self) def set_progress_callback(self, callback: Callable[[str, float], None]) -> None: """Set a callback function for progress updates. Args: callback: Function that takes tool_call_id and progress (0-1) as arguments """ self.progress_callback = callback def set_result_callback(self, callback: Callable[[str, ToolResult], None]) -> None: """Set a callback function for results. Args: callback: Function that takes tool_call_id and ToolResult as arguments """ self.result_callback = callback def execute_tool(self, tool_call: Dict[str, Any]) -> ToolResult: """Execute a single tool synchronously. Args: tool_call: Dictionary containing tool call information Returns: ToolResult with execution result Raises: ValueError: If the tool is not found """ function_name = tool_call.get("function", {}).get("name", "") tool_call_id = tool_call.get("id", "unknown") # Check if it's a routine if function_name.startswith("routine."): routine_name = function_name[9:] # Remove "routine." prefix return self._execute_routine_as_tool(routine_name, tool_call) # Get the tool tool = self.registry.get_tool(function_name) if not tool: error_msg = f"Tool not found: {function_name}" logger.error(error_msg) return ToolResult( tool_call_id=tool_call_id, name=function_name, result=f"Error: {error_msg}", execution_time=0, status="error", error=error_msg ) # Check if tool needs permission and handle it if tool.needs_permission: # TODO: Implement permission handling logger.warning(f"Tool {function_name} needs permission, but permission handling is not implemented") # Track progress self._track_execution_start(tool_call_id, function_name) try: # Execute the tool result = tool.execute(tool_call) # Track completion self._track_execution_complete(tool_call_id, result) return result except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Error executing tool {function_name}: {e}") result = ToolResult( tool_call_id=tool_call_id, name=function_name, result=f"Error: {str(e)}", execution_time=0, status="error", error=str(e) ) self._track_execution_complete(tool_call_id, result) return result def _execute_routine_as_tool(self, routine_name: str, tool_call: Dict[str, Any]) -> ToolResult: """Execute a routine as if it were a tool. Args: routine_name: Name of the routine tool_call: Dictionary containing tool call information Returns: ToolResult with execution result """ tool_call_id = tool_call.get("id", "unknown") start_time = time.time() try: # Extract context from arguments arguments_str = tool_call.get("function", {}).get("arguments", "{}") try: context = json.loads(arguments_str) except json.JSONDecodeError: context = {} # Execute routine execution_id = self.routine_manager.execute_routine(routine_name, context) # Wait for routine to complete while True: routine_status = self.routine_manager.get_active_routines().get(execution_id, {}) if routine_status.get("status") != "running": break time.sleep(0.1) # Get results results = self.routine_manager.get_routine_results(execution_id) if not results: raise ValueError(f"No results from routine: {routine_name}") # Format results result_summary = f"Routine {routine_name} executed successfully with {len(results)} steps\n\n" for i, result in enumerate(results): result_summary += f"Step {i+1}: {} - {'SUCCESS' if result.status == 'success' else 'ERROR'}\n" if result.status != "success": result_summary += f" Error: {result.error}\n" # Track execution time execution_time = time.time() - start_time # Create result return ToolResult( tool_call_id=tool_call_id, name=f"routine.{routine_name}", result=result_summary, execution_time=execution_time, status="success" ) except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Error executing routine {routine_name}: {e}") return ToolResult( tool_call_id=tool_call_id, name=f"routine.{routine_name}", result=f"Error: {str(e)}", execution_time=time.time() - start_time, status="error", error=str(e) ) def execute_tools_parallel(self, tool_calls: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[ToolResult]: """Execute multiple tools in parallel. Args: tool_calls: List of dictionaries containing tool call information Returns: List of ToolResult with execution results """ results = [] futures: Dict[Future, str] = {} # Use ThreadPoolExecutor for parallel execution with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=min(self.max_workers, len(tool_calls))) as executor: # Submit all tool calls for tool_call in tool_calls: tool_call_id = tool_call.get("id", "unknown") future = executor.submit(self.execute_tool, tool_call) futures[future] = tool_call_id # Wait for completion and collect results for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): tool_call_id = futures[future] try: result = future.result() results.append(result) except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Error in parallel tool execution for {tool_call_id}: {e}") # Create an error result function_name = next( (tc.get("function", {}).get("name", "") for tc in tool_calls if tc.get("id", "") == tool_call_id), "unknown" ) results.append(ToolResult( tool_call_id=tool_call_id, name=function_name, result=f"Error: {str(e)}", execution_time=0, status="error", error=str(e) )) return results def create_routine(self, definition: RoutineDefinition) -> str: """Create a new routine. Args: definition: Routine definition Returns: Routine ID """ return self.routine_manager.create_routine(definition) def create_routine_from_tool_history( self, name: str, description: str, tool_results: List[ToolResult], context_variables: Dict[str, Any] = None ) -> str: """Create a routine from a history of tool executions. Args: name: Name for the routine description: Description of the routine tool_results: List of tool results to base the routine on context_variables: Optional dictionary of context variables to identify Returns: Routine ID """ return self.routine_manager.create_routine_from_tool_history( name, description, tool_results, context_variables ) def execute_routine(self, name: str, context: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> str: """Execute a routine with the given context. Args: name: Name of the routine to execute context: Context variables for the routine Returns: Routine execution ID """ return self.routine_manager.execute_routine(name, context) def get_routine_results(self, execution_id: str) -> Optional[List[ToolResult]]: """Get the results of a routine execution. Args: execution_id: Routine execution ID Returns: List of tool results, or None if the routine execution is not found """ return self.routine_manager.get_routine_results(execution_id) def _track_execution_start(self, tool_call_id: str, tool_name: str) -> None: """Track the start of tool execution. Args: tool_call_id: ID of the tool call tool_name: Name of the tool """ self.active_executions[tool_call_id] = { "tool_name": tool_name, "start_time": time.time(), "progress": 0.0 } # Call progress callback if set if self.progress_callback: self.progress_callback(tool_call_id, 0.0) def _track_execution_progress(self, tool_call_id: str, progress: float) -> None: """Track the progress of tool execution. Args: tool_call_id: ID of the tool call progress: Progress value (0-1) """ if tool_call_id in self.active_executions: self.active_executions[tool_call_id]["progress"] = progress # Call progress callback if set if self.progress_callback: self.progress_callback(tool_call_id, progress) def _track_execution_complete(self, tool_call_id: str, result: ToolResult) -> None: """Track the completion of tool execution. Args: tool_call_id: ID of the tool call result: Tool execution result """ if tool_call_id in self.active_executions: # Update progress self._track_execution_progress(tool_call_id, 1.0) # Calculate execution time start_time = self.active_executions[tool_call_id]["start_time"] execution_time = time.time() - start_time # Clean up del self.active_executions[tool_call_id] # Call result callback if set if self.result_callback: self.result_callback(tool_call_id, result) def get_active_executions(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]: """Get information about active tool executions. Returns: Dictionary mapping tool_call_id to execution information """ return self.active_executions.copy() def cancel_execution(self, tool_call_id: str) -> bool: """Cancel a tool execution if possible. Args: tool_call_id: ID of the tool call to cancel Returns: True if canceled successfully, False otherwise """ # TODO: Implement cancellation logic # This would require more sophisticated execution tracking logger.warning(f"Cancellation not implemented for tool_call_id: {tool_call_id}") return False