AiDD MCP Server

AiDD MCP Server

An MCP server that provides a comprehensive set of tools for AI-driven development workflows. Features include file system operations, code analysis using tree-sitter for multiple programming languages, Git operations, code execution, and system information retrieval. Designed to enhance AI's capability to assist in software development tasks.

<a href=""><img width="380" height="200" src="" alt="AiDD Server MCP server" /></a>


# Using mcp-get npx @michaellatman/mcp-get@latest install mcp-server-aidd # Using pip pip install mcp-server-aidd # Using uv uvx mcp-server-aidd

Claude Desktop Setup

Add to your claude_desktop_config.json:

{ "mcpServers": { "aidd-ai-software-development-utilities": { "command": "uvx", "args": ["mcp-server-aidd"] } } }

Key Features

  • File system operations (read, write, edit, move, delete)
  • Directory management and traversal
  • Multi-language code analysis using tree-sitter
  • Multi-language code execution with safety measures
  • Git operations (status, diff, commit, branch management)
  • Security controls with configurable workspace boundaries

Available Tools

Basic File Operations

read_filepath: stringFile content
read_multiple_filespaths: string[]Multiple file contents with headers
write_filepath: string, content: stringSuccess confirmation
move_filesource: string, destination: stringSuccess confirmation
delete_filepath: stringSuccess confirmation
get_file_infopath: stringFile metadata (size, timestamps, permissions)

Common usage:

# Read file aidd-cli --tool read_file --args '{"path": "src/"}' # Write file aidd-cli --tool write_file --args '{"path": "output.txt", "content": "Hello World"}' # Get file info aidd-cli --tool get_file_info --args '{"path": "src/"}'

Complex File Operations


Pattern-based file editing with preview support:

{ "path": "src/", "edits": [ { "oldText": "def old_function():", "newText": "def new_function():" } ], "dryRun": false, "options": { "preserveIndentation": true, "normalizeWhitespace": true, "partialMatch": true } }

Returns: Diff of changes or preview in dry run mode.

Directory Operations

get_allowed_directorynoneCurrent allowed directory path
update_allowed_directorydirectory: string (absolute path)Success confirmation
list_directorypath: stringDirectory contents list
create_directorypath: stringSuccess confirmation
search_filespattern: string, path?: string, include_hidden?: booleanMatching files list


Generates complete directory structure:

{ "path": "src", "include_hidden": false }

Returns: JSON tree structure of directory contents.

Common usage:

# List directory aidd-cli --tool list_directory --args '{"path": "."}' # Search for Python files aidd-cli --tool search_files --args '{"pattern": ".py", "path": "src"}'

Git Operations

git_initpath: string, initial_branch?: stringRepository initialization status
git_statusrepo_path: stringWorking directory status
git_addrepo_path: string, files: string[]Staging confirmation
git_resetrepo_path: stringUnstaging confirmation
git_checkoutrepo_path: string, branch_name: stringBranch switch confirmation

Complex Git Operations

{ "repo_path": ".", "message": "feat: add new feature" }

Returns: Commit hash and confirmation.

{ "repo_path": ".", "target": "main" }

Returns: Detailed diff output.

{ "repo_path": ".", "max_count": 10 }

Returns: Array of commit entries with hash, author, date, and message.

Common usage:

# Check status aidd-cli --tool git_status --args '{"repo_path": "."}' # Create and switch to new branch aidd-cli --tool git_create_branch --args '{"repo_path": ".", "branch_name": "feature/new-branch"}'

Code Analysis


Analyzes source code structure:

{ "path": "src" }


  • Classes and their methods
  • Functions and parameters
  • Module structure
  • Code organization statistics
  • Inheritance relationships

Supported Languages:

  • Python (.py)
  • JavaScript (.js, .jsx, .mjs, .cjs)
  • TypeScript (.ts, .tsx)
  • Java (.java)
  • C++ (.cpp, .hpp, .cc)
  • Ruby (.rb, .rake)
  • Go (.go)
  • Rust (.rs)
  • PHP (.php)
  • C# (.cs)
  • Kotlin (.kt, .kts)

System Information

get_system_infononeComprehensive system details


{ "working_directory": "/path/to/project", "system": { "os", "os_version", "architecture", "python_version" }, "wifi_network": "MyWiFi", "cpu": { "physical_cores", "logical_cores", "total_cpu_usage" }, "memory": { "total", "available", "used_percentage" }, "disk": { "total", "free", "used_percentage" }, "mac_details": { // Only present on macOS "model": "Mac mini", "chip": "Apple M2", "serial_number": "XXX" } }

Provides essential system information in a clean, readable format.

# Get system information aidd-cli --tool get_system_info

Code Execution


Executes code in various programming languages with safety measures and restrictions.

{ "language": "python", "code": "print('Hello, World!')", "timeout": 5 }

Supported Languages:

  • Python (python3)
  • JavaScript (Node.js)
  • Ruby
  • PHP
  • Go
  • Rust


languagestringYesProgramming language to use
codestringYesCode to execute
timeoutintegerNoMaximum execution time (default: 5s)

Example Usage:

# Python example aidd-cli --tool execute_code --args '{ "language": "python", "code": "print(sum(range(10)))" }' # JavaScript example aidd-cli --tool execute_code --args '{ "language": "javascript", "code": "console.log(Array.from({length: 5}, (_, i) => i*2))" }' # Ruby example aidd-cli --tool execute_code --args '{ "language": "ruby", "code": "puts (1..5).reduce(:+)" }' # Go example aidd-cli --tool execute_code --args '{ "language": "go", "code": "fmt.Println(\"Hello, Go!\")" }'


  • Respective language runtimes must be installed
  • Commands must be available in system PATH
  • Proper permissions for temporary file creation

⚠️ Security Warning: This tool executes arbitrary code on your system. Always:

  1. Review code thoroughly before execution
  2. Understand the code's purpose and expected outcome
  3. Never execute untrusted code
  4. Be aware of potential system impacts
  5. Monitor execution output


Executes shell scripts (bash/sh) with safety measures and restrictions.

{ "script": "echo \"Current directory:\" && pwd", "timeout": 300 }


scriptstringYesShell script to execute
timeoutintegerNoMaximum execution time (default: 300s, max: 600s)

Example Usage:

# List directory contents with details aidd-cli --tool execute_shell_script --args '{ "script": "ls -la" }' # Find all Python files recursively aidd-cli --tool execute_shell_script --args '{ "script": "find . -name \"*.py\" -type f" }' # Complex script with multiple commands aidd-cli --tool execute_shell_script --args '{ "script": "echo \"System Info:\" && uname -a && echo \"\nDisk Usage:\" && df -h" }'


  • Uses /bin/sh for maximum compatibility across systems
  • Executes within the allowed directory
  • Separate stdout and stderr output
  • Proper error handling and timeout controls

⚠️ Security Warning: This tool executes arbitrary shell commands on your system. Always:

  1. Review the script thoroughly before execution
  2. Understand the script's purpose and expected outcome
  3. Never execute untrusted scripts
  4. Be aware of potential system impacts
  5. Monitor execution output


Configuration file: ~/.aidd/config.json

{ "allowed_directory": "/path/to/workspace" }

CLI Usage

Basic command structure:

aidd-cli --tool <tool_name> --args '<json_arguments>' # List available tools aidd-cli --list-tools # Enable debug output aidd-cli --debug --tool <tool_name> --args '<json_arguments>'


Use MCP Inspector for debugging:

npx @modelcontextprotocol/inspector run


  • Operations restricted to configured allowed directory
  • Path traversal prevention
  • File permission preservation
  • Safe operation handling

Upcoming Features

  • GitHub tools:
    • PR Description Generator
    • Code Review
    • Actions Manager
  • Pivotal Tracker tools:
    • Story Generator
    • Story Manager

Development Status

Currently in active development. Features and API may change.


MIT License - see LICENSE

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - permissive license
quality - confirmed to work

AiDD MCP Server provides a secure interface for AI agents to perform file system operations and code analysis, enhancing AI-assisted development workflows across multiple programming languages.

  1. Installation
    1. Claude Desktop Setup
      1. Key Features
        1. Available Tools
          1. Basic File Operations
            1. Complex File Operations
              1. edit_file
              2. Directory Operations
                1. directory_tree
                2. Git Operations
                  1. Complex Git Operations
                    1. git_commit
                      1. git_diff
                        1. git_log
                      2. Code Analysis
                        1. tree_sitter_map
                        2. System Information
                          1. Code Execution
                            1. execute_code
                              1. execute_shell_script
                            2. Configuration
                              1. CLI Usage
                                1. Debugging
                                  1. Security
                                    1. Upcoming Features
                                      1. Development Status
                                        1. License