ClickUp Operator

# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2024-present, the HuggingFace Inc. team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import enum import logging import os import queue import shutil import sys import threading import time import traceback from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path from threading import Lock from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Tuple, Union from . import constants from ._commit_api import CommitOperationAdd, UploadInfo, _fetch_upload_modes from ._local_folder import LocalUploadFileMetadata, LocalUploadFilePaths, get_local_upload_paths, read_upload_metadata from .constants import DEFAULT_REVISION, REPO_TYPES from .utils import DEFAULT_IGNORE_PATTERNS, filter_repo_objects, tqdm from .utils._cache_manager import _format_size from .utils.sha import sha_fileobj if TYPE_CHECKING: from .hf_api import HfApi logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) WAITING_TIME_IF_NO_TASKS = 10 # seconds MAX_NB_REGULAR_FILES_PER_COMMIT = 75 MAX_NB_LFS_FILES_PER_COMMIT = 150 def upload_large_folder_internal( api: "HfApi", repo_id: str, folder_path: Union[str, Path], *, repo_type: str, # Repo type is required! revision: Optional[str] = None, private: bool = False, allow_patterns: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, ignore_patterns: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, num_workers: Optional[int] = None, print_report: bool = True, print_report_every: int = 60, ): """Upload a large folder to the Hub in the most resilient way possible. See [`HfApi.upload_large_folder`] for the full documentation. """ # 1. Check args and setup if repo_type is None: raise ValueError( "For large uploads, `repo_type` is explicitly required. Please set it to `model`, `dataset` or `space`." " If you are using the CLI, pass it as `--repo-type=model`." ) if repo_type not in REPO_TYPES: raise ValueError(f"Invalid repo type, must be one of {REPO_TYPES}") if revision is None: revision = DEFAULT_REVISION folder_path = Path(folder_path).expanduser().resolve() if not folder_path.is_dir(): raise ValueError(f"Provided path: '{folder_path}' is not a directory") if ignore_patterns is None: ignore_patterns = [] elif isinstance(ignore_patterns, str): ignore_patterns = [ignore_patterns] ignore_patterns += DEFAULT_IGNORE_PATTERNS if num_workers is None: nb_cores = os.cpu_count() or 1 num_workers = max(nb_cores - 2, 2) # Use all but 2 cores, or at least 2 cores # 2. Create repo if missing repo_url = api.create_repo(repo_id=repo_id, repo_type=repo_type, private=private, exist_ok=True)"Repo created: {repo_url}") repo_id = repo_url.repo_id # 3. List files to upload filtered_paths_list = filter_repo_objects( (path.relative_to(folder_path).as_posix() for path in folder_path.glob("**/*") if path.is_file()), allow_patterns=allow_patterns, ignore_patterns=ignore_patterns, ) paths_list = [get_local_upload_paths(folder_path, relpath) for relpath in filtered_paths_list]"Found {len(paths_list)} candidate files to upload") # Read metadata for each file items = [ (paths, read_upload_metadata(folder_path, paths.path_in_repo)) for paths in tqdm(paths_list, desc="Recovering from metadata files") ] # 4. Start workers status = LargeUploadStatus(items) threads = [ threading.Thread( target=_worker_job, kwargs={ "status": status, "api": api, "repo_id": repo_id, "repo_type": repo_type, "revision": revision, }, ) for _ in range(num_workers) ] for thread in threads: thread.start() # 5. Print regular reports if print_report: print("\n\n" + status.current_report()) last_report_ts = time.time() while True: time.sleep(1) if time.time() - last_report_ts >= print_report_every: if print_report: _print_overwrite(status.current_report()) last_report_ts = time.time() if status.is_done():"Is done: exiting main loop") break for thread in threads: thread.join()"Upload is complete!") #################### # Logic to manage workers and synchronize tasks #################### class WorkerJob(enum.Enum): SHA256 = GET_UPLOAD_MODE = PREUPLOAD_LFS = COMMIT = WAIT = # if no tasks are available but we don't want to exit JOB_ITEM_T = Tuple[LocalUploadFilePaths, LocalUploadFileMetadata] class LargeUploadStatus: """Contains information, queues and tasks for a large upload process.""" def __init__(self, items: List[JOB_ITEM_T]): self.items = items self.queue_sha256: "queue.Queue[JOB_ITEM_T]" = queue.Queue() self.queue_get_upload_mode: "queue.Queue[JOB_ITEM_T]" = queue.Queue() self.queue_preupload_lfs: "queue.Queue[JOB_ITEM_T]" = queue.Queue() self.queue_commit: "queue.Queue[JOB_ITEM_T]" = queue.Queue() self.lock = Lock() self.nb_workers_sha256: int = 0 self.nb_workers_get_upload_mode: int = 0 self.nb_workers_preupload_lfs: int = 0 self.nb_workers_commit: int = 0 self.nb_workers_waiting: int = 0 self.last_commit_attempt: Optional[float] = None self._started_at = # Setup queues for item in self.items: paths, metadata = item if metadata.sha256 is None: self.queue_sha256.put(item) elif metadata.upload_mode is None: self.queue_get_upload_mode.put(item) elif metadata.upload_mode == "lfs" and not metadata.is_uploaded: self.queue_preupload_lfs.put(item) elif not metadata.is_committed: self.queue_commit.put(item) else: logger.debug(f"Skipping file {paths.path_in_repo} (already uploaded and committed)") def current_report(self) -> str: """Generate a report of the current status of the large upload.""" nb_hashed = 0 size_hashed = 0 nb_preuploaded = 0 nb_lfs = 0 nb_lfs_unsure = 0 size_preuploaded = 0 nb_committed = 0 size_committed = 0 total_size = 0 ignored_files = 0 total_files = 0 with self.lock: for _, metadata in self.items: if metadata.should_ignore: ignored_files += 1 continue total_size += metadata.size total_files += 1 if metadata.sha256 is not None: nb_hashed += 1 size_hashed += metadata.size if metadata.upload_mode == "lfs": nb_lfs += 1 if metadata.upload_mode is None: nb_lfs_unsure += 1 if metadata.is_uploaded: nb_preuploaded += 1 size_preuploaded += metadata.size if metadata.is_committed: nb_committed += 1 size_committed += metadata.size total_size_str = _format_size(total_size) now = now_str = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") elapsed = now - self._started_at elapsed_str = str(elapsed).split(".")[0] # remove milliseconds message = "\n" + "-" * 10 message += f" {now_str} ({elapsed_str}) " message += "-" * 10 + "\n" message += "Files: " message += f"hashed {nb_hashed}/{total_files} ({_format_size(size_hashed)}/{total_size_str}) | " message += f"pre-uploaded: {nb_preuploaded}/{nb_lfs} ({_format_size(size_preuploaded)}/{total_size_str})" if nb_lfs_unsure > 0: message += f" (+{nb_lfs_unsure} unsure)" message += f" | committed: {nb_committed}/{total_files} ({_format_size(size_committed)}/{total_size_str})" message += f" | ignored: {ignored_files}\n" message += "Workers: " message += f"hashing: {self.nb_workers_sha256} | " message += f"get upload mode: {self.nb_workers_get_upload_mode} | " message += f"pre-uploading: {self.nb_workers_preupload_lfs} | " message += f"committing: {self.nb_workers_commit} | " message += f"waiting: {self.nb_workers_waiting}\n" message += "-" * 51 return message def is_done(self) -> bool: with self.lock: return all(metadata.is_committed or metadata.should_ignore for _, metadata in self.items) def _worker_job( status: LargeUploadStatus, api: "HfApi", repo_id: str, repo_type: str, revision: str, ): """ Main process for a worker. The worker will perform tasks based on the priority list until all files are uploaded and committed. If no tasks are available, the worker will wait for 10 seconds before checking again. If a task fails for any reason, the item(s) are put back in the queue for another worker to pick up. Read `upload_large_folder` docstring for more information on how tasks are prioritized. """ while True: next_job: Optional[Tuple[WorkerJob, List[JOB_ITEM_T]]] = None # Determine next task next_job = _determine_next_job(status) if next_job is None: return job, items = next_job # Perform task if job == WorkerJob.SHA256: item = items[0] # single item try: _compute_sha256(item) status.queue_get_upload_mode.put(item) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to compute sha256: {e}") traceback.format_exc() status.queue_sha256.put(item) with status.lock: status.nb_workers_sha256 -= 1 elif job == WorkerJob.GET_UPLOAD_MODE: try: _get_upload_mode(items, api=api, repo_id=repo_id, repo_type=repo_type, revision=revision) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to get upload mode: {e}") traceback.format_exc() # Items are either: # - dropped (if should_ignore) # - put in LFS queue (if LFS) # - put in commit queue (if regular) # - or put back (if error occurred). for item in items: _, metadata = item if metadata.should_ignore: continue if metadata.upload_mode == "lfs": status.queue_preupload_lfs.put(item) elif metadata.upload_mode == "regular": status.queue_commit.put(item) else: status.queue_get_upload_mode.put(item) with status.lock: status.nb_workers_get_upload_mode -= 1 elif job == WorkerJob.PREUPLOAD_LFS: item = items[0] # single item try: _preupload_lfs(item, api=api, repo_id=repo_id, repo_type=repo_type, revision=revision) status.queue_commit.put(item) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to preupload LFS: {e}") traceback.format_exc() status.queue_preupload_lfs.put(item) with status.lock: status.nb_workers_preupload_lfs -= 1 elif job == WorkerJob.COMMIT: try: _commit(items, api=api, repo_id=repo_id, repo_type=repo_type, revision=revision) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to commit: {e}") traceback.format_exc() for item in items: status.queue_commit.put(item) with status.lock: status.last_commit_attempt = time.time() status.nb_workers_commit -= 1 elif job == WorkerJob.WAIT: time.sleep(WAITING_TIME_IF_NO_TASKS) with status.lock: status.nb_workers_waiting -= 1 def _determine_next_job(status: LargeUploadStatus) -> Optional[Tuple[WorkerJob, List[JOB_ITEM_T]]]: with status.lock: # 1. Commit if more than 5 minutes since last commit attempt (and at least 1 file) if ( status.nb_workers_commit == 0 and status.queue_commit.qsize() > 0 and status.last_commit_attempt is not None and time.time() - status.last_commit_attempt > 5 * 60 ): status.nb_workers_commit += 1 logger.debug("Job: commit (more than 5 minutes since last commit attempt)") return (WorkerJob.COMMIT, _get_items_to_commit(status.queue_commit)) # 2. Commit if at least 100 files are ready to commit elif status.nb_workers_commit == 0 and status.queue_commit.qsize() >= 150: status.nb_workers_commit += 1 logger.debug("Job: commit (>100 files ready)") return (WorkerJob.COMMIT, _get_items_to_commit(status.queue_commit)) # 3. Get upload mode if at least 10 files elif status.queue_get_upload_mode.qsize() >= 10: status.nb_workers_get_upload_mode += 1 logger.debug("Job: get upload mode (>10 files ready)") return (WorkerJob.GET_UPLOAD_MODE, _get_n(status.queue_get_upload_mode, 50)) # 4. Preupload LFS file if at least 1 file and no worker is preuploading LFS elif status.queue_preupload_lfs.qsize() > 0 and status.nb_workers_preupload_lfs == 0: status.nb_workers_preupload_lfs += 1 logger.debug("Job: preupload LFS (no other worker preuploading LFS)") return (WorkerJob.PREUPLOAD_LFS, _get_one(status.queue_preupload_lfs)) # 5. Compute sha256 if at least 1 file and no worker is computing sha256 elif status.queue_sha256.qsize() > 0 and status.nb_workers_sha256 == 0: status.nb_workers_sha256 += 1 logger.debug("Job: sha256 (no other worker computing sha256)") return (WorkerJob.SHA256, _get_one(status.queue_sha256)) # 6. Get upload mode if at least 1 file and no worker is getting upload mode elif status.queue_get_upload_mode.qsize() > 0 and status.nb_workers_get_upload_mode == 0: status.nb_workers_get_upload_mode += 1 logger.debug("Job: get upload mode (no other worker getting upload mode)") return (WorkerJob.GET_UPLOAD_MODE, _get_n(status.queue_get_upload_mode, 50)) # 7. Preupload LFS file if at least 1 file # Skip if hf_transfer is enabled and there is already a worker preuploading LFS elif status.queue_preupload_lfs.qsize() > 0 and ( status.nb_workers_preupload_lfs == 0 or not constants.HF_HUB_ENABLE_HF_TRANSFER ): status.nb_workers_preupload_lfs += 1 logger.debug("Job: preupload LFS") return (WorkerJob.PREUPLOAD_LFS, _get_one(status.queue_preupload_lfs)) # 8. Compute sha256 if at least 1 file elif status.queue_sha256.qsize() > 0: status.nb_workers_sha256 += 1 logger.debug("Job: sha256") return (WorkerJob.SHA256, _get_one(status.queue_sha256)) # 9. Get upload mode if at least 1 file elif status.queue_get_upload_mode.qsize() > 0: status.nb_workers_get_upload_mode += 1 logger.debug("Job: get upload mode") return (WorkerJob.GET_UPLOAD_MODE, _get_n(status.queue_get_upload_mode, 50)) # 10. Commit if at least 1 file and 1 min since last commit attempt elif ( status.nb_workers_commit == 0 and status.queue_commit.qsize() > 0 and status.last_commit_attempt is not None and time.time() - status.last_commit_attempt > 1 * 60 ): status.nb_workers_commit += 1 logger.debug("Job: commit (1 min since last commit attempt)") return (WorkerJob.COMMIT, _get_items_to_commit(status.queue_commit)) # 11. Commit if at least 1 file all other queues are empty and all workers are waiting # e.g. when it's the last commit elif ( status.nb_workers_commit == 0 and status.queue_commit.qsize() > 0 and status.queue_sha256.qsize() == 0 and status.queue_get_upload_mode.qsize() == 0 and status.queue_preupload_lfs.qsize() == 0 and status.nb_workers_sha256 == 0 and status.nb_workers_get_upload_mode == 0 and status.nb_workers_preupload_lfs == 0 ): status.nb_workers_commit += 1 logger.debug("Job: commit") return (WorkerJob.COMMIT, _get_items_to_commit(status.queue_commit)) # 12. If all queues are empty, exit elif all(metadata.is_committed or metadata.should_ignore for _, metadata in status.items):"All files have been processed! Exiting worker.") return None # 13. If no task is available, wait else: status.nb_workers_waiting += 1 logger.debug(f"No task available, waiting... ({WAITING_TIME_IF_NO_TASKS}s)") return (WorkerJob.WAIT, []) #################### # Atomic jobs (sha256, get_upload_mode, preupload_lfs, commit) #################### def _compute_sha256(item: JOB_ITEM_T) -> None: """Compute sha256 of a file and save it in metadata.""" paths, metadata = item if metadata.sha256 is None: with"rb") as f: metadata.sha256 = sha_fileobj(f).hex() def _get_upload_mode(items: List[JOB_ITEM_T], api: "HfApi", repo_id: str, repo_type: str, revision: str) -> None: """Get upload mode for each file and update metadata. Also receive info if the file should be ignored. """ additions = [_build_hacky_operation(item) for item in items] _fetch_upload_modes( additions=additions, repo_type=repo_type, repo_id=repo_id, headers=api._build_hf_headers(), revision=revision, ) for item, addition in zip(items, additions): paths, metadata = item metadata.upload_mode = addition._upload_mode metadata.should_ignore = addition._should_ignore def _preupload_lfs(item: JOB_ITEM_T, api: "HfApi", repo_id: str, repo_type: str, revision: str) -> None: """Preupload LFS file and update metadata.""" paths, metadata = item addition = _build_hacky_operation(item) api.preupload_lfs_files( repo_id=repo_id, repo_type=repo_type, revision=revision, additions=[addition], ) metadata.is_uploaded = True def _commit(items: List[JOB_ITEM_T], api: "HfApi", repo_id: str, repo_type: str, revision: str) -> None: """Commit files to the repo.""" additions = [_build_hacky_operation(item) for item in items] api.create_commit( repo_id=repo_id, repo_type=repo_type, revision=revision, operations=additions, commit_message="Add files using upload-large-folder tool", ) for paths, metadata in items: metadata.is_committed = True #################### # Hacks with CommitOperationAdd to bypass checks/sha256 calculation #################### class HackyCommitOperationAdd(CommitOperationAdd): def __post_init__(self) -> None: if isinstance(self.path_or_fileobj, Path): self.path_or_fileobj = str(self.path_or_fileobj) def _build_hacky_operation(item: JOB_ITEM_T) -> HackyCommitOperationAdd: paths, metadata = item operation = HackyCommitOperationAdd(path_in_repo=paths.path_in_repo, path_or_fileobj=paths.file_path) with"rb") as file: sample = file.peek(512)[:512] if metadata.sha256 is None: raise ValueError("sha256 must have been computed by now!") operation.upload_info = UploadInfo(sha256=bytes.fromhex(metadata.sha256), size=metadata.size, sample=sample) return operation #################### # Misc helpers #################### def _get_one(queue: "queue.Queue[JOB_ITEM_T]") -> List[JOB_ITEM_T]: return [queue.get()] def _get_n(queue: "queue.Queue[JOB_ITEM_T]", n: int) -> List[JOB_ITEM_T]: return [queue.get() for _ in range(min(queue.qsize(), n))] def _get_items_to_commit(queue: "queue.Queue[JOB_ITEM_T]") -> List[JOB_ITEM_T]: """Special case for commit job: the number of items to commit depends on the type of files.""" # Can take at most 50 regular files and/or 100 LFS files in a single commit items: List[JOB_ITEM_T] = [] nb_lfs, nb_regular = 0, 0 while True: # If empty queue => commit everything if queue.qsize() == 0: return items # If we have enough items => commit them if nb_lfs >= MAX_NB_LFS_FILES_PER_COMMIT or nb_regular >= MAX_NB_REGULAR_FILES_PER_COMMIT: return items # Else, get a new item and increase counter item = queue.get() items.append(item) _, metadata = item if metadata.upload_mode == "lfs": nb_lfs += 1 else: nb_regular += 1 def _print_overwrite(report: str) -> None: """Print a report, overwriting the previous lines. Since tqdm in using `sys.stderr` to (re-)write progress bars, we need to use `sys.stdout` to print the report. Note: works well only if no other process is writing to `sys.stdout`! """ report += "\n" # Get terminal width terminal_width = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns # Count number of lines that should be cleared nb_lines = sum(len(line) // terminal_width + 1 for line in report.splitlines()) # Clear previous lines based on the number of lines in the report for _ in range(nb_lines): sys.stdout.write("\r\033[K") # Clear line sys.stdout.write("\033[F") # Move cursor up one line # Print the new report, filling remaining space with whitespace sys.stdout.write(report) sys.stdout.write(" " * (terminal_width - len(report.splitlines()[-1]))) sys.stdout.flush()