ClickUp Operator

import base64 import urllib import requests import requests.exceptions from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter, Retry from fsspec import AbstractFileSystem from fsspec.spec import AbstractBufferedFile class DatabricksException(Exception): """ Helper class for exceptions raised in this module. """ def __init__(self, error_code, message): """Create a new DatabricksException""" super().__init__(message) self.error_code = error_code self.message = message class DatabricksFileSystem(AbstractFileSystem): """ Get access to the Databricks filesystem implementation over HTTP. Can be used inside and outside of a databricks cluster. """ def __init__(self, instance, token, **kwargs): """ Create a new DatabricksFileSystem. Parameters ---------- instance: str The instance URL of the databricks cluster. For example for an Azure databricks cluster, this has the form adb-<some-number>.<two digits> token: str Your personal token. Find out more here: """ self.instance = instance self.token = token self.session = requests.Session() self.retries = Retry( total=10, backoff_factor=0.05, status_forcelist=[408, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504], ) self.session.mount("https://", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=self.retries)) self.session.headers.update({"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.token}"}) super().__init__(**kwargs) def ls(self, path, detail=True, **kwargs): """ List the contents of the given path. Parameters ---------- path: str Absolute path detail: bool Return not only the list of filenames, but also additional information on file sizes and types. """ out = self._ls_from_cache(path) if not out: try: r = self._send_to_api( method="get", endpoint="list", json={"path": path} ) except DatabricksException as e: if e.error_code == "RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST": raise FileNotFoundError(e.message) from e raise files = r["files"] out = [ { "name": o["path"], "type": "directory" if o["is_dir"] else "file", "size": o["file_size"], } for o in files ] self.dircache[path] = out if detail: return out return [o["name"] for o in out] def makedirs(self, path, exist_ok=True): """ Create a given absolute path and all of its parents. Parameters ---------- path: str Absolute path to create exist_ok: bool If false, checks if the folder exists before creating it (and raises an Exception if this is the case) """ if not exist_ok: try: # If the following succeeds, the path is already present self._send_to_api( method="get", endpoint="get-status", json={"path": path} ) raise FileExistsError(f"Path {path} already exists") except DatabricksException as e: if e.error_code == "RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST": pass try: self._send_to_api(method="post", endpoint="mkdirs", json={"path": path}) except DatabricksException as e: if e.error_code == "RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS": raise FileExistsError(e.message) from e raise self.invalidate_cache(self._parent(path)) def mkdir(self, path, create_parents=True, **kwargs): """ Create a given absolute path and all of its parents. Parameters ---------- path: str Absolute path to create create_parents: bool Whether to create all parents or not. "False" is not implemented so far. """ if not create_parents: raise NotImplementedError self.mkdirs(path, **kwargs) def rm(self, path, recursive=False, **kwargs): """ Remove the file or folder at the given absolute path. Parameters ---------- path: str Absolute path what to remove recursive: bool Recursively delete all files in a folder. """ try: self._send_to_api( method="post", endpoint="delete", json={"path": path, "recursive": recursive}, ) except DatabricksException as e: # This is not really an exception, it just means # not everything was deleted so far if e.error_code == "PARTIAL_DELETE": self.rm(path=path, recursive=recursive) elif e.error_code == "IO_ERROR": # Using the same exception as the os module would use here raise OSError(e.message) from e raise self.invalidate_cache(self._parent(path)) def mv( self, source_path, destination_path, recursive=False, maxdepth=None, **kwargs ): """ Move a source to a destination path. A note from the original [databricks API manual] ( When moving a large number of files the API call will time out after approximately 60s, potentially resulting in partially moved data. Therefore, for operations that move more than 10k files, we strongly discourage using the DBFS REST API. Parameters ---------- source_path: str From where to move (absolute path) destination_path: str To where to move (absolute path) recursive: bool Not implemented to far. maxdepth: Not implemented to far. """ if recursive: raise NotImplementedError if maxdepth: raise NotImplementedError try: self._send_to_api( method="post", endpoint="move", json={"source_path": source_path, "destination_path": destination_path}, ) except DatabricksException as e: if e.error_code == "RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST": raise FileNotFoundError(e.message) from e elif e.error_code == "RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS": raise FileExistsError(e.message) from e raise self.invalidate_cache(self._parent(source_path)) self.invalidate_cache(self._parent(destination_path)) def _open(self, path, mode="rb", block_size="default", **kwargs): """ Overwrite the base class method to make sure to create a DBFile. All arguments are copied from the base method. Only the default blocksize is allowed. """ return DatabricksFile(self, path, mode=mode, block_size=block_size, **kwargs) def _send_to_api(self, method, endpoint, json): """ Send the given json to the DBFS API using a get or post request (specified by the argument `method`). Parameters ---------- method: str Which http method to use for communication; "get" or "post". endpoint: str Where to send the request to (last part of the API URL) json: dict Dictionary of information to send """ if method == "post": session_call = elif method == "get": session_call = self.session.get else: raise ValueError(f"Do not understand method {method}") url = urllib.parse.urljoin(f"https://{self.instance}/api/2.0/dbfs/", endpoint) r = session_call(url, json=json) # The DBFS API will return a json, also in case of an exception. # We want to preserve this information as good as possible. try: r.raise_for_status() except requests.HTTPError as e: # try to extract json error message # if that fails, fall back to the original exception try: exception_json = e.response.json() except Exception: raise e from None raise DatabricksException(**exception_json) from e return r.json() def _create_handle(self, path, overwrite=True): """ Internal function to create a handle, which can be used to write blocks of a file to DBFS. A handle has a unique identifier which needs to be passed whenever written during this transaction. The handle is active for 10 minutes - after that a new write transaction needs to be created. Make sure to close the handle after you are finished. Parameters ---------- path: str Absolute path for this file. overwrite: bool If a file already exist at this location, either overwrite it or raise an exception. """ try: r = self._send_to_api( method="post", endpoint="create", json={"path": path, "overwrite": overwrite}, ) return r["handle"] except DatabricksException as e: if e.error_code == "RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS": raise FileExistsError(e.message) from e raise def _close_handle(self, handle): """ Close a handle, which was opened by :func:`_create_handle`. Parameters ---------- handle: str Which handle to close. """ try: self._send_to_api(method="post", endpoint="close", json={"handle": handle}) except DatabricksException as e: if e.error_code == "RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST": raise FileNotFoundError(e.message) from e raise def _add_data(self, handle, data): """ Upload data to an already opened file handle (opened by :func:`_create_handle`). The maximal allowed data size is 1MB after conversion to base64. Remember to close the handle when you are finished. Parameters ---------- handle: str Which handle to upload data to. data: bytes Block of data to add to the handle. """ data = base64.b64encode(data).decode() try: self._send_to_api( method="post", endpoint="add-block", json={"handle": handle, "data": data}, ) except DatabricksException as e: if e.error_code == "RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST": raise FileNotFoundError(e.message) from e elif e.error_code == "MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_EXCEEDED": raise ValueError(e.message) from e raise def _get_data(self, path, start, end): """ Download data in bytes from a given absolute path in a block from [start, start+length]. The maximum number of allowed bytes to read is 1MB. Parameters ---------- path: str Absolute path to download data from start: int Start position of the block end: int End position of the block """ try: r = self._send_to_api( method="get", endpoint="read", json={"path": path, "offset": start, "length": end - start}, ) return base64.b64decode(r["data"]) except DatabricksException as e: if e.error_code == "RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST": raise FileNotFoundError(e.message) from e elif e.error_code in ["INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE", "MAX_READ_SIZE_EXCEEDED"]: raise ValueError(e.message) from e raise def invalidate_cache(self, path=None): if path is None: self.dircache.clear() else: self.dircache.pop(path, None) super().invalidate_cache(path) class DatabricksFile(AbstractBufferedFile): """ Helper class for files referenced in the DatabricksFileSystem. """ DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE = 1 * 2**20 # only allowed block size def __init__( self, fs, path, mode="rb", block_size="default", autocommit=True, cache_type="readahead", cache_options=None, **kwargs, ): """ Create a new instance of the DatabricksFile. The blocksize needs to be the default one. """ if block_size is None or block_size == "default": block_size = self.DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE assert ( block_size == self.DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE ), f"Only the default block size is allowed, not {block_size}" super().__init__( fs, path, mode=mode, block_size=block_size, autocommit=autocommit, cache_type=cache_type, cache_options=cache_options or {}, **kwargs, ) def _initiate_upload(self): """Internal function to start a file upload""" self.handle = self.fs._create_handle(self.path) def _upload_chunk(self, final=False): """Internal function to add a chunk of data to a started upload""" data = self.buffer.getvalue() data_chunks = [ data[start:end] for start, end in self._to_sized_blocks(len(data)) ] for data_chunk in data_chunks: self.fs._add_data(handle=self.handle, data=data_chunk) if final: self.fs._close_handle(handle=self.handle) return True def _fetch_range(self, start, end): """Internal function to download a block of data""" return_buffer = b"" length = end - start for chunk_start, chunk_end in self._to_sized_blocks(length, start): return_buffer += self.fs._get_data( path=self.path, start=chunk_start, end=chunk_end ) return return_buffer def _to_sized_blocks(self, length, start=0): """Helper function to split a range from 0 to total_length into bloksizes""" end = start + length for data_chunk in range(start, end, self.blocksize): data_start = data_chunk data_end = min(end, data_chunk + self.blocksize) yield data_start, data_end