Some light wrappers around Python's multiprocessing, to deal with cleanly
starting child processes.
from __future__ import annotations
import multiprocessing
import os
import sys
from multiprocessing.context import SpawnProcess
from socket import socket
from typing import Callable
from uvicorn.config import Config
spawn = multiprocessing.get_context("spawn")
def get_subprocess(
config: Config,
target: Callable[..., None],
sockets: list[socket],
) -> SpawnProcess:
Called in the parent process, to instantiate a new child process instance.
The child is not yet started at this point.
* config - The Uvicorn configuration instance.
* target - A callable that accepts a list of sockets. In practice this will
be the `Server.run()` method.
* sockets - A list of sockets to pass to the server. Sockets are bound once
by the parent process, and then passed to the child processes.
# We pass across the stdin fileno, and reopen it in the child process.
# This is required for some debugging environments.
stdin_fileno = sys.stdin.fileno()
# The `sys.stdin` can be `None`, see https://docs.python.org/3/library/sys.html#sys.__stdin__.
except (AttributeError, OSError):
stdin_fileno = None
kwargs = {
"config": config,
"target": target,
"sockets": sockets,
"stdin_fileno": stdin_fileno,
return spawn.Process(target=subprocess_started, kwargs=kwargs)
def subprocess_started(
config: Config,
target: Callable[..., None],
sockets: list[socket],
stdin_fileno: int | None,
) -> None:
Called when the child process starts.
* config - The Uvicorn configuration instance.
* target - A callable that accepts a list of sockets. In practice this will
be the `Server.run()` method.
* sockets - A list of sockets to pass to the server. Sockets are bound once
by the parent process, and then passed to the child processes.
* stdin_fileno - The file number of sys.stdin, so that it can be reattached
to the child process.
# Re-open stdin.
if stdin_fileno is not None:
sys.stdin = os.fdopen(stdin_fileno) # pragma: full coverage
# Logging needs to be setup again for each child.
# Now we can call into `Server.run(sockets=sockets)`
except KeyboardInterrupt: # pragma: no cover
# supress the exception to avoid a traceback from subprocess.Popen
# the parent already expects us to end, so no vital information is lost