ClickUp Operator

� lMg[*����ddlmZddlZddlZddlZej eefZ ej e ejee fejee effZ d d d�Z d d�Z d d�Zd d�Zd d�ZGd�d �Zy) �)� annotationsNc�B�|rtj|�dxs|S|S)z� Guess the "Content-Type" of a file. :param filename: The filename to guess the "Content-Type" of using :mod:`mimetypes`. :param default: If no "Content-Type" can be guessed, default to `default`. r)� mimetypes� guess_type)�filename�defaults �ZC:\Users\noahv\Documents\GitHub\clickup-operator\.venv\Lib\site-packages\urllib3/�guess_content_typer s'����#�#�H�-�a�0�;�G�;� �N�c�Z��ddl}|jdtd��t�t�r�j d��t �fd�dD��s|�d ��d �} |jd �|Stjj�d��|�d �����S#ttf$rY�:wxYw) a� Helper function to format and quote a single header parameter using the strategy defined in RFC 2231. Particularly useful for header parameters which might contain non-ASCII values, like file names. This follows `RFC 2388 Section 4.4 <>`_. :param name: The name of the parameter, a string expected to be ASCII only. :param value: The value of the parameter, provided as ``bytes`` or `str``. :returns: An RFC-2231-formatted unicode string. .. deprecated:: 2.0.0 Will be removed in urllib3 v2.1.0. This is not valid for ``multipart/form-data`` header parameters. rNz�'format_header_param_rfc2231' is deprecated and will be removed in urllib3 v2.1.0. This is not valid for multipart/form-data header parameters.��� stacklevel�utf-8c3�&�K�|]}|�v��� y�w�N�)�.0�ch�values �r � <genexpr>z.format_header_param_rfc2231.<locals>.<genexpr>@s�����/�Y�r�r�U�{�Y�s�z"\ �="�"�asciiz*=) �warnings�warn�DeprecationWarning� isinstance�bytes�decode�any�encode�UnicodeEncodeError�UnicodeDecodeError�email�utils�encode_rfc2231)�namerr�results ` r �format_header_param_rfc2231r*s����(� �M�M� 1� �� ���%���� � �W�%�� �/�Y�/� /��6��E�7�!�$�� � �M�M�'� "��M� �K�K� &� &�u�g� 6�E��f�B�u�g� �E� �L��#�$6�7� � � �s�B�B*�)B*c�~�t|t�r|jd�}|jdddd��}|�d|�d�S)a� Format and quote a single multipart header parameter. This follows the `WHATWG HTML Standard`_ as of 2021/06/10, matching the behavior of current browser and curl versions. Values are assumed to be UTF-8. The ``\n``, ``\r``, and ``"`` characters are percent encoded. .. _WHATWG HTML Standard: form-control-infrastructure.html#multipart-form-data :param name: The name of the parameter, an ASCII-only ``str``. :param value: The value of the parameter, a ``str`` or UTF-8 encoded ``bytes``. :returns: A string ``name="value"`` with the escaped value. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Matches the WHATWG HTML Standard as of 2021/06/10. Control characters are no longer percent encoded. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Renamed from ``format_header_param_html5`` and ``format_header_param``. The old names will be removed in urllib3 v2.1.0. rz%0Az%0Dz%22)� � �"rr)rrr � translate)r(rs r �format_multipart_header_paramr0OsF��<�%���� � �W�%�� �O�O��E�u�=� >�E��V�2�e�W�A� �r c�R�ddl}|jdtd��t||�S)�� .. deprecated:: 2.0.0 Renamed to :func:`format_multipart_header_param`. Will be removed in urllib3 v2.1.0. rNz�'format_header_param_html5' has been renamed to 'format_multipart_header_param'. The old name will be removed in urllib3 v2.1.0.r r�rrrr0�r(rrs r �format_header_param_html5r5u�4�� � �M�M� %� �� �� )��u� 5�5r c�R�ddl}|jdtd��t||�S)r2rNzz'format_header_param' has been renamed to 'format_multipart_header_param'. The old name will be removed in urllib3 v2.1.0.r rr3r4s r �format_header_paramr8�r6r c��eZdZdZ d d d�Ze d d d��Zd d�Z dd�Zdd�Z d dd�Z y)� RequestFielda� A data container for request body parameters. :param name: The name of this request field. Must be unicode. :param data: The data/value body. :param filename: An optional filename of the request field. Must be unicode. :param headers: An optional dict-like object of headers to initially use for the field. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 The ``header_formatter`` parameter is deprecated and will be removed in urllib3 v2.1.0. Nc���||_||_||_i|_|rt |�|_|�$ddl}|j dtd��||_yt|_y)NrzUThe 'header_formatter' parameter is deprecated and will be removed in urllib3 v2.1.0.r r) �_name� _filename�data�headers�dictrrr�header_formatterr0)�selfr(r>rr?rArs r �__init__zRequestField.__init__�se���� �!����� �.0�� � ���=�D�L� � '� � �M�M�5�"�� � � %5�D� !�$A�D� !r c��t|t�r&t|�dk(r|\}}}n|\}}t|�}nd}d}|}|||||��}|j |��|S)a� A :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField` factory from old-style tuple parameters. Supports constructing :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField` from parameter of key/value strings AND key/filetuple. A filetuple is a (filename, data, MIME type) tuple where the MIME type is optional. For example:: 'foo': 'bar', 'fakefile': ('foofile.txt', 'contents of foofile'), 'realfile': ('barfile.txt', open('realfile').read()), 'typedfile': ('bazfile.bin', open('bazfile').read(), 'image/jpeg'), 'nonamefile': 'contents of nonamefile field', Field names and filenames must be unicode. �N)rrA)� content_type)r�tuple�lenr �make_multipart)�cls� fieldnamerrArr>rF� request_params r � from_tupleszRequestField.from_tuples�st��6 �e�U� #��5�z�Q��/4�,��$� �!&���$�1�(�;� ��H��L��D�� �t�h�AQ� � � �$�$�,�$�?��r c�&�|j||�S)a� Override this method to change how each multipart header parameter is formatted. By default, this calls :func:`format_multipart_header_param`. :param name: The name of the parameter, an ASCII-only ``str``. :param value: The value of the parameter, a ``str`` or UTF-8 encoded ``bytes``. :meta public: )rA)rBr(rs r � _render_partzRequestField._render_part�s���$�$�T�5�1�1r c���g}t|t�r|j�}n|}|D])\}}|�� |j|j ||���+dj |�S)aO Helper function to format and quote a single header. Useful for single headers that are composed of multiple items. E.g., 'Content-Disposition' fields. :param header_parts: A sequence of (k, v) tuples or a :class:`dict` of (k, v) to format as `k1="v1"; k2="v2"; ...`. �; )rr@�items�appendrO�join)rB� header_parts�parts�iterabler(rs r � _render_partszRequestField._render_partssd��&�� �l�D� )�#�)�)�+�H�#�H�#�K�D�%�� �� � �T�.�.�t�U�;�<�$��y�y���r c�`�g}gd�}|D]B}|jj|d�s� |j|�d|j|����D|jj�D]#\}}||vs� |s�|j|�d|����%|jd�dj |�S)z= Renders the headers for this request field. )�Content-Disposition� Content-Type�Content-LocationFz: z )r?�getrSrRrT)rB�lines� sort_keys�sort_key� header_name� header_values r �render_headerszRequestField.render_headers#s�����O� �!�H��|�|����%�0�� � ��z��D�L�L��,B�+C�D�E�"�*.���);�);�)=� %�K���)�+���L�L�K�=��<�.�!A�B�*>� � � �V���{�{�5�!�!r c ���|xsddjd|jd|jfd|jff�g�z}||jd<||jd<||jd<y ) a� Makes this request field into a multipart request field. This method overrides "Content-Disposition", "Content-Type" and "Content-Location" headers to the request parameter. :param content_disposition: The 'Content-Disposition' of the request body. Defaults to 'form-data' :param content_type: The 'Content-Type' of the request body. :param content_location: The 'Content-Location' of the request body. z form-datarQ�r(rrZr[r\N)rTrXr<r=r?)rB�content_dispositionrF�content_locations r rIzRequestField.make_multipart6s��( 3�A�k�T�Y�Y���"�"��d�j�j�)�J����+G�H�� �F � ��/B�� � �*�+�'3�� � �^�$�+;�� � �'�(r )NNN) r(�strr>�_TYPE_FIELD_VALUEr� str | Noner?ztyping.Mapping[str, str] | NonerA�5typing.Callable[[str, _TYPE_FIELD_VALUE], str] | Noner)rKrhr�_TYPE_FIELD_VALUE_TUPLErArk�returnr:�r(rhrrirmrh)rUz[dict[str, _TYPE_FIELD_VALUE | None] | typing.Sequence[tuple[str, _TYPE_FIELD_VALUE | None]]rmrh)rmrh)rfrjrFrjrgrjrm�None) �__name__� __module__� __qualname__�__doc__rC� classmethodrMrOrXrcrIrr r r:r:�s����* $�37�RV� B��B� �B�� B� 1� B� P� B�8� SW� *��*�'�*�P� *� � *��*�X2�  � D� � �  �>"�*+/�#'�'+� <�'�<�!�<�%� <� � <r r:)zapplication/octet-stream)rrjrrhrmrhrn)� __future__r� email.utilsr%r�typing�Unionrhrri�Tuplerlr r*r0r5r8r:rr r �<module>rzs���"��� ��L�L��e��,�� �,�,�� �L�L��'�'�(� �L�L��'��,�-�/���*D� �� �#&� �� � -�`#�L6�$6�$|<�|<r