
# mcp-ankiconnect MCP server Connect Claude conversations with AnkiConnect via MCP to make spaced repetition as easy as "Let's go through today's flashcards" or "Make flashcards for this" ## Components ### Tools The server implements three tools: - `num_cards_due_today`: Get the number of cards due today - Optional `deck` argument to filter by specific deck - Returns count of due cards across all decks or specified deck - `get_due_cards`: Get cards that are due for review - Optional `limit` argument (default: 5) to control number of cards - Optional `deck` argument to filter by specific deck - Optional `today_only` argument (default: true) to show only today's cards - Returns cards in XML format with questions and answers - `submit_reviews`: Submit answers for reviewed cards - Takes list of `reviews` with `card_id` and `rating` - Ratings: "wrong", "hard", "good", "easy" - Returns confirmation of submitted reviews ## Configuration ### Prerequisites - Anki must be running with [AnkiConnect plugin]( installed (plugin id 2055492159) AnkiConnect can be slow on Macs due to the AppSleep feature, so disable it for Anki. To do so run the following in your terminal. ```bash defaults write net.ankiweb.dtop NSAppSleepDisabled -bool true defaults write net.ichi2.anki NSAppSleepDisabled -bool true defaults write org.qt-project.Qt.QtWebEngineCore NSAppSleepDisabled -bool true ``` ### Installation ## Quickstart 1. Install the AnkiConnect plugin in Anki: - Tools > Add-ons > Get Add-ons... - Enter code: `2055492159` - Restart Anki 2. Configure Claude Desktop: On MacOS: `~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json` On Windows: `%APPDATA%/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json` Add this configuration: ```json { "mcpServers": { "mcp-ankiconnect": { "command": "uv", "args": ["run", "--with", "mcp-ankiconnect", "mcp-ankiconnect"] } } } ``` 3. Restart Anki and Claude desktop ### Debugging Since MCP servers run over stdio, debugging can be challenging. For the best debugging experience, we strongly recommend using the [MCP Inspector]( First, clone the repository and install the dependencies: ```bash git clone cd mcp-ankiconnect uv sync ``` You can launch the MCP Inspector via the mcp CLI: ```bash uv run mcp dev mcp_ankiconnect/ ``` Upon launching, the Inspector will display a URL you can access in your browser to begin debugging.