ClickUp Operator

""" Tkinter GUI progressbar decorator for iterators. Usage: >>> from import trange, tqdm >>> for i in trange(10): ... ... """ import re import sys import tkinter import tkinter.ttk as ttk from warnings import warn from .std import TqdmExperimentalWarning, TqdmWarning from .std import tqdm as std_tqdm __author__ = {"": ["richardsheridan", "casperdcl"]} __all__ = ['tqdm_tk', 'ttkrange', 'tqdm', 'trange'] class tqdm_tk(std_tqdm): # pragma: no cover """ Experimental Tkinter GUI version of tqdm! Note: Window interactivity suffers if `tqdm_tk` is not running within a Tkinter mainloop and values are generated infrequently. In this case, consider calling `tqdm_tk.refresh()` frequently in the Tk thread. """ # TODO: @classmethod: write()? def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This class accepts the following parameters *in addition* to the parameters accepted by `tqdm`. Parameters ---------- grab : bool, optional Grab the input across all windows of the process. tk_parent : `tkinter.Wm`, optional Parent Tk window. cancel_callback : Callable, optional Create a cancel button and set `cancel_callback` to be called when the cancel or window close button is clicked. """ kwargs = kwargs.copy() kwargs['gui'] = True # convert disable = None to False kwargs['disable'] = bool(kwargs.get('disable', False)) self._warn_leave = 'leave' in kwargs grab = kwargs.pop('grab', False) tk_parent = kwargs.pop('tk_parent', None) self._cancel_callback = kwargs.pop('cancel_callback', None) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.disable: return if tk_parent is None: # Discover parent widget try: tk_parent = tkinter._default_root except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( "`tk_parent` required when using `tkinter.NoDefaultRoot()`") if tk_parent is None: # use new default root window as display self._tk_window = tkinter.Tk() else: # some other windows already exist self._tk_window = tkinter.Toplevel() else: self._tk_window = tkinter.Toplevel(tk_parent) warn("GUI is experimental/alpha", TqdmExperimentalWarning, stacklevel=2) self._tk_dispatching = self._tk_dispatching_helper() self._tk_window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.cancel) self._tk_window.wm_title(self.desc) self._tk_window.wm_attributes("-topmost", 1) self._tk_window.after(0, lambda: self._tk_window.wm_attributes("-topmost", 0)) self._tk_n_var = tkinter.DoubleVar(self._tk_window, value=0) self._tk_text_var = tkinter.StringVar(self._tk_window) pbar_frame = ttk.Frame(self._tk_window, padding=5) pbar_frame.pack() _tk_label = ttk.Label(pbar_frame, textvariable=self._tk_text_var, wraplength=600, anchor="center", justify="center") _tk_label.pack() self._tk_pbar = ttk.Progressbar( pbar_frame, variable=self._tk_n_var, length=450) if is not None: self._tk_pbar.configure( else: self._tk_pbar.configure(mode="indeterminate") self._tk_pbar.pack() if self._cancel_callback is not None: _tk_button = ttk.Button(pbar_frame, text="Cancel", command=self.cancel) _tk_button.pack() if grab: self._tk_window.grab_set() def close(self): if self.disable: return self.disable = True with self.get_lock(): self._instances.remove(self) def _close(): self._tk_window.after('idle', self._tk_window.destroy) if not self._tk_dispatching: self._tk_window.update() self._tk_window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", _close) # if leave is set but we are self-dispatching, the left window is # totally unresponsive unless the user manually dispatches if not self.leave: _close() elif not self._tk_dispatching: if self._warn_leave: warn("leave flag ignored if not in tkinter mainloop", TqdmWarning, stacklevel=2) _close() def clear(self, *_, **__): pass def display(self, *_, **__): self._tk_n_var.set(self.n) d = self.format_dict # remove {bar} d['bar_format'] = (d['bar_format'] or "{l_bar}<bar/>{r_bar}").replace( "{bar}", "<bar/>") msg = self.format_meter(**d) if '<bar/>' in msg: msg = "".join(re.split(r'\|?<bar/>\|?', msg, maxsplit=1)) self._tk_text_var.set(msg) if not self._tk_dispatching: self._tk_window.update() def set_description(self, desc=None, refresh=True): self.set_description_str(desc, refresh) def set_description_str(self, desc=None, refresh=True): self.desc = desc if not self.disable: self._tk_window.wm_title(desc) if refresh and not self._tk_dispatching: self._tk_window.update() def cancel(self): """ `cancel_callback()` followed by `close()` when close/cancel buttons clicked. """ if self._cancel_callback is not None: self._cancel_callback() self.close() def reset(self, total=None): """ Resets to 0 iterations for repeated use. Parameters ---------- total : int or float, optional. Total to use for the new bar. """ if hasattr(self, '_tk_pbar'): if total is None: self._tk_pbar.configure(maximum=100, mode="indeterminate") else: self._tk_pbar.configure(maximum=total, mode="determinate") super().reset(total=total) @staticmethod def _tk_dispatching_helper(): """determine if Tkinter mainloop is dispatching events""" codes = {tkinter.mainloop.__code__, tkinter.Misc.mainloop.__code__} for frame in sys._current_frames().values(): while frame: if frame.f_code in codes: return True frame = frame.f_back return False def ttkrange(*args, **kwargs): """Shortcut for `*args), **kwargs)`.""" return tqdm_tk(range(*args), **kwargs) # Aliases tqdm = tqdm_tk trange = ttkrange