Chrome Debug MCP Server


Launch Chrome in debug mode

Input Schema

disableAutomationControlledNoDisable Chrome's "Automation Controlled" mode (optional, default: false)
disableExtensionsExceptNoPath to extension that should remain enabled while others are disabled (optional)
executablePathNoPath to Chrome executable (optional, uses bundled Chrome if not provided)
loadExtensionNoPath to unpacked extension directory to load (optional)
urlNoURL to navigate to (optional)
userDataDirNoPath to a specific user data directory (optional, uses default Chrome profile if not provided)
userscriptPathNoPath to userscript file to inject (optional)

Input Schema (JSON Schema)

{ "properties": { "disableAutomationControlled": { "description": "Disable Chrome's \"Automation Controlled\" mode (optional, default: false)", "type": "boolean" }, "disableExtensionsExcept": { "description": "Path to extension that should remain enabled while others are disabled (optional)", "type": "string" }, "executablePath": { "description": "Path to Chrome executable (optional, uses bundled Chrome if not provided)", "type": "string" }, "loadExtension": { "description": "Path to unpacked extension directory to load (optional)", "type": "string" }, "url": { "description": "URL to navigate to (optional)", "type": "string" }, "userDataDir": { "description": "Path to a specific user data directory (optional, uses default Chrome profile if not provided)", "type": "string" }, "userscriptPath": { "description": "Path to userscript file to inject (optional)", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }