AWS Resources MCP Server

# Smithery configuration file: startCommand: type: stdio configSchema: # JSON Schema defining the configuration options for the MCP. type: object required: - awsAccessKeyId - awsSecretAccessKey properties: awsAccessKeyId: type: string description: Your AWS access key awsSecretAccessKey: type: string description: Your AWS secret key awsSessionToken: type: string description: AWS session token if using temporary credentials awsDefaultRegion: type: string default: us-east-1 description: AWS region commandFunction: # A function that produces the CLI command to start the MCP on stdio. |- (config) => ({command:'docker',args:['run','-i','--rm','-e',`AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=${config.awsAccessKeyId}`,'-e',`AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=${config.awsSecretAccessKey}`,'-e',`AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=${config.awsDefaultRegion}`,'baryhuang/mcp-server-aws-resources:latest']})