OpenAI MCP Server
by arthurcolle
Monte Carlo Tree Search implementation for decision making in Claude Code.
This module provides an advanced MCTS implementation that can be used to select
optimal actions/tools based on simulated outcomes.
import math
import numpy as np
import random
from typing import List, Dict, Any, Callable, Tuple, Optional, Union
from dataclasses import dataclass
class MCTSNode:
"""Represents a node in the Monte Carlo search tree."""
state: Any
parent: Optional['MCTSNode'] = None
action_taken: Any = None
visits: int = 0
value: float = 0.0
children: Dict[Any, 'MCTSNode'] = None
def __post_init__(self):
if self.children is None:
self.children = {}
def is_fully_expanded(self, possible_actions: List[Any]) -> bool:
"""Check if all possible actions have been tried from this node."""
return all(action in self.children for action in possible_actions)
def is_terminal(self) -> bool:
"""Check if this node represents a terminal state."""
# This should be customized based on your environment
return False
def best_child(self, exploration_weight: float = 1.0) -> 'MCTSNode':
"""Select the best child node according to UCB1 formula."""
if not self.children:
return None
def ucb_score(child: MCTSNode) -> float:
exploitation = child.value / child.visits if child.visits > 0 else 0
exploration = math.sqrt(2 * math.log(self.visits) / child.visits) if child.visits > 0 else float('inf')
return exploitation + exploration_weight * exploration
return max(self.children.values(), key=ucb_score)
class AdvancedMCTS:
Advanced Monte Carlo Tree Search implementation with various enhancements:
- Progressive widening for large/continuous action spaces
- RAVE (Rapid Action Value Estimation)
- Parallel simulations
- Dynamic exploration weight
- Customizable simulation and backpropagation strategies
def __init__(
state_evaluator: Callable[[Any], float],
action_generator: Callable[[Any], List[Any]],
simulator: Callable[[Any, Any], Any],
max_iterations: int = 1000,
exploration_weight: float = 1.0,
time_limit: Optional[float] = None,
progressive_widening: bool = False,
pw_coef: float = 0.5,
pw_power: float = 0.5,
use_rave: bool = False,
rave_equiv_param: float = 1000,
Initialize the MCTS algorithm.
state_evaluator: Function to evaluate the value of a state (terminal or not)
action_generator: Function to generate possible actions from a state
simulator: Function to simulate taking an action in a state, returning new state
max_iterations: Maximum number of search iterations
exploration_weight: Controls exploration vs exploitation balance
time_limit: Optional time limit for search in seconds
progressive_widening: Whether to use progressive widening for large action spaces
pw_coef: Coefficient for progressive widening
pw_power: Power for progressive widening
use_rave: Whether to use RAVE (Rapid Action Value Estimation)
rave_equiv_param: RAVE equivalence parameter
self.state_evaluator = state_evaluator
self.action_generator = action_generator
self.simulator = simulator
self.max_iterations = max_iterations
self.exploration_weight = exploration_weight
self.time_limit = time_limit
# Progressive widening parameters
self.progressive_widening = progressive_widening
self.pw_coef = pw_coef
self.pw_power = pw_power
# RAVE parameters
self.use_rave = use_rave
self.rave_equiv_param = rave_equiv_param
self.rave_values = {} # (state, action) -> (value, visits)
def search(self, initial_state: Any, visualizer=None) -> Any:
Perform MCTS search from the initial state and return the best action.
initial_state: The starting state for the search
visualizer: Optional visualizer to show progress
The best action found by the search
root = MCTSNode(state=initial_state)
# Initialize visualizer if provided
if visualizer:
visualizer.set_search_parameters(root, self.max_iterations)
# Run iterations of the MCTS algorithm
for iteration in range(self.max_iterations):
# Selection phase
selected_node = self._select(root)
# Expansion phase (if not terminal)
expanded_node = None
if not selected_node.is_terminal():
expanded_node = self._expand(selected_node)
expanded_node = selected_node
# Simulation phase
simulation_path = []
if visualizer:
# Track simulation path for visualization
current = expanded_node
current_state = current.state
while current.parent:
simulation_path.insert(0, (current.parent.state, current.action_taken))
current = current.parent
simulation_result = self._simulate(expanded_node)
# Backpropagation phase
self._backpropagate(expanded_node, simulation_result)
# Update visualization
if visualizer:
# Find current best action
best_action = None
if root.children:
best_action = max(root.children.items(), key=lambda x: x[1].visits)[0]
# Update visualizer
iteration=iteration + 1,
# Return the action that leads to the child with the highest value
if not root.children:
possible_actions = self.action_generator(root.state)
if possible_actions:
best_action = random.choice(possible_actions)
if visualizer:
return best_action
return None
best_action = max(root.children.items(), key=lambda x: x[1].visits)[0]
if visualizer:
return best_action
def _select(self, node: MCTSNode) -> MCTSNode:
Select a node to expand using UCB1 and progressive widening if enabled.
node: The current node
The selected node for expansion
while not node.is_terminal():
possible_actions = self.action_generator(node.state)
# Handle progressive widening if enabled
if self.progressive_widening:
max_children = max(1, int(self.pw_coef * (node.visits ** self.pw_power)))
if len(node.children) < min(max_children, len(possible_actions)):
return node
# If not fully expanded, select this node for expansion
if not node.is_fully_expanded(possible_actions):
return node
# Otherwise, select the best child according to UCB1
node = node.best_child(self.exploration_weight)
if node is None:
return node
def _expand(self, node: MCTSNode) -> MCTSNode:
Expand the node by selecting an untried action and creating a new child node.
node: The node to expand
The newly created child node
possible_actions = self.action_generator(node.state)
untried_actions = [a for a in possible_actions if a not in node.children]
if not untried_actions:
return node
action = random.choice(untried_actions)
new_state = self.simulator(node.state, action)
child_node = MCTSNode(
node.children[action] = child_node
return child_node
def _simulate(self, node: MCTSNode, depth: int = 10) -> float:
Simulate a random playout from the given node until a terminal state or max depth.
node: The node to start simulation from
depth: Maximum simulation depth
The value of the simulated outcome
state = node.state
current_depth = 0
# Continue simulation until we reach a terminal state or max depth
while current_depth < depth:
if self._is_terminal_state(state):
possible_actions = self.action_generator(state)
if not possible_actions:
action = random.choice(possible_actions)
state = self.simulator(state, action)
current_depth += 1
return self.state_evaluator(state)
def _is_terminal_state(self, state: Any) -> bool:
"""Determine if the state is terminal."""
# This should be customized based on your environment
return False
def _backpropagate(self, node: MCTSNode, value: float) -> None:
Backpropagate the simulation result up the tree.
node: The leaf node where simulation started
value: The value from the simulation
while node is not None:
node.visits += 1
node.value += value
# Update RAVE values if enabled
if self.use_rave and node.parent is not None:
state_hash = self._hash_state(node.parent.state)
action = node.action_taken
if (state_hash, action) not in self.rave_values:
self.rave_values[(state_hash, action)] = [0, 0] # [value, visits]
rave_value, rave_visits = self.rave_values[(state_hash, action)]
self.rave_values[(state_hash, action)] = [
rave_value + value,
rave_visits + 1
node = node.parent
def _hash_state(self, state: Any) -> int:
"""Create a hash of the state for RAVE table lookups."""
# This should be customized based on your state representation
if hasattr(state, "__hash__"):
return hash(state)
return hash(str(state))
class MCTSToolSelector:
Specialized MCTS implementation for selecting optimal tools in Claude Code.
This class adapts the AdvancedMCTS for the specific context of tool selection.
def __init__(
tool_registry: Any, # Should be a reference to the tool registry
context_evaluator: Callable, # Function to evaluate quality of response given context
max_iterations: int = 200,
exploration_weight: float = 1.0,
use_learning: bool = True,
tool_history_weight: float = 0.7,
enable_plan_generation: bool = True,
use_semantic_similarity: bool = True,
adaptation_rate: float = 0.05
Initialize the MCTS tool selector with enhanced intelligence.
tool_registry: Registry containing available tools
context_evaluator: Function to evaluate response quality
max_iterations: Maximum search iterations
exploration_weight: Controls exploration vs exploitation
use_learning: Whether to use learning from past tool selections
tool_history_weight: Weight given to historical tool performance
enable_plan_generation: Generate complete tool sequences as plans
use_semantic_similarity: Use semantic similarity for tool relevance
adaptation_rate: Rate at which the system adapts to new patterns
self.tool_registry = tool_registry
self.context_evaluator = context_evaluator
self.use_learning = use_learning
self.tool_history_weight = tool_history_weight
self.enable_plan_generation = enable_plan_generation
self.use_semantic_similarity = use_semantic_similarity
self.adaptation_rate = adaptation_rate
# Tool performance history by query type
self.tool_history = {}
# Tool sequence effectiveness records
self.sequence_effectiveness = {}
# Semantic fingerprints for tools and queries
self.tool_fingerprints = {}
self.query_clusters = {}
# Cached simulation results for similar queries
self.simulation_cache = {}
# Initialize the MCTS algorithm
self.mcts = AdvancedMCTS(
# Initialize tool fingerprints
def _initialize_tool_fingerprints(self):
"""Initialize semantic fingerprints for all available tools."""
if not self.use_semantic_similarity:
for tool_name in self.tool_registry.get_all_tool_names():
tool = self.tool_registry.get_tool(tool_name)
if tool and hasattr(tool, 'description'):
# In a real implementation, this would compute an embedding
# For now, we'll use a simple keyword extraction as a placeholder
keywords = set(word.lower() for word in tool.description.split()
if len(word) > 3)
self.tool_fingerprints[tool_name] = {
'keywords': keywords,
'description': tool.description,
'usage_contexts': set()
def select_tool(self, user_query: str, context: Dict[str, Any], visualizer=None) -> Union[str, List[str]]:
Select the best tool to use for a given user query and context.
user_query: The user's query
context: The current conversation context
visualizer: Optional visualizer to show the selection process
Either a single tool name or a sequence of tool names (if plan generation is enabled)
# Analyze query to determine its type/characteristics
query_type = self._analyze_query(user_query)
# Update semantic fingerprints with this query
if self.use_semantic_similarity:
self._update_query_clusters(user_query, query_type)
initial_state = {
'query': user_query,
'query_type': query_type,
'context': context,
'actions_taken': [],
'response_quality': 0.0,
'steps_remaining': 3 if self.enable_plan_generation else 1,
'step_results': {}
# First check if we have a high-confidence cached result for similar queries
cached_result = self._check_cache(user_query, query_type)
if cached_result and random.random() > 0.1: # 10% random exploration
if visualizer:
tool_name="MCTS Tool Selection (cached)",
parameters={"query": user_query[:100] + "..." if len(user_query) > 100 else user_query}
result={"selected_tool": cached_result, "source": "cache"},
return cached_result
# Run MCTS search
best_action =, visualizer)
# If plan generation is enabled, we might want to return a sequence
if self.enable_plan_generation:
# Extract the most promising action sequence from search
plan = self._extract_plan_from_search()
if plan and len(plan) > 1:
# Store this plan in our cache
self._cache_result(user_query, query_type, plan)
return plan
# Store single action in cache
self._cache_result(user_query, query_type, best_action)
return best_action
def _analyze_query(self, query: str) -> str:
Analyze a query to determine its type and characteristics.
query: The user query
A string identifying the query type
query_lower = query.lower()
# Check for search-related queries
if any(term in query_lower for term in ['find', 'search', 'where', 'look for']):
return 'search'
# Check for explanation queries
if any(term in query_lower for term in ['explain', 'how', 'why', 'what is']):
return 'explanation'
# Check for file operation queries
if any(term in query_lower for term in ['file', 'read', 'write', 'edit', 'create']):
return 'file_operation'
# Check for execution queries
if any(term in query_lower for term in ['run', 'execute', 'start']):
return 'execution'
# Check for debugging queries
if any(term in query_lower for term in ['debug', 'fix', 'error', 'problem']):
return 'debugging'
# Default to general
return 'general'
def _update_query_clusters(self, query: str, query_type: str):
Update query clusters with new query information.
query: The user query
query_type: The type of query
# Extract query keywords
keywords = set(word.lower() for word in query.split() if len(word) > 3)
# Update query clusters
if query_type not in self.query_clusters:
self.query_clusters[query_type] = {
'keywords': set(),
'queries': []
# Add keywords to cluster
# Add query to cluster (limit to last 50)
if len(self.query_clusters[query_type]['queries']) > 50:
# Update tool fingerprints with these keywords
for tool_name, fingerprint in self.tool_fingerprints.items():
# If tool has been used successfully for this query type before
if tool_name in self.tool_history.get(query_type, {}) and \
self.tool_history[query_type][tool_name]['success_rate'] > 0.6:
def _check_cache(self, query: str, query_type: str) -> Union[str, List[str], None]:
Check if we have a cached result for a similar query.
query: The user query
query_type: The type of query
A cached tool selection or None
if not self.use_learning or query_type not in self.tool_history:
return None
# Find the most successful tool for this query type
type_history = self.tool_history[query_type]
best_tools = sorted(
[(tool, data['success_rate']) for tool, data in type_history.items()],
key=lambda x: x[1],
# Only use cache if we have a high confidence result
if best_tools and best_tools[0][1] > 0.75:
return best_tools[0][0]
return None
def _cache_result(self, query: str, query_type: str, action: Union[str, List[str]]):
Cache a result for future similar queries.
query: The user query
query_type: The type of query
action: The selected action or plan
# Store in simulation cache
query_key = self._get_query_cache_key(query)
self.simulation_cache[query_key] = {
'action': action,
'timestamp': self._get_timestamp(),
'query_type': query_type
# Limit cache size
if len(self.simulation_cache) > 1000:
# Remove oldest entries
oldest_key = min(self.simulation_cache.keys(),
key=lambda k: self.simulation_cache[k]['timestamp'])
del self.simulation_cache[oldest_key]
def _get_query_cache_key(self, query: str) -> str:
"""Generate a cache key for a query."""
# In a real implementation, this might use a hash of query embeddings
# For now, use a simple keyword approach
keywords = ' '.join(sorted(set(word.lower() for word in query.split() if len(word) > 3)))
return keywords[:100] # Limit key length
def _get_timestamp(self):
"""Get current timestamp."""
import time
return time.time()
def _evaluate_state(self, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> float:
Evaluate the quality of a state based on response quality and steps.
state: The current state
A quality score
# Base score is the response quality
score = state['response_quality']
# If plan generation is enabled, we want to encourage complete plans
if self.enable_plan_generation:
steps_completed = len(state['actions_taken'])
total_steps = steps_completed + state['steps_remaining']
# Add bonus for completing more steps
if total_steps > 0:
step_completion_bonus = steps_completed / total_steps
score += step_completion_bonus * 0.2 # 20% bonus for step completion
return score
def _generate_actions(self, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
Generate possible tool actions from the current state with intelligent filtering.
state: The current state
List of possible actions
# Get query type
query_type = state['query_type']
query = state['query']
# Get all available tools
all_tools = set(self.tool_registry.get_all_tool_names())
# Tools already used in this sequence
used_tools = set(state['actions_taken'])
# Remaining tools
remaining_tools = all_tools - used_tools
# If we're using learning, prioritize tools based on history
if self.use_learning and query_type in self.tool_history:
prioritized_tools = []
# First, add tools that have been successful for this query type
type_history = self.tool_history[query_type]
# Check for successful tools
for tool in remaining_tools:
if tool in type_history and type_history[tool]['success_rate'] > 0.5:
# If we have at least some tools, return them
if prioritized_tools and random.random() < self.tool_history_weight:
return prioritized_tools
# If using semantic similarity, filter by relevant tools
if self.use_semantic_similarity:
query_keywords = set(word.lower() for word in query.split() if len(word) > 3)
# Score tools by semantic similarity to query
scored_tools = []
for tool in remaining_tools:
if tool in self.tool_fingerprints:
fingerprint = self.tool_fingerprints[tool]
# Calculate keyword overlap
keyword_overlap = len(query_keywords.intersection(fingerprint['keywords']))
# Check if tool has been used for this query type
context_match = 1.0 if query_type in fingerprint['usage_contexts'] else 0.0
# Combined score
score = keyword_overlap * 0.7 + context_match * 0.3
scored_tools.append((tool, score))
# Sort and filter tools
scored_tools.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
# Take top half of tools if we have enough
if len(scored_tools) > 2:
return [t[0] for t in scored_tools[:max(2, len(scored_tools) // 2)]]
# If we reach here, use all remaining tools
return list(remaining_tools)
def _simulate_action(self, state: Dict[str, Any], action: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Simulate taking an action (using a tool) in the given state with enhanced modeling.
state: The current state
action: The tool action to simulate
The new state after taking the action
# Create a new state with the action added
new_state = state.copy()
new_actions = state['actions_taken'].copy()
new_state['actions_taken'] = new_actions
# Decrement steps remaining if using plan generation
if self.enable_plan_generation and new_state['steps_remaining'] > 0:
new_state['steps_remaining'] -= 1
# Get query type and query
query_type = state['query_type']
query = state['query']
# Simulate step result
step_results = state['step_results'].copy()
step_results[action] = self._simulate_tool_result(action, query)
new_state['step_results'] = step_results
# Estimate tool relevance based on learning or semantic similarity
tool_relevance = self._estimate_tool_relevance(action, query, query_type)
# Check for sequence effects (tools that work well together)
sequence_bonus = 0.0
if len(new_actions) > 1:
prev_tool = new_actions[-2]
sequence_key = f"{prev_tool}->{action}"
if sequence_key in self.sequence_effectiveness:
sequence_bonus = self.sequence_effectiveness[sequence_key] * 0.3 # 30% weight for sequence effects
# Update quality based on relevance and sequence effects
current_quality = state['response_quality']
quality_improvement = tool_relevance + sequence_bonus
# Add diminishing returns effect for additional tools
if len(new_actions) > 1:
diminishing_factor = 1.0 / len(new_actions)
quality_improvement *= diminishing_factor
new_quality = min(1.0, current_quality + quality_improvement)
new_state['response_quality'] = new_quality
return new_state
def _simulate_tool_result(self, tool_name: str, query: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Simulate the result of using a tool for a query.
tool_name: The name of the tool
query: The user query
A simulated result
# In a real implementation, this would be a more sophisticated simulation
return {
"tool": tool_name,
"success_probability": self._estimate_tool_relevance(tool_name, query),
"simulated": True
def _estimate_tool_relevance(self, tool_name: str, query: str, query_type: str = None) -> float:
Estimate how relevant a tool is for a given query using history and semantics.
tool_name: The name of the tool
query: The user query
query_type: Optional query type
A relevance score between 0.0 and 1.0
relevance_score = 0.0
# If we have historical data for this query type
if self.use_learning and query_type and query_type in self.tool_history and \
tool_name in self.tool_history[query_type]:
# Get historical success rate
history_score = self.tool_history[query_type][tool_name]['success_rate']
relevance_score += history_score * self.tool_history_weight
# If we're using semantic similarity
if self.use_semantic_similarity and tool_name in self.tool_fingerprints:
fingerprint = self.tool_fingerprints[tool_name]
# Calculate keyword overlap
query_keywords = set(word.lower() for word in query.split() if len(word) > 3)
keyword_overlap = len(query_keywords.intersection(fingerprint['keywords']))
# Normalize by query keywords
if query_keywords:
semantic_score = keyword_overlap / len(query_keywords)
relevance_score += semantic_score * (1.0 - self.tool_history_weight)
# Ensure we have a minimum score for exploration
if relevance_score < 0.1:
relevance_score = 0.1 + (random.random() * 0.1) # Random boost between 0.1-0.2
return relevance_score
def _extract_plan_from_search(self) -> List[str]:
Extract a complete plan (tool sequence) from the search results.
A list of tool names representing the plan
# In a real implementation, this would extract the highest value path
# from the search tree. For now, return None to indicate no plan extraction.
return None
def update_tool_history(self, tool_name: str, query: str, success: bool,
execution_time: float, result: Any = None):
Update the tool history with the results of using a tool.
tool_name: The name of the tool used
query: The query the tool was used for
success: Whether the tool was successful
execution_time: The execution time in seconds
result: Optional result of the tool execution
if not self.use_learning:
# Get query type
query_type = self._analyze_query(query)
# Initialize history entry if needed
if query_type not in self.tool_history:
self.tool_history[query_type] = {}
if tool_name not in self.tool_history[query_type]:
self.tool_history[query_type][tool_name] = {
'success_count': 0,
'failure_count': 0,
'total_time': 0.0,
'success_rate': 0.0,
'avg_time': 0.0,
'examples': []
# Update history
history = self.tool_history[query_type][tool_name]
# Update counts
if success:
history['success_count'] += 1
history['failure_count'] += 1
# Update time
history['total_time'] += execution_time
# Update success rate
total = history['success_count'] + history['failure_count']
history['success_rate'] = history['success_count'] / total if total > 0 else 0.0
# Update average time
history['avg_time'] = history['total_time'] / total if total > 0 else 0.0
# Add example (limit to last 5)
'query': query,
'success': success,
'timestamp': self._get_timestamp()
if len(history['examples']) > 5:
# Update tool fingerprint
if self.use_semantic_similarity and tool_name in self.tool_fingerprints:
if success:
# Add query type to usage contexts
# Add query keywords to tool fingerprint (with decay)
query_keywords = set(word.lower() for word in query.split() if len(word) > 3)
current_keywords = self.tool_fingerprints[tool_name]['keywords']
# Add new keywords with adaptation rate
for keyword in query_keywords:
if keyword not in current_keywords:
if random.random() < self.adaptation_rate:
def update_sequence_effectiveness(self, tool_sequence: List[str], success: bool, quality_score: float):
Update the effectiveness record for a sequence of tools.
tool_sequence: The sequence of tools used
success: Whether the sequence was successful
quality_score: A quality score for the sequence
if not self.use_learning or len(tool_sequence) < 2:
# Update pairwise effectiveness
for i in range(len(tool_sequence) - 1):
first_tool = tool_sequence[i]
second_tool = tool_sequence[i + 1]
sequence_key = f"{first_tool}->{second_tool}"
if sequence_key not in self.sequence_effectiveness:
self.sequence_effectiveness[sequence_key] = 0.5 # Initial neutral score
# Update score with decay
current_score = self.sequence_effectiveness[sequence_key]
if success:
# Increase score with quality bonus
new_score = current_score + self.adaptation_rate * quality_score
# Decrease score
new_score = current_score - self.adaptation_rate
# Clamp between 0 and 1
self.sequence_effectiveness[sequence_key] = max(0.0, min(1.0, new_score))