ClickUp Operator

� lMg�/��F�dZddlmZddlmZddlmZmZmZmZddl m Z ddl m Z edZ eGd �d ��ZeGd �d e��ZeGd �d��ZeGd�de��ZeGd�de��ZeGd�de��ZeGd�de��Zdedefd�Zy)a Data structures to interact with Discussions and Pull Requests on the Hub. See [the Discussions and Pull Requests guide]( for more information on Pull Requests, Discussions, and the community tab. �)� dataclass)�datetime)�List�Literal�Optional�Union�)� constants)�parse_datetime)�open�closed�merged�draftc��eZdZUdZeed<eed<eed<eed<eed<eed<eed<e ed <eed <e d e efd ��Z e d efd ��Z y)� Discussiona A Discussion or Pull Request on the Hub. This dataclass is not intended to be instantiated directly. Attributes: title (`str`): The title of the Discussion / Pull Request status (`str`): The status of the Discussion / Pull Request. It must be one of: * `"open"` * `"closed"` * `"merged"` (only for Pull Requests ) * `"draft"` (only for Pull Requests ) num (`int`): The number of the Discussion / Pull Request. repo_id (`str`): The id (`"{namespace}/{repo_name}"`) of the repo on which the Discussion / Pull Request was open. repo_type (`str`): The type of the repo on which the Discussion / Pull Request was open. Possible values are: `"model"`, `"dataset"`, `"space"`. author (`str`): The username of the Discussion / Pull Request author. Can be `"deleted"` if the user has been deleted since. is_pull_request (`bool`): Whether or not this is a Pull Request. created_at (`datetime`): The `datetime` of creation of the Discussion / Pull Request. endpoint (`str`): Endpoint of the Hub. Default is git_reference (`str`, *optional*): (property) Git reference to which changes can be pushed if this is a Pull Request, `None` otherwise. url (`str`): (property) URL of the discussion on the Hub. �title�status�num�repo_id� repo_type�author�is_pull_request� created_at�endpoint�returnc�:�|jrd|j��Sy)z� If this is a Pull Request , returns the git reference to which changes can be pushed. Returns `None` otherwise. zrefs/pr/N)rr��selfs �eC:\Users\noahv\Documents\GitHub\clickup-operator\.venv\Lib\site-packages\huggingface_hub/� git_referencezDiscussion.git_referenceEs!�� � � ��d�h�h�Z�(� (��c��|j�|jtjk(r(|j�d|j�d|j ��S|j�d|j�d|j�d|j ��S)z-Returns the URL of the discussion on the Hub.�/z /discussions/zs/)rr �REPO_TYPE_MODELrrrrs r�urlzDiscussion.urlOsp�� �>�>� !�T�^�^�y�7P�7P�%P��m�m�_�A�d�l�l�^�=���� �K� K��-�-���$�.�.�!1��D�L�L�>��t�x�x�j�Y�Yr!N)�__name__� __module__� __qualname__�__doc__�str�__annotations__�DiscussionStatus�int�boolr�propertyrr r%�r!rrrsu��$�L �J� �� �H� �L��N� �K������M� ��x��}�����Z�S�Z��Zr!rc�n�eZdZUdZeded<eeeedfed<e eed<e eed<e eed<y) �DiscussionWithDetailsa7 Subclass of [`Discussion`]. Attributes: title (`str`): The title of the Discussion / Pull Request status (`str`): The status of the Discussion / Pull Request. It can be one of: * `"open"` * `"closed"` * `"merged"` (only for Pull Requests ) * `"draft"` (only for Pull Requests ) num (`int`): The number of the Discussion / Pull Request. repo_id (`str`): The id (`"{namespace}/{repo_name}"`) of the repo on which the Discussion / Pull Request was open. repo_type (`str`): The type of the repo on which the Discussion / Pull Request was open. Possible values are: `"model"`, `"dataset"`, `"space"`. author (`str`): The username of the Discussion / Pull Request author. Can be `"deleted"` if the user has been deleted since. is_pull_request (`bool`): Whether or not this is a Pull Request. created_at (`datetime`): The `datetime` of creation of the Discussion / Pull Request. events (`list` of [`DiscussionEvent`]) The list of [`DiscussionEvents`] in this Discussion or Pull Request. conflicting_files (`Union[List[str], bool, None]`, *optional*): A list of conflicting files if this is a Pull Request. `None` if `self.is_pull_request` is `False`. `True` if there are conflicting files but the list can't be retrieved. target_branch (`str`, *optional*): The branch into which changes are to be merged if this is a Pull Request . `None` if `self.is_pull_request` is `False`. merge_commit_oid (`str`, *optional*): If this is a merged Pull Request , this is set to the OID / SHA of the merge commit, `None` otherwise. diff (`str`, *optional*): The git diff if this is a Pull Request , `None` otherwise. endpoint (`str`): Endpoint of the Hub. Default is git_reference (`str`, *optional*): (property) Git reference to which changes can be pushed if this is a Pull Request, `None` otherwise. url (`str`): (property) URL of the discussion on the Hub. �DiscussionEvent�eventsN�conflicting_files� target_branch�merge_commit_oid�diff) r&r'r(r)rr+rr*r.rr0r!rr2r2WsJ��0�d �"� #�#��T�#�Y��d�2�3�3��C�=� ��s�m�#� �3�-�r!r2c�D�eZdZUdZeed<eed<eed<eed<eed<y)r3a� An event in a Discussion or Pull Request. Use concrete classes: * [`DiscussionComment`] * [`DiscussionStatusChange`] * [`DiscussionCommit`] * [`DiscussionTitleChange`] Attributes: id (`str`): The ID of the event. An hexadecimal string. type (`str`): The type of the event. created_at (`datetime`): A [`datetime`]( object holding the creation timestamp for the event. author (`str`): The username of the Discussion / Pull Request author. Can be `"deleted"` if the user has been deleted since. �id�typerr�_eventN)r&r'r(r)r*r+r�dictr0r!rr3r3�s&���, �G� �I��� �K� �L�Mr!r3c��eZdZUdZeed<eed<eed<edefd��Zede fd��Z edefd��Z ede e fd ��Zedefd ��Zy ) �DiscussionCommentazA comment in a Discussion / Pull Request. Subclass of [`DiscussionEvent`]. Attributes: id (`str`): The ID of the event. An hexadecimal string. type (`str`): The type of the event. created_at (`datetime`): A [`datetime`]( object holding the creation timestamp for the event. author (`str`): The username of the Discussion / Pull Request author. Can be `"deleted"` if the user has been deleted since. content (`str`): The raw markdown content of the comment. Mentions, links and images are not rendered. edited (`bool`): Whether or not this comment has been edited. hidden (`bool`): Whether or not this comment has been hidden. �content�edited�hiddenrc�,�|jdddS)z&The rendered comment, as a HTML string�data�latest�html�r<rs r�renderedzDiscussionComment.rendered�s���{�{�6�"�8�,�V�4�4r!c�>�t|jddd�S)�+The last edit time, as a `datetime` object.rDrE� updatedAt)r r<rs r�last_edited_atz DiscussionComment.last_edited_at�s"���d�k�k�&�1�(�;�K�H�I�Ir!c�f�|jddjdi�jdd�S)rJrDrEr�name�deleted)r<�getrs r�last_edited_byz DiscussionComment.last_edited_by�s2���{�{�6�"�8�,�0�0��2�>�B�B�6�9�U�Ur!c�&�|jddS)zThe edit history of the commentrD�historyrGrs r� edit_historyzDiscussionComment.edit_history�s���{�{�6�"�9�-�-r!c�,�t|j�S)N)�lenrTrs r�number_of_editsz!DiscussionComment.number_of_edits�s���4�$�$�%�%r!N)r&r'r(r)r*r+r.r/rHrrLrQrr=rTr-rWr0r!rr?r?�s����0�L� �L� �L� �5�#�5��5��J��J��J��V��V��V��.�d�4�j�.��.��&��&��&r!r?c��eZdZUdZeed<y)�DiscussionStatusChangeaVA change of status in a Discussion / Pull Request. Subclass of [`DiscussionEvent`]. Attributes: id (`str`): The ID of the event. An hexadecimal string. type (`str`): The type of the event. created_at (`datetime`): A [`datetime`]( object holding the creation timestamp for the event. author (`str`): The username of the Discussion / Pull Request author. Can be `"deleted"` if the user has been deleted since. new_status (`str`): The status of the Discussion / Pull Request after the change. It can be one of: * `"open"` * `"closed"` * `"merged"` (only for Pull Requests ) � new_statusN�r&r'r(r)r*r+r0r!rrYrY�s���.�Or!rYc�&�eZdZUdZeed<eed<y)�DiscussionCommita�A commit in a Pull Request. Subclass of [`DiscussionEvent`]. Attributes: id (`str`): The ID of the event. An hexadecimal string. type (`str`): The type of the event. created_at (`datetime`): A [`datetime`]( object holding the creation timestamp for the event. author (`str`): The username of the Discussion / Pull Request author. Can be `"deleted"` if the user has been deleted since. summary (`str`): The summary of the commit. oid (`str`): The OID / SHA of the commit, as a hexadecimal string. �summary�oidNr[r0r!rr]r]s���*�L� �Hr!r]c�&�eZdZUdZeed<eed<y)�DiscussionTitleChangea�A rename event in a Discussion / Pull Request. Subclass of [`DiscussionEvent`]. Attributes: id (`str`): The ID of the event. An hexadecimal string. type (`str`): The type of the event. created_at (`datetime`): A [`datetime`]( object holding the creation timestamp for the event. author (`str`): The username of the Discussion / Pull Request author. Can be `"deleted"` if the user has been deleted since. old_title (`str`): The previous title for the Discussion / Pull Request. new_title (`str`): The new title. � old_title� new_titleNr[r0r!rrara!s���*�N��Nr!ra�eventrc ��|d}|d}t|d�}t||||jdi�jdd�|��}|dk(r&tdi|�|d d |d d |d d d d���S|dk(rt di|�d|d di��S|dk(rt di|�|d d|d dd���S|dk(rt di|�|d d|d dd���Stdi|��S)z.Instantiates a [`DiscussionEvent`] from a dictr:r;� createdAtrrNrO)r:r;rrr<�commentrDrArBrE�raw)rArBr@z status-changerZr�commit�subjectr_)r^r_z title-change�from�to)rbrcr0)r r=rPr?rYr]rar3)rd�event_id� event_typer� common_argss r�deserialize_eventrp<sY���$�K�H��F�m�J���k� 2�3�J�� � ���y�y��2�&�*�*�6�9�=�� �K��Y�� � �� ���=��*���=��*��&�M�(�+�E�2�  � � �_�$�%� �� ��V�}�X�.� � ��X��� �� ��&�M�)�,��f� �e�$� � � �^�#�$� �� ��F�m�F�+��F�m�D�)� � � � )�[� )�)r!N)r)� dataclassesrr�typingrrrr�r �utilsr r,rr2r3r?rYr]rar=rpr0r!r�<module>rus���"��1�1��!��>�?�� �@Z�@Z� �@Z�F �7�J�7� �7�t �N�N� �N�@ �3&��3&� �3&�l ��_�� ��6 � �� � � �4 ��O�� ��4'*�T�'*�o�'*r!