Notion MCP Serversuekou-securityAlicense-qualityMCP Server for the Notion API, enabling Claude to interact with Notion workspaces.74MIT License
Notion MCPdanhilse-securityAlicense-qualityA simple Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that integrates with Notion's API to manage my personal todo list through Claude.73MIT License
Obsidiansmithery-ai-securityAlicense-qualityThis is a connector to allow Claude Desktop (or any MCP client) to read and search any directory containing Markdown notes (such as an Obsidian vault).1,261173AGPL 3.0
MCP server for ObsidianMarkusPfundsteinAsecurityAlicenseAqualityMCP server to interact with Obsidian via the Local REST API community plugin.7134MIT LicenseApple
Google Drive servermodelcontextprotocol-securityAlicense-qualityThis MCP server integrates with Google Drive to allow listing, reading, and searching over files.1657,350MIT License