ClickUp Operator

""" Thin wrappers around common functions. Subpackages contain potentially unstable extensions. """ from warnings import warn from import tqdm as tqdm_auto from ..std import TqdmDeprecationWarning, tqdm from ..utils import ObjectWrapper __author__ = {"": ["casperdcl"]} __all__ = ['tenumerate', 'tzip', 'tmap'] class DummyTqdmFile(ObjectWrapper): """Dummy file-like that will write to tqdm""" def __init__(self, wrapped): super().__init__(wrapped) self._buf = [] def write(self, x, nolock=False): nl = b"\n" if isinstance(x, bytes) else "\n" pre, sep, post = x.rpartition(nl) if sep: blank = type(nl)() tqdm.write(blank.join(self._buf + [pre, sep]), end=blank, file=self._wrapped, nolock=nolock) self._buf = [post] else: self._buf.append(x) def __del__(self): if self._buf: blank = type(self._buf[0])() try: tqdm.write(blank.join(self._buf), end=blank, file=self._wrapped) except (OSError, ValueError): pass def builtin_iterable(func): """Returns `func`""" warn("This function has no effect, and will be removed in tqdm==5.0.0", TqdmDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return func def tenumerate(iterable, start=0, total=None, tqdm_class=tqdm_auto, **tqdm_kwargs): """ Equivalent of `numpy.ndenumerate` or builtin `enumerate`. Parameters ---------- tqdm_class : [default:]. """ try: import numpy as np except ImportError: pass else: if isinstance(iterable, np.ndarray): return tqdm_class(np.ndenumerate(iterable), total=total or iterable.size, **tqdm_kwargs) return enumerate(tqdm_class(iterable, total=total, **tqdm_kwargs), start) def tzip(iter1, *iter2plus, **tqdm_kwargs): """ Equivalent of builtin `zip`. Parameters ---------- tqdm_class : [default:]. """ kwargs = tqdm_kwargs.copy() tqdm_class = kwargs.pop("tqdm_class", tqdm_auto) for i in zip(tqdm_class(iter1, **kwargs), *iter2plus): yield i def tmap(function, *sequences, **tqdm_kwargs): """ Equivalent of builtin `map`. Parameters ---------- tqdm_class : [default:]. """ for i in tzip(*sequences, **tqdm_kwargs): yield function(*i)