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ddlmZ ej d k\ r d d
lmZmZ nd d
lmZmZ ed� Z ed� Zd
ddd� dd�Zdd�Zy)� )�annotationsN)�Callable)�TypeVar)�warn� )�get_async_backend)�CapacityLimiter)� � )�TypeVarTuple�Unpack�T_Retval�PosArgsTF)�abandon_on_cancel�cancellable�limiterc � � K � |�|}t dt d�� t � j | |||�� � d{ ��� S 7 ��w)a�
Call the given function with the given arguments in a worker thread.
If the ``cancellable`` option is enabled and the task waiting for its completion is
cancelled, the thread will still run its course but its return value (or any raised
exception) will be ignored.
:param func: a callable
:param args: positional arguments for the callable
:param abandon_on_cancel: ``True`` to abandon the thread (leaving it to run
unchecked on own) if the host task is cancelled, ``False`` to ignore
cancellations in the host task until the operation has completed in the worker
:param cancellable: deprecated alias of ``abandon_on_cancel``; will override
``abandon_on_cancel`` if both parameters are passed
:param limiter: capacity limiter to use to limit the total amount of threads running
(if omitted, the default limiter is used)
:return: an awaitable that yields the return value of the function.
Nz�The `cancellable=` keyword argument to `anyio.to_thread.run_sync` is deprecated since AnyIO 4.1.0; use `abandon_on_cancel=` instead� )�
stacklevel)r r )r �DeprecationWarningr �run_sync_in_worker_thread)�funcr r r �argss �[C:\Users\noahv\Documents\GitHub\clickup-operator\.venv\Lib\site-packages\anyio/to_thread.py�run_syncr sY � �� �6 ��'���
� #�$�>�>��d�&7�� ?� � � � �s �7A �>�A c �2 � t � j � S )z�
Return the capacity limiter that is used by default to limit the number of
concurrent threads.
:return: a capacity limiter object
)r �current_default_thread_limiter� � r r r = s � � ��=�=�?�?r )r z&Callable[[Unpack[PosArgsT]], T_Retval]r zUnpack[PosArgsT]r �boolr zbool | Noner zCapacityLimiter | None�returnr )r! r )�
__future__r �sys�collections.abcr �typingr �warningsr �_core._eventloopr �abcr �version_infor r
�typing_extensionsr r r r r r r �<module>r+ s� �� "�
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