"""Parser for enum types"""
from __future__ import annotations
import enum
from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING, Type, TypeVar
from ..exceptions import BrokenSchemaError
from .parser import ArgSchemaParser
from ..json_type import JsonType
from typing_extensions import TypeGuard
T = TypeVar("T", bound=enum.Enum)
class EnumParser(ArgSchemaParser[T]):
"""Parser for enum types"""
def argument_schema(self) -> dict[str, JsonType]:
schema: dict[str, JsonType] = {
"type": "string",
"enum": [e.name for e in self.argtype],
if self.argtype.__doc__ is not None:
schema["description"] = self.argtype.__doc__
return schema
def can_parse(cls, argtype: Any) -> TypeGuard[Type[T]]:
if not isinstance(argtype, type):
return False
return issubclass(argtype, enum.Enum)
def parse_value(self, value: JsonType) -> T:
if not isinstance(value, str):
raise BrokenSchemaError(value, self.argument_schema)
if value not in self.argument_schema["enum"]: # type: ignore
# TODO: consider using something other than JsonType for
# all of these, because disabling mypy is definitely
# not the right way to do this
raise BrokenSchemaError(value, self.argument_schema)
return self.argtype[value]