Trino MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Mentioned as a possible catalog type that can be used with Trino through the MCP server

  • Mentioned as a possible catalog type that can be used with Trino through the MCP server

  • Allows users to list tables, read table contents, and execute arbitrary SQL queries against a Trino database through an MCP server

Trino MCP Server

This repository provides an MCP (Model-Control-Protocol) server that allows you to list and query tables via Trino using Python.


  • MCP: MCP is a protocol for bridging AI models, data, and tools. This example MCP server provides:
    • A list of Trino tables as MCP resources
    • Ability to read table contents through MCP
    • A tool for executing arbitrary SQL queries against Trino
  • Trino: A fast, distributed SQL query engine for big data analytics. This server makes use of Trino’s Python client (trino.dbapi) to connect to a Trino host, catalog, and schema.


  • Python 3.9+ (or a version compatible with mcp, trino, and asyncio)
  • trino (the Python driver for Trino)
  • mcp (the Model-Control-Protocol Python library)


The server reads Trino connection details from environment variables:

TRINO_HOSTTrino server hostname or IPlocalhost
TRINO_PORTTrino server port8080
TRINO_USERTrino user namerequired
TRINO_PASSWORDTrino password (optional, depends on your authentication setup)(empty)
TRINO_CATALOGDefault catalog to use (e.g., hive, tpch, postgresql, etc.)required
TRINO_SCHEMADefault schema to use (e.g., default, public, etc.)required


{ "mcpServers": { "trino": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "--directory", "<path_to_mcp_server_trino>", "run", "mcp_server_trino" ], "env": { "TRINO_HOST": "<host>", "TRINO_PORT": "<port>", "TRINO_USER": "<user>", "TRINO_PASSWORD": "<password>", "TRINO_CATALOG": "<catalog>", "TRINO_SCHEMA": "<schema>" } } } }
security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

An MCP server that enables listing and querying Trino tables using Python, providing access to data resources through the Model-Control-Protocol.

  1. Overview
    1. Requirements
      1. Configuration
        1. Usage