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# Generated content DO NOT EDIT class PreTokenizer: """ Base class for all pre-tokenizers This class is not supposed to be instantiated directly. Instead, any implementation of a PreTokenizer will return an instance of this class when instantiated. """ def pre_tokenize(self, pretok): """ Pre-tokenize a :class:`~tokenizers.PyPreTokenizedString` in-place This method allows to modify a :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString` to keep track of the pre-tokenization, and leverage the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you just want to see the result of the pre-tokenization of a raw string, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize_str` Args: pretok (:class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString): The pre-tokenized string on which to apply this :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` """ pass def pre_tokenize_str(self, sequence): """ Pre tokenize the given string This method provides a way to visualize the effect of a :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` but it does not keep track of the alignment, nor does it provide all the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you need some of these, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize` Args: sequence (:obj:`str`): A string to pre-tokeize Returns: :obj:`List[Tuple[str, Offsets]]`: A list of tuple with the pre-tokenized parts and their offsets """ pass class BertPreTokenizer(PreTokenizer): """ BertPreTokenizer This pre-tokenizer splits tokens on spaces, and also on punctuation. Each occurence of a punctuation character will be treated separately. """ def __init__(self): pass def pre_tokenize(self, pretok): """ Pre-tokenize a :class:`~tokenizers.PyPreTokenizedString` in-place This method allows to modify a :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString` to keep track of the pre-tokenization, and leverage the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you just want to see the result of the pre-tokenization of a raw string, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize_str` Args: pretok (:class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString): The pre-tokenized string on which to apply this :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` """ pass def pre_tokenize_str(self, sequence): """ Pre tokenize the given string This method provides a way to visualize the effect of a :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` but it does not keep track of the alignment, nor does it provide all the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you need some of these, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize` Args: sequence (:obj:`str`): A string to pre-tokeize Returns: :obj:`List[Tuple[str, Offsets]]`: A list of tuple with the pre-tokenized parts and their offsets """ pass class ByteLevel(PreTokenizer): """ ByteLevel PreTokenizer This pre-tokenizer takes care of replacing all bytes of the given string with a corresponding representation, as well as splitting into words. Args: add_prefix_space (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`True`): Whether to add a space to the first word if there isn't already one. This lets us treat `hello` exactly like `say hello`. use_regex (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`True`): Set this to :obj:`False` to prevent this `pre_tokenizer` from using the GPT2 specific regexp for spliting on whitespace. """ def __init__(self, add_prefix_space=True, use_regex=True): pass @staticmethod def alphabet(): """ Returns the alphabet used by this PreTokenizer. Since the ByteLevel works as its name suggests, at the byte level, it encodes each byte value to a unique visible character. This means that there is a total of 256 different characters composing this alphabet. Returns: :obj:`List[str]`: A list of characters that compose the alphabet """ pass def pre_tokenize(self, pretok): """ Pre-tokenize a :class:`~tokenizers.PyPreTokenizedString` in-place This method allows to modify a :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString` to keep track of the pre-tokenization, and leverage the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you just want to see the result of the pre-tokenization of a raw string, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize_str` Args: pretok (:class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString): The pre-tokenized string on which to apply this :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` """ pass def pre_tokenize_str(self, sequence): """ Pre tokenize the given string This method provides a way to visualize the effect of a :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` but it does not keep track of the alignment, nor does it provide all the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you need some of these, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize` Args: sequence (:obj:`str`): A string to pre-tokeize Returns: :obj:`List[Tuple[str, Offsets]]`: A list of tuple with the pre-tokenized parts and their offsets """ pass class CharDelimiterSplit(PreTokenizer): """ This pre-tokenizer simply splits on the provided char. Works like `.split(delimiter)` Args: delimiter: str: The delimiter char that will be used to split input """ def pre_tokenize(self, pretok): """ Pre-tokenize a :class:`~tokenizers.PyPreTokenizedString` in-place This method allows to modify a :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString` to keep track of the pre-tokenization, and leverage the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you just want to see the result of the pre-tokenization of a raw string, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize_str` Args: pretok (:class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString): The pre-tokenized string on which to apply this :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` """ pass def pre_tokenize_str(self, sequence): """ Pre tokenize the given string This method provides a way to visualize the effect of a :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` but it does not keep track of the alignment, nor does it provide all the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you need some of these, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize` Args: sequence (:obj:`str`): A string to pre-tokeize Returns: :obj:`List[Tuple[str, Offsets]]`: A list of tuple with the pre-tokenized parts and their offsets """ pass class Digits(PreTokenizer): """ This pre-tokenizer simply splits using the digits in separate tokens Args: individual_digits (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`False`): If set to True, digits will each be separated as follows:: "Call 123 please" -> "Call ", "1", "2", "3", " please" If set to False, digits will grouped as follows:: "Call 123 please" -> "Call ", "123", " please" """ def __init__(self, individual_digits=False): pass def pre_tokenize(self, pretok): """ Pre-tokenize a :class:`~tokenizers.PyPreTokenizedString` in-place This method allows to modify a :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString` to keep track of the pre-tokenization, and leverage the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you just want to see the result of the pre-tokenization of a raw string, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize_str` Args: pretok (:class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString): The pre-tokenized string on which to apply this :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` """ pass def pre_tokenize_str(self, sequence): """ Pre tokenize the given string This method provides a way to visualize the effect of a :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` but it does not keep track of the alignment, nor does it provide all the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you need some of these, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize` Args: sequence (:obj:`str`): A string to pre-tokeize Returns: :obj:`List[Tuple[str, Offsets]]`: A list of tuple with the pre-tokenized parts and their offsets """ pass class Metaspace(PreTokenizer): """ Metaspace pre-tokenizer This pre-tokenizer replaces any whitespace by the provided replacement character. It then tries to split on these spaces. Args: replacement (:obj:`str`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`▁`): The replacement character. Must be exactly one character. By default we use the `▁` (U+2581) meta symbol (Same as in SentencePiece). prepend_scheme (:obj:`str`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`"always"`): Whether to add a space to the first word if there isn't already one. This lets us treat `hello` exactly like `say hello`. Choices: "always", "never", "first". First means the space is only added on the first token (relevant when special tokens are used or other pre_tokenizer are used). """ def __init__(self, replacement="_", prepend_scheme="always", split=True): pass def pre_tokenize(self, pretok): """ Pre-tokenize a :class:`~tokenizers.PyPreTokenizedString` in-place This method allows to modify a :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString` to keep track of the pre-tokenization, and leverage the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you just want to see the result of the pre-tokenization of a raw string, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize_str` Args: pretok (:class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString): The pre-tokenized string on which to apply this :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` """ pass def pre_tokenize_str(self, sequence): """ Pre tokenize the given string This method provides a way to visualize the effect of a :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` but it does not keep track of the alignment, nor does it provide all the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you need some of these, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize` Args: sequence (:obj:`str`): A string to pre-tokeize Returns: :obj:`List[Tuple[str, Offsets]]`: A list of tuple with the pre-tokenized parts and their offsets """ pass class Punctuation(PreTokenizer): """ This pre-tokenizer simply splits on punctuation as individual characters. Args: behavior (:class:`~tokenizers.SplitDelimiterBehavior`): The behavior to use when splitting. Choices: "removed", "isolated" (default), "merged_with_previous", "merged_with_next", "contiguous" """ def __init__(self, behavior="isolated"): pass def pre_tokenize(self, pretok): """ Pre-tokenize a :class:`~tokenizers.PyPreTokenizedString` in-place This method allows to modify a :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString` to keep track of the pre-tokenization, and leverage the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you just want to see the result of the pre-tokenization of a raw string, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize_str` Args: pretok (:class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString): The pre-tokenized string on which to apply this :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` """ pass def pre_tokenize_str(self, sequence): """ Pre tokenize the given string This method provides a way to visualize the effect of a :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` but it does not keep track of the alignment, nor does it provide all the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you need some of these, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize` Args: sequence (:obj:`str`): A string to pre-tokeize Returns: :obj:`List[Tuple[str, Offsets]]`: A list of tuple with the pre-tokenized parts and their offsets """ pass class Sequence(PreTokenizer): """ This pre-tokenizer composes other pre_tokenizers and applies them in sequence """ def __init__(self, pretokenizers): pass def pre_tokenize(self, pretok): """ Pre-tokenize a :class:`~tokenizers.PyPreTokenizedString` in-place This method allows to modify a :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString` to keep track of the pre-tokenization, and leverage the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you just want to see the result of the pre-tokenization of a raw string, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize_str` Args: pretok (:class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString): The pre-tokenized string on which to apply this :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` """ pass def pre_tokenize_str(self, sequence): """ Pre tokenize the given string This method provides a way to visualize the effect of a :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` but it does not keep track of the alignment, nor does it provide all the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you need some of these, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize` Args: sequence (:obj:`str`): A string to pre-tokeize Returns: :obj:`List[Tuple[str, Offsets]]`: A list of tuple with the pre-tokenized parts and their offsets """ pass class Split(PreTokenizer): """ Split PreTokenizer This versatile pre-tokenizer splits using the provided pattern and according to the provided behavior. The pattern can be inverted by making use of the invert flag. Args: pattern (:obj:`str` or :class:`~tokenizers.Regex`): A pattern used to split the string. Usually a string or a regex built with `tokenizers.Regex`. If you want to use a regex pattern, it has to be wrapped around a `tokenizer.Regex`, otherwise we consider is as a string pattern. For example `pattern="|"` means you want to split on `|` (imagine a csv file for example), while `patter=tokenizer.Regex("1|2")` means you split on either '1' or '2'. behavior (:class:`~tokenizers.SplitDelimiterBehavior`): The behavior to use when splitting. Choices: "removed", "isolated", "merged_with_previous", "merged_with_next", "contiguous" invert (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`False`): Whether to invert the pattern. """ def __init__(self, pattern, behavior, invert=False): pass def pre_tokenize(self, pretok): """ Pre-tokenize a :class:`~tokenizers.PyPreTokenizedString` in-place This method allows to modify a :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString` to keep track of the pre-tokenization, and leverage the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you just want to see the result of the pre-tokenization of a raw string, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize_str` Args: pretok (:class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString): The pre-tokenized string on which to apply this :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` """ pass def pre_tokenize_str(self, sequence): """ Pre tokenize the given string This method provides a way to visualize the effect of a :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` but it does not keep track of the alignment, nor does it provide all the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you need some of these, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize` Args: sequence (:obj:`str`): A string to pre-tokeize Returns: :obj:`List[Tuple[str, Offsets]]`: A list of tuple with the pre-tokenized parts and their offsets """ pass class UnicodeScripts(PreTokenizer): """ This pre-tokenizer splits on characters that belong to different language family It roughly follows Actually Hiragana and Katakana are fused with Han, and 0x30FC is Han too. This mimicks SentencePiece Unigram implementation. """ def __init__(self): pass def pre_tokenize(self, pretok): """ Pre-tokenize a :class:`~tokenizers.PyPreTokenizedString` in-place This method allows to modify a :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString` to keep track of the pre-tokenization, and leverage the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you just want to see the result of the pre-tokenization of a raw string, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize_str` Args: pretok (:class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString): The pre-tokenized string on which to apply this :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` """ pass def pre_tokenize_str(self, sequence): """ Pre tokenize the given string This method provides a way to visualize the effect of a :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` but it does not keep track of the alignment, nor does it provide all the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you need some of these, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize` Args: sequence (:obj:`str`): A string to pre-tokeize Returns: :obj:`List[Tuple[str, Offsets]]`: A list of tuple with the pre-tokenized parts and their offsets """ pass class Whitespace(PreTokenizer): """ This pre-tokenizer simply splits using the following regex: `\w+|[^\w\s]+` """ def __init__(self): pass def pre_tokenize(self, pretok): """ Pre-tokenize a :class:`~tokenizers.PyPreTokenizedString` in-place This method allows to modify a :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString` to keep track of the pre-tokenization, and leverage the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you just want to see the result of the pre-tokenization of a raw string, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize_str` Args: pretok (:class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString): The pre-tokenized string on which to apply this :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` """ pass def pre_tokenize_str(self, sequence): """ Pre tokenize the given string This method provides a way to visualize the effect of a :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` but it does not keep track of the alignment, nor does it provide all the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you need some of these, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize` Args: sequence (:obj:`str`): A string to pre-tokeize Returns: :obj:`List[Tuple[str, Offsets]]`: A list of tuple with the pre-tokenized parts and their offsets """ pass class WhitespaceSplit(PreTokenizer): """ This pre-tokenizer simply splits on the whitespace. Works like `.split()` """ def __init__(self): pass def pre_tokenize(self, pretok): """ Pre-tokenize a :class:`~tokenizers.PyPreTokenizedString` in-place This method allows to modify a :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString` to keep track of the pre-tokenization, and leverage the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you just want to see the result of the pre-tokenization of a raw string, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize_str` Args: pretok (:class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString): The pre-tokenized string on which to apply this :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` """ pass def pre_tokenize_str(self, sequence): """ Pre tokenize the given string This method provides a way to visualize the effect of a :class:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer` but it does not keep track of the alignment, nor does it provide all the capabilities of the :class:`~tokenizers.PreTokenizedString`. If you need some of these, you can use :meth:`~tokenizers.pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer.pre_tokenize` Args: sequence (:obj:`str`): A string to pre-tokeize Returns: :obj:`List[Tuple[str, Offsets]]`: A list of tuple with the pre-tokenized parts and their offsets """ pass