Chrome Debug MCP Server

// ==UserScript== // @name GM API Test Script // @description Tests all Greasemonkey API functions // @version 1.0 // @grant all // ==/UserScript== console.log('Starting GM API tests...'); // Test GM_info console.log('Testing GM_info:', GM_info); // Test storage functions console.log('\nTesting storage functions...'); GM_setValue('testKey', 'testValue'); GM_setValue('testObject', { foo: 'bar' }); console.log('GM_getValue:', GM_getValue('testKey')); console.log('GM_getValue object:', GM_getValue('testObject')); console.log('GM_listValues:', GM_listValues()); GM_deleteValue('testKey'); console.log('After delete - GM_getValue:', GM_getValue('testKey', 'default')); // Test clipboard with different content types console.log('\nTesting clipboard functions...'); GM_setClipboard('Plain text test'); console.log('Plain text copied'); GM_setClipboard('<b>HTML test</b>', 'html'); console.log('HTML content copied'); // Test notifications with various configurations console.log('\nTesting notification system...'); async function testNotifications() { // Test 1: Simple string notification console.log('Testing simple notification...'); GM_notification('Simple notification message'); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); // Test 2: Basic notification with title console.log('Testing basic notification with title...'); GM_notification({ title: 'Test Title', text: 'Basic notification with title', timeout: 2000 }); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2500)); // Test 3: Interactive notification console.log('Testing interactive notification...'); let clicked = false; GM_notification({ title: 'Click Me!', text: 'This notification is interactive', timeout: 0, // No timeout - must be clicked onclick: () => { clicked = true; console.log('✓ Interactive notification clicked'); }, ondone: () => { console.log(`Interactive notification closed (${clicked ? 'clicked' : 'not clicked'})`); } }); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 3000)); // Test 4: Notification with emoji and formatting console.log('Testing rich text notification...'); GM_notification({ title: '🎉 Rich Notification', text: 'This notification includes emoji and will auto-close', timeout: 2000, ondone: () => console.log('✓ Rich notification closed automatically') }); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2500)); // Test 5: Sequential notifications console.log('Testing sequential notifications...'); for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { GM_notification({ title: `Notification ${i}/3`, text: `Sequential notification test ${i}`, timeout: 1500, ondone: () => console.log(`✓ Sequential notification ${i} closed`) }); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 800)); } } // Test results tracking const testResults = { simple: false, basic: false, interactive: false, richText: false, sequential: 0 }; // Immediately wrap GM_notification before any tests const originalNotification = window.GM_notification; window.GM_notification = function(details) { console.log('Creating notification:', typeof details === 'string' ? details : details.title || 'untitled'); const notificationDetails = typeof details === 'string' ? { text: details } : { ...details }; // Track notification creation if (!notificationDetails.title) testResults.simple = true; else if (notificationDetails.title === 'Test Title') testResults.basic = true; else if (notificationDetails.title === 'Click Me!') testResults.interactive = true; else if (notificationDetails.title === '🎉 Rich Notification') testResults.richText = true; else if (notificationDetails.title.startsWith('Notification ')) testResults.sequential++; // Wrap callbacks const originalOndone = notificationDetails.ondone; const originalOnclick = notificationDetails.onclick; notificationDetails.ondone = () => { console.log('Notification completed:', notificationDetails.title || 'simple'); if (originalOndone) originalOndone(); }; if (originalOnclick) { notificationDetails.onclick = () => { console.log('Notification clicked:', notificationDetails.title); originalOnclick(); }; } return, notificationDetails); }; // Run tests and report results async function runTests() { console.log('Starting notification tests...'); try { await testNotifications(); // Wait for notifications to complete await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10000)); // Print final results console.log('\nNotification Test Results:'); console.log(`${testResults.simple ? '✓' : '✗'} Simple notification`); console.log(`${testResults.basic ? '✓' : '✗'} Basic notification with title`); console.log(`${testResults.interactive ? '✓' : '✗'} Interactive notification`); console.log(`${testResults.richText ? '✓' : '✗'} Rich notification`); console.log(`Sequential notifications: ${testResults.sequential}/3`); const success = Object.entries(testResults).every(([key, value]) => key === 'sequential' ? value === 3 : value === true ); console.log('\nTest Status:', success ? 'SUCCESS' : 'PARTIAL SUCCESS'); if (!success) { console.log('Note: Some notifications may require user interaction or permissions.'); } } catch (error) { console.error('Test execution error:', error); } } // Start the tests runTests(); // Test style injection console.log('\nTesting style injection...'); GM_addStyle(` .gm-test { color: red; background: yellow; } `); const testDiv = document.createElement('div'); testDiv.className = 'gm-test'; testDiv.textContent = 'Style test'; document.body.appendChild(testDiv); // Test XMLHttpRequest console.log('\nTesting GM_xmlhttpRequest...'); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: '', headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, timeout: 5000, onload: (response) => { console.log('XHR success:', response.responseText); console.log('XHR headers:', response.responseHeaders); console.log('XHR status:', response.status); }, onerror: (error) => console.error('XHR error:', error) }); // Test tab operations console.log('\nTesting tab operations...'); const tab = GM_openInTab('', { active: true, insert: true, setParent: true }); tab.onclose = () => console.log('Tab closed'); // Test menu commands console.log('\nTesting menu commands...'); const commandId = GM_registerMenuCommand('Test Command', () => { console.log('Menu command executed'); }, 'T'); // Test resource handling (stub) console.log('\nTesting resource handling...'); console.log('Resource text:', GM_getResourceText('testResource')); console.log('Resource URL:', GM_getResourceURL('testResource')); console.log('GM API tests complete!');