ClickUp Operator

"""Numpydoc-style docstring parsing. :see: """ import inspect import itertools import re import typing as T from textwrap import dedent from .common import ( Docstring, DocstringDeprecated, DocstringExample, DocstringMeta, DocstringParam, DocstringRaises, DocstringReturns, DocstringStyle, RenderingStyle, ) def _pairwise(iterable: T.Iterable, end=None) -> T.Iterable: left, right = itertools.tee(iterable) next(right, None) return itertools.zip_longest(left, right, fillvalue=end) def _clean_str(string: str) -> T.Optional[str]: string = string.strip() if len(string) > 0: return string return None KV_REGEX = re.compile(r"^[^\s].*$", flags=re.M) PARAM_KEY_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(?P<name>.*?)(?:\s*:\s*(?P<type>.*?))?$") PARAM_OPTIONAL_REGEX = re.compile(r"(?P<type>.*?)(?:, optional|\(optional\))$") # numpydoc format has no formal grammar for this, # but we can make some educated guesses... PARAM_DEFAULT_REGEX = re.compile( r"(?<!\S)[Dd]efault(?: is | = |: |s to |)\s*(?P<value>[\w\-\.]*\w)" ) RETURN_KEY_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(?:(?P<name>.*?)\s*:\s*)?(?P<type>.*?)$") class Section: """Numpydoc section parser. :param title: section title. For most sections, this is a heading like "Parameters" which appears on its own line, underlined by en-dashes ('-') on the following line. :param key: meta key string. In the parsed ``DocstringMeta`` instance this will be the first element of the ``args`` attribute list. """ def __init__(self, title: str, key: str) -> None: self.title = title self.key = key @property def title_pattern(self) -> str: """Regular expression pattern matching this section's header. This pattern will match this instance's ``title`` attribute in an anonymous group. """ dashes = "-" * len(self.title) return rf"^({self.title})\s*?\n{dashes}\s*$" def parse(self, text: str) -> T.Iterable[DocstringMeta]: """Parse ``DocstringMeta`` objects from the body of this section. :param text: section body text. Should be cleaned with ``inspect.cleandoc`` before parsing. """ yield DocstringMeta([self.key], description=_clean_str(text)) class _KVSection(Section): """Base parser for numpydoc sections with key-value syntax. E.g. sections that look like this: key value key2 : type values can also span... ... multiple lines """ def _parse_item(self, key: str, value: str) -> DocstringMeta: pass def parse(self, text: str) -> T.Iterable[DocstringMeta]: for match, next_match in _pairwise(KV_REGEX.finditer(text)): start = match.end() end = next_match.start() if next_match is not None else None value = text[start:end] yield self._parse_item(, value=inspect.cleandoc(value) ) class _SphinxSection(Section): """Base parser for numpydoc sections with sphinx-style syntax. E.g. sections that look like this: .. title:: something possibly over multiple lines """ @property def title_pattern(self) -> str: return rf"^\.\.\s*({self.title})\s*::" class ParamSection(_KVSection): """Parser for numpydoc parameter sections. E.g. any section that looks like this: arg_name arg_description arg_2 : type, optional descriptions can also span... ... multiple lines """ def _parse_item(self, key: str, value: str) -> DocstringParam: match = PARAM_KEY_REGEX.match(key) arg_name = type_name = is_optional = None if match is not None: arg_name ="name") type_name ="type") if type_name is not None: optional_match = PARAM_OPTIONAL_REGEX.match(type_name) if optional_match is not None: type_name ="type") is_optional = True else: is_optional = False default = None if len(value) > 0: default_match = if default_match is not None: default ="value") return DocstringParam( args=[self.key, arg_name], description=_clean_str(value), arg_name=arg_name, type_name=type_name, is_optional=is_optional, default=default, ) class RaisesSection(_KVSection): """Parser for numpydoc raises sections. E.g. any section that looks like this: ValueError A description of what might raise ValueError """ def _parse_item(self, key: str, value: str) -> DocstringRaises: return DocstringRaises( args=[self.key, key], description=_clean_str(value), type_name=key if len(key) > 0 else None, ) class ReturnsSection(_KVSection): """Parser for numpydoc returns sections. E.g. any section that looks like this: return_name : type A description of this returned value another_type Return names are optional, types are required """ is_generator = False def _parse_item(self, key: str, value: str) -> DocstringReturns: match = RETURN_KEY_REGEX.match(key) if match is not None: return_name ="name") type_name ="type") else: return_name = None type_name = None return DocstringReturns( args=[self.key], description=_clean_str(value), type_name=type_name, is_generator=self.is_generator, return_name=return_name, ) class YieldsSection(ReturnsSection): """Parser for numpydoc generator "yields" sections.""" is_generator = True class DeprecationSection(_SphinxSection): """Parser for numpydoc "deprecation warning" sections.""" def parse(self, text: str) -> T.Iterable[DocstringDeprecated]: version, desc, *_ = text.split(sep="\n", maxsplit=1) + [None, None] if desc is not None: desc = _clean_str(inspect.cleandoc(desc)) yield DocstringDeprecated( args=[self.key], description=desc, version=_clean_str(version) ) class ExamplesSection(Section): """Parser for numpydoc examples sections. E.g. any section that looks like this: >>> import numpy.matlib >>> np.matlib.empty((2, 2)) # filled with random data matrix([[ 6.76425276e-320, 9.79033856e-307], # random [ 7.39337286e-309, 3.22135945e-309]]) >>> np.matlib.empty((2, 2), dtype=int) matrix([[ 6600475, 0], # random [ 6586976, 22740995]]) """ def parse(self, text: str) -> T.Iterable[DocstringMeta]: """Parse ``DocstringExample`` objects from the body of this section. :param text: section body text. Should be cleaned with ``inspect.cleandoc`` before parsing. """ lines = dedent(text).strip().splitlines() while lines: snippet_lines = [] description_lines = [] while lines: if not lines[0].startswith(">>>"): break snippet_lines.append(lines.pop(0)) while lines: if lines[0].startswith(">>>"): break description_lines.append(lines.pop(0)) yield DocstringExample( [self.key], snippet="\n".join(snippet_lines) if snippet_lines else None, description="\n".join(description_lines), ) DEFAULT_SECTIONS = [ ParamSection("Parameters", "param"), ParamSection("Params", "param"), ParamSection("Arguments", "param"), ParamSection("Args", "param"), ParamSection("Other Parameters", "other_param"), ParamSection("Other Params", "other_param"), ParamSection("Other Arguments", "other_param"), ParamSection("Other Args", "other_param"), ParamSection("Receives", "receives"), ParamSection("Receive", "receives"), RaisesSection("Raises", "raises"), RaisesSection("Raise", "raises"), RaisesSection("Warns", "warns"), RaisesSection("Warn", "warns"), ParamSection("Attributes", "attribute"), ParamSection("Attribute", "attribute"), ReturnsSection("Returns", "returns"), ReturnsSection("Return", "returns"), YieldsSection("Yields", "yields"), YieldsSection("Yield", "yields"), ExamplesSection("Examples", "examples"), ExamplesSection("Example", "examples"), Section("Warnings", "warnings"), Section("Warning", "warnings"), Section("See Also", "see_also"), Section("Related", "see_also"), Section("Notes", "notes"), Section("Note", "notes"), Section("References", "references"), Section("Reference", "references"), DeprecationSection("deprecated", "deprecation"), ] class NumpydocParser: """Parser for numpydoc-style docstrings.""" def __init__(self, sections: T.Optional[T.Dict[str, Section]] = None): """Setup sections. :param sections: Recognized sections or None to defaults. """ sections = sections or DEFAULT_SECTIONS self.sections = {s.title: s for s in sections} self._setup() def _setup(self): self.titles_re = re.compile( r"|".join(s.title_pattern for s in self.sections.values()), flags=re.M, ) def add_section(self, section: Section): """Add or replace a section. :param section: The new section. """ self.sections[section.title] = section self._setup() def parse(self, text: str) -> Docstring: """Parse the numpy-style docstring into its components. :returns: parsed docstring """ ret = Docstring(style=DocstringStyle.NUMPYDOC) if not text: return ret # Clean according to PEP-0257 text = inspect.cleandoc(text) # Find first title and split on its position match = if match: desc_chunk = text[: match.start()] meta_chunk = text[match.start() :] else: desc_chunk = text meta_chunk = "" # Break description into short and long parts parts = desc_chunk.split("\n", 1) ret.short_description = parts[0] or None if len(parts) > 1: long_desc_chunk = parts[1] or "" ret.blank_after_short_description = long_desc_chunk.startswith( "\n" ) ret.blank_after_long_description = long_desc_chunk.endswith("\n\n") ret.long_description = long_desc_chunk.strip() or None for match, nextmatch in _pairwise(self.titles_re.finditer(meta_chunk)): title = next(g for g in match.groups() if g is not None) factory = self.sections[title] # section chunk starts after the header, # ends at the start of the next header start = match.end() end = nextmatch.start() if nextmatch is not None else None ret.meta.extend(factory.parse(meta_chunk[start:end])) return ret def parse(text: str) -> Docstring: """Parse the numpy-style docstring into its components. :returns: parsed docstring """ return NumpydocParser().parse(text) def compose( # pylint: disable=W0613 docstring: Docstring, rendering_style: RenderingStyle = RenderingStyle.COMPACT, indent: str = " ", ) -> str: """Render a parsed docstring into docstring text. :param docstring: parsed docstring representation :param rendering_style: the style to render docstrings :param indent: the characters used as indentation in the docstring string :returns: docstring text """ def process_one( one: T.Union[DocstringParam, DocstringReturns, DocstringRaises] ): if isinstance(one, DocstringParam): head = one.arg_name elif isinstance(one, DocstringReturns): head = one.return_name else: head = None if one.type_name and head: head += f" : {one.type_name}" elif one.type_name: head = one.type_name elif not head: head = "" if isinstance(one, DocstringParam) and one.is_optional: head += ", optional" if one.description: body = f"\n{indent}".join([head] + one.description.splitlines()) parts.append(body) else: parts.append(head) def process_sect(name: str, args: T.List[T.Any]): if args: parts.append("") parts.append(name) parts.append("-" * len(parts[-1])) for arg in args: process_one(arg) parts: T.List[str] = [] if docstring.short_description: parts.append(docstring.short_description) if docstring.blank_after_short_description: parts.append("") if docstring.deprecation: first = ".. deprecated::" if docstring.deprecation.version: first += f" {docstring.deprecation.version}" if docstring.deprecation.description: rest = docstring.deprecation.description.splitlines() else: rest = [] sep = f"\n{indent}" parts.append(sep.join([first] + rest)) if docstring.long_description: parts.append(docstring.long_description) if docstring.blank_after_long_description: parts.append("") process_sect( "Parameters", [item for item in docstring.params or [] if item.args[0] == "param"], ) process_sect( "Attributes", [ item for item in docstring.params or [] if item.args[0] == "attribute" ], ) process_sect( "Returns", [ item for item in docstring.many_returns or [] if not item.is_generator ], ) process_sect( "Yields", [item for item in docstring.many_returns or [] if item.is_generator], ) if docstring.returns and not docstring.many_returns: ret = docstring.returns parts.append("Yields" if ret else "Returns") parts.append("-" * len(parts[-1])) process_one(ret) process_sect( "Receives", [ item for item in docstring.params or [] if item.args[0] == "receives" ], ) process_sect( "Other Parameters", [ item for item in docstring.params or [] if item.args[0] == "other_param" ], ) process_sect( "Raises", [item for item in docstring.raises or [] if item.args[0] == "raises"], ) process_sect( "Warns", [item for item in docstring.raises or [] if item.args[0] == "warns"], ) for meta in docstring.meta: if isinstance( meta, ( DocstringDeprecated, DocstringParam, DocstringReturns, DocstringRaises, ), ): continue # Already handled parts.append("") parts.append(meta.args[0].replace("_", "").title()) parts.append("-" * len(meta.args[0])) if meta.description: parts.append(meta.description) return "\n".join(parts)