from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import urllib.parse
from uvicorn._types import WWWScope
class ClientDisconnected(OSError): ...
def get_remote_addr(transport: asyncio.Transport) -> tuple[str, int] | None:
socket_info = transport.get_extra_info("socket")
if socket_info is not None:
info = socket_info.getpeername()
return (str(info[0]), int(info[1])) if isinstance(info, tuple) else None
except OSError: # pragma: no cover
# This case appears to inconsistently occur with uvloop
# bound to a unix domain socket.
return None
info = transport.get_extra_info("peername")
if info is not None and isinstance(info, (list, tuple)) and len(info) == 2:
return (str(info[0]), int(info[1]))
return None
def get_local_addr(transport: asyncio.Transport) -> tuple[str, int] | None:
socket_info = transport.get_extra_info("socket")
if socket_info is not None:
info = socket_info.getsockname()
return (str(info[0]), int(info[1])) if isinstance(info, tuple) else None
info = transport.get_extra_info("sockname")
if info is not None and isinstance(info, (list, tuple)) and len(info) == 2:
return (str(info[0]), int(info[1]))
return None
def is_ssl(transport: asyncio.Transport) -> bool:
return bool(transport.get_extra_info("sslcontext"))
def get_client_addr(scope: WWWScope) -> str:
client = scope.get("client")
if not client:
return ""
return "%s:%d" % client
def get_path_with_query_string(scope: WWWScope) -> str:
path_with_query_string = urllib.parse.quote(scope["path"])
if scope["query_string"]:
path_with_query_string = "{}?{}".format(path_with_query_string, scope["query_string"].decode("ascii"))
return path_with_query_string