ClickUp Operator
by noahvanhart
- .venv
- Lib
- site-packages
- sniffio
- __pycache__
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ContextVar)�OptionalN�current_async_library_cvar)�defaultc � � e Zd ZdZy)�_ThreadLocalN)�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�name� � �YC:\Users\noahv\Documents\GitHub\clickup-operator\.venv\Lib\site-packages\sniffio/_impl.pyr r s � � �Dr r c � � e Zd Zy)�AsyncLibraryNotFoundErrorN)r r
r r
r r r r s � �r r �returnc �r � t j } | �| S t j � } | �| S dt j
v rddl} |j } |� �y dt j
v rddlm} |� ryt d� �# t $ r |j j }Y �Vw xY w# t $ r Y �[w xY w)ae Detect which async library is currently running.
The following libraries are currently supported:
================ =========== ============================
Library Requires Magic string
================ =========== ============================
**Trio** Trio v0.6+ ``"trio"``
**Curio** - ``"curio"``
**asyncio** ``"asyncio"``
**Trio-asyncio** v0.8.2+ ``"trio"`` or ``"asyncio"``,
depending on current mode
================ =========== ============================
A string like ``"trio"``.
AsyncLibraryNotFoundError: if called from synchronous context,
or if the current async library was not recognized.
.. code-block:: python3
from sniffio import current_async_library
async def generic_sleep(seconds):
library = current_async_library()
if library == "trio":
import trio
await trio.sleep(seconds)
elif library == "asyncio":
import asyncio
await asyncio.sleep(seconds)
# ... and so on ...
raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported library {library!r}")
N�asyncior �curio)�
curio_runningz.unknown async library, or not in async context)�thread_localr r �get�sys�modulesr �current_task�AttributeError�Task�RuntimeError�
curio.metar r )�valuer r r s r �current_async_libraryr! s� � �R
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r r �<module>r'