ClickUp Operator

"""Google-style docstring parsing.""" import inspect import re import typing as T from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple from enum import IntEnum from .common import ( EXAMPLES_KEYWORDS, PARAM_KEYWORDS, RAISES_KEYWORDS, RETURNS_KEYWORDS, YIELDS_KEYWORDS, Docstring, DocstringExample, DocstringMeta, DocstringParam, DocstringRaises, DocstringReturns, DocstringStyle, ParseError, RenderingStyle, ) class SectionType(IntEnum): """Types of sections.""" SINGULAR = 0 """For sections like examples.""" MULTIPLE = 1 """For sections like params.""" SINGULAR_OR_MULTIPLE = 2 """For sections like returns or yields.""" class Section(namedtuple("SectionBase", "title key type")): """A docstring section.""" GOOGLE_TYPED_ARG_REGEX = re.compile(r"\s*(.+?)\s*\(\s*(.*[^\s]+)\s*\)") GOOGLE_ARG_DESC_REGEX = re.compile(r".*\. Defaults to (.+)\.") MULTIPLE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(\s*[^:\s]+:)|([^:]*\]:.*)") DEFAULT_SECTIONS = [ Section("Arguments", "param", SectionType.MULTIPLE), Section("Args", "param", SectionType.MULTIPLE), Section("Parameters", "param", SectionType.MULTIPLE), Section("Params", "param", SectionType.MULTIPLE), Section("Raises", "raises", SectionType.MULTIPLE), Section("Exceptions", "raises", SectionType.MULTIPLE), Section("Except", "raises", SectionType.MULTIPLE), Section("Attributes", "attribute", SectionType.MULTIPLE), Section("Example", "examples", SectionType.SINGULAR), Section("Examples", "examples", SectionType.SINGULAR), Section("Returns", "returns", SectionType.SINGULAR_OR_MULTIPLE), Section("Yields", "yields", SectionType.SINGULAR_OR_MULTIPLE), ] class GoogleParser: """Parser for Google-style docstrings.""" def __init__( self, sections: T.Optional[T.List[Section]] = None, title_colon=True ): """Setup sections. :param sections: Recognized sections or None to defaults. :param title_colon: require colon after section title. """ if not sections: sections = DEFAULT_SECTIONS self.sections = {s.title: s for s in sections} self.title_colon = title_colon self._setup() def _setup(self): if self.title_colon: colon = ":" else: colon = "" self.titles_re = re.compile( "^(" + "|".join(f"({t})" for t in self.sections) + ")" + colon + "[ \t\r\f\v]*$", flags=re.M, ) def _build_meta(self, text: str, title: str) -> DocstringMeta: """Build docstring element. :param text: docstring element text :param title: title of section containing element :return: """ section = self.sections[title] if ( section.type == SectionType.SINGULAR_OR_MULTIPLE and not MULTIPLE_PATTERN.match(text) ) or section.type == SectionType.SINGULAR: return self._build_single_meta(section, text) if ":" not in text: raise ParseError(f"Expected a colon in {text!r}.") # Split spec and description before, desc = text.split(":", 1) if desc: desc = desc[1:] if desc[0] == " " else desc if "\n" in desc: first_line, rest = desc.split("\n", 1) desc = first_line + "\n" + inspect.cleandoc(rest) desc = desc.strip("\n") return self._build_multi_meta(section, before, desc) @staticmethod def _build_single_meta(section: Section, desc: str) -> DocstringMeta: if section.key in RETURNS_KEYWORDS | YIELDS_KEYWORDS: return DocstringReturns( args=[section.key], description=desc, type_name=None, is_generator=section.key in YIELDS_KEYWORDS, ) if section.key in RAISES_KEYWORDS: return DocstringRaises( args=[section.key], description=desc, type_name=None ) if section.key in EXAMPLES_KEYWORDS: return DocstringExample( args=[section.key], snippet=None, description=desc ) if section.key in PARAM_KEYWORDS: raise ParseError("Expected paramenter name.") return DocstringMeta(args=[section.key], description=desc) @staticmethod def _build_multi_meta( section: Section, before: str, desc: str ) -> DocstringMeta: if section.key in PARAM_KEYWORDS: match = GOOGLE_TYPED_ARG_REGEX.match(before) if match: arg_name, type_name =, 2) if type_name.endswith(", optional"): is_optional = True type_name = type_name[:-10] elif type_name.endswith("?"): is_optional = True type_name = type_name[:-1] else: is_optional = False else: arg_name, type_name = before, None is_optional = None match = GOOGLE_ARG_DESC_REGEX.match(desc) default = if match else None return DocstringParam( args=[section.key, before], description=desc, arg_name=arg_name, type_name=type_name, is_optional=is_optional, default=default, ) if section.key in RETURNS_KEYWORDS | YIELDS_KEYWORDS: return DocstringReturns( args=[section.key, before], description=desc, type_name=before, is_generator=section.key in YIELDS_KEYWORDS, ) if section.key in RAISES_KEYWORDS: return DocstringRaises( args=[section.key, before], description=desc, type_name=before ) return DocstringMeta(args=[section.key, before], description=desc) def add_section(self, section: Section): """Add or replace a section. :param section: The new section. """ self.sections[section.title] = section self._setup() def parse(self, text: str) -> Docstring: """Parse the Google-style docstring into its components. :returns: parsed docstring """ ret = Docstring(style=DocstringStyle.GOOGLE) if not text: return ret # Clean according to PEP-0257 text = inspect.cleandoc(text) # Find first title and split on its position match = if match: desc_chunk = text[: match.start()] meta_chunk = text[match.start() :] else: desc_chunk = text meta_chunk = "" # Break description into short and long parts parts = desc_chunk.split("\n", 1) ret.short_description = parts[0] or None if len(parts) > 1: long_desc_chunk = parts[1] or "" ret.blank_after_short_description = long_desc_chunk.startswith( "\n" ) ret.blank_after_long_description = long_desc_chunk.endswith("\n\n") ret.long_description = long_desc_chunk.strip() or None # Split by sections determined by titles matches = list(self.titles_re.finditer(meta_chunk)) if not matches: return ret splits = [] for j in range(len(matches) - 1): splits.append((matches[j].end(), matches[j + 1].start())) splits.append((matches[-1].end(), len(meta_chunk))) chunks = OrderedDict() # type: T.Mapping[str,str] for j, (start, end) in enumerate(splits): title = matches[j].group(1) if title not in self.sections: continue # Clear Any Unknown Meta # Ref: meta_details = meta_chunk[start:end] unknown_meta ="\n\S", meta_details) if unknown_meta is not None: meta_details = meta_details[: unknown_meta.start()] chunks[title] = meta_details.strip("\n") if not chunks: return ret # Add elements from each chunk for title, chunk in chunks.items(): # Determine indent indent_match ="^\s*", chunk) if not indent_match: raise ParseError(f'Can\'t infer indent from "{chunk}"') indent = # Check for singular elements if self.sections[title].type in [ SectionType.SINGULAR, SectionType.SINGULAR_OR_MULTIPLE, ]: part = inspect.cleandoc(chunk) ret.meta.append(self._build_meta(part, title)) continue # Split based on lines which have exactly that indent _re = "^" + indent + r"(?=\S)" c_matches = list(re.finditer(_re, chunk, flags=re.M)) if not c_matches: raise ParseError(f'No specification for "{title}": "{chunk}"') c_splits = [] for j in range(len(c_matches) - 1): c_splits.append((c_matches[j].end(), c_matches[j + 1].start())) c_splits.append((c_matches[-1].end(), len(chunk))) for j, (start, end) in enumerate(c_splits): part = chunk[start:end].strip("\n") ret.meta.append(self._build_meta(part, title)) return ret def parse(text: str) -> Docstring: """Parse the Google-style docstring into its components. :returns: parsed docstring """ return GoogleParser().parse(text) def compose( docstring: Docstring, rendering_style: RenderingStyle = RenderingStyle.COMPACT, indent: str = " ", ) -> str: """Render a parsed docstring into docstring text. :param docstring: parsed docstring representation :param rendering_style: the style to render docstrings :param indent: the characters used as indentation in the docstring string :returns: docstring text """ def process_one( one: T.Union[DocstringParam, DocstringReturns, DocstringRaises] ): head = "" if isinstance(one, DocstringParam): head += one.arg_name or "" elif isinstance(one, DocstringReturns): head += one.return_name or "" if isinstance(one, DocstringParam) and one.is_optional: optional = ( "?" if rendering_style == RenderingStyle.COMPACT else ", optional" ) else: optional = "" if one.type_name and head: head += f" ({one.type_name}{optional}):" elif one.type_name: head += f"{one.type_name}{optional}:" else: head += ":" head = indent + head if one.description and rendering_style == RenderingStyle.EXPANDED: body = f"\n{indent}{indent}".join( [head] + one.description.splitlines() ) parts.append(body) elif one.description: (first, *rest) = one.description.splitlines() body = f"\n{indent}{indent}".join([head + " " + first] + rest) parts.append(body) else: parts.append(head) def process_sect(name: str, args: T.List[T.Any]): if args: parts.append(name) for arg in args: process_one(arg) parts.append("") parts: T.List[str] = [] if docstring.short_description: parts.append(docstring.short_description) if docstring.blank_after_short_description: parts.append("") if docstring.long_description: parts.append(docstring.long_description) if docstring.blank_after_long_description: parts.append("") process_sect( "Args:", [p for p in docstring.params or [] if p.args[0] == "param"] ) process_sect( "Attributes:", [p for p in docstring.params or [] if p.args[0] == "attribute"], ) process_sect( "Returns:", [p for p in docstring.many_returns or [] if not p.is_generator], ) process_sect( "Yields:", [p for p in docstring.many_returns or [] if p.is_generator] ) process_sect("Raises:", docstring.raises or []) if docstring.returns and not docstring.many_returns: ret = docstring.returns parts.append("Yields:" if ret else "Returns:") parts.append("-" * len(parts[-1])) process_one(ret) for meta in docstring.meta: if isinstance( meta, (DocstringParam, DocstringReturns, DocstringRaises) ): continue # Already handled parts.append(meta.args[0].replace("_", "").title() + ":") if meta.description: lines = [indent + l for l in meta.description.splitlines()] parts.append("\n".join(lines)) parts.append("") while parts and not parts[-1]: parts.pop() return "\n".join(parts)