flowchart TD
A[Start Program] --> B[Initialize KnowledgeBaseServer]
B --> C[Setup Tool Handlers: list, retrieve]
C --> D[Connect Server using Stdio Transport]
D --> E[Call initializeFaissIndex]
E --> F{GCP Credentials Available?}
F -- No --> G[Warn and Skip FAISS Index Initialization]
F -- Yes --> H[Initialize OpenAI Embeddings]
H --> I{FAISS Index File Exists?}
I -- Yes --> J[Load Existing FAISS Index from Disk]
I -- No --> K[Create New FAISS Index from Empty Documents]
K --> L[Save New FAISS Index to Disk]
J --> L
L --> M[Server is Running]
M --> N[Receive retrieve_knowledge Request]
N --> O[Check if Embeddings and FAISS Index are Initialized]
O -- Not Initialized --> P[Return Raw File Contents]
O -- Initialized --> Q[Call updateFaissIndex]
Q --> R[List Knowledge Base Directories]
R --> S[For Each Knowledge Base Directory]
S --> T[For Each File in Directory]
T --> U[Calculate File SHA256 Hash]
U --> V[Determine index Directory and File Path]
V --> W[Retrieve Stored Hash if It Exists]
W --> X{Does File Hash Differ?}
X -- No --> Y[Log No Change; Skip Update]
X -- Yes --> Z[Log File Changed: Update Index]
Z --> AA[Read File Content]
AA --> AB[Create Document with Content and Metadata]
AB --> AC[Add Document to FAISS Index using Embeddings]
AC --> AD[Write New Hash to index File]
Y --> AE[Proceed to Next File]
AD --> AE
AE --> AF[After All Files, Save FAISS Index]
AF --> AG[Read All Files for Requested Knowledge Base]
AG --> AH[Perform Stubbed Similarity Search]
AH --> AI[Return Combined Raw Content and Semantic Search Result]