ClickUp Operator

from __future__ import annotations import functools import re import typing from starlette.datastructures import Headers, MutableHeaders from starlette.responses import PlainTextResponse, Response from starlette.types import ASGIApp, Message, Receive, Scope, Send ALL_METHODS = ("DELETE", "GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PATCH", "POST", "PUT") SAFELISTED_HEADERS = {"Accept", "Accept-Language", "Content-Language", "Content-Type"} class CORSMiddleware: def __init__( self, app: ASGIApp, allow_origins: typing.Sequence[str] = (), allow_methods: typing.Sequence[str] = ("GET",), allow_headers: typing.Sequence[str] = (), allow_credentials: bool = False, allow_origin_regex: str | None = None, expose_headers: typing.Sequence[str] = (), max_age: int = 600, ) -> None: if "*" in allow_methods: allow_methods = ALL_METHODS compiled_allow_origin_regex = None if allow_origin_regex is not None: compiled_allow_origin_regex = re.compile(allow_origin_regex) allow_all_origins = "*" in allow_origins allow_all_headers = "*" in allow_headers preflight_explicit_allow_origin = not allow_all_origins or allow_credentials simple_headers = {} if allow_all_origins: simple_headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" if allow_credentials: simple_headers["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"] = "true" if expose_headers: simple_headers["Access-Control-Expose-Headers"] = ", ".join(expose_headers) preflight_headers = {} if preflight_explicit_allow_origin: # The origin value will be set in preflight_response() if it is allowed. preflight_headers["Vary"] = "Origin" else: preflight_headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" preflight_headers.update( { "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": ", ".join(allow_methods), "Access-Control-Max-Age": str(max_age), } ) allow_headers = sorted(SAFELISTED_HEADERS | set(allow_headers)) if allow_headers and not allow_all_headers: preflight_headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = ", ".join(allow_headers) if allow_credentials: preflight_headers["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"] = "true" = app self.allow_origins = allow_origins self.allow_methods = allow_methods self.allow_headers = [h.lower() for h in allow_headers] self.allow_all_origins = allow_all_origins self.allow_all_headers = allow_all_headers self.preflight_explicit_allow_origin = preflight_explicit_allow_origin self.allow_origin_regex = compiled_allow_origin_regex self.simple_headers = simple_headers self.preflight_headers = preflight_headers async def __call__(self, scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None: if scope["type"] != "http": # pragma: no cover await, receive, send) return method = scope["method"] headers = Headers(scope=scope) origin = headers.get("origin") if origin is None: await, receive, send) return if method == "OPTIONS" and "access-control-request-method" in headers: response = self.preflight_response(request_headers=headers) await response(scope, receive, send) return await self.simple_response(scope, receive, send, request_headers=headers) def is_allowed_origin(self, origin: str) -> bool: if self.allow_all_origins: return True if self.allow_origin_regex is not None and self.allow_origin_regex.fullmatch(origin): return True return origin in self.allow_origins def preflight_response(self, request_headers: Headers) -> Response: requested_origin = request_headers["origin"] requested_method = request_headers["access-control-request-method"] requested_headers = request_headers.get("access-control-request-headers") headers = dict(self.preflight_headers) failures = [] if self.is_allowed_origin(origin=requested_origin): if self.preflight_explicit_allow_origin: # The "else" case is already accounted for in self.preflight_headers # and the value would be "*". headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = requested_origin else: failures.append("origin") if requested_method not in self.allow_methods: failures.append("method") # If we allow all headers, then we have to mirror back any requested # headers in the response. if self.allow_all_headers and requested_headers is not None: headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = requested_headers elif requested_headers is not None: for header in [h.lower() for h in requested_headers.split(",")]: if header.strip() not in self.allow_headers: failures.append("headers") break # We don't strictly need to use 400 responses here, since its up to # the browser to enforce the CORS policy, but its more informative # if we do. if failures: failure_text = "Disallowed CORS " + ", ".join(failures) return PlainTextResponse(failure_text, status_code=400, headers=headers) return PlainTextResponse("OK", status_code=200, headers=headers) async def simple_response(self, scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send, request_headers: Headers) -> None: send = functools.partial(self.send, send=send, request_headers=request_headers) await, receive, send) async def send(self, message: Message, send: Send, request_headers: Headers) -> None: if message["type"] != "http.response.start": await send(message) return message.setdefault("headers", []) headers = MutableHeaders(scope=message) headers.update(self.simple_headers) origin = request_headers["Origin"] has_cookie = "cookie" in request_headers # If request includes any cookie headers, then we must respond # with the specific origin instead of '*'. if self.allow_all_origins and has_cookie: self.allow_explicit_origin(headers, origin) # If we only allow specific origins, then we have to mirror back # the Origin header in the response. elif not self.allow_all_origins and self.is_allowed_origin(origin=origin): self.allow_explicit_origin(headers, origin) await send(message) @staticmethod def allow_explicit_origin(headers: MutableHeaders, origin: str) -> None: headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = origin headers.add_vary_header("Origin")