Cursor A11y MCP

by westsideori
import puppeteer from 'puppeteer'; import { z } from 'zod'; /** * A11y tool * - Takes in either "url" (a full URL) or "relativePath" to open on localhost:5000 * - Returns accessibility violations found using axe-core */ export const a11yToolName = 'a11y'; export const a11yToolDescription = 'Run accessibility tests on a URL or a local path (relative URL appended to http://localhost:5000).'; export const A11yToolSchema = z.object({ url: z.string().optional(), relativePath: z.string().optional(), }); export async function runA11yTool(args) { // Determine final URL let finalUrl = args.url; if (!finalUrl) { if (!args.relativePath) { throw new Error("Must provide either 'url' or 'relativePath'"); } finalUrl = `http://localhost:5000/${args.relativePath.replace(/^\//, '')}`; } // Launch Puppeteer const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: 'new', }); const page = await browser.newPage(); // Navigate to URL await page.goto(finalUrl); // Inject and run axe-core await page.addScriptTag({ url: '', }); // Run axe const results = await page.evaluate(() => { return new Promise((resolve) => {, results) => { if (err) throw err; resolve(results); }); }); }); await browser.close(); // Format results for output const violations = => ({ impact: violation.impact, description: violation.description, help:, helpUrl: violation.helpUrl, nodes: => ({ html: node.html, failureSummary: node.failureSummary, target:, })), })); return { content: [ { type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify( { violationCount: violations.length, violations: violations, }, null, 2 ), }, ], }; }