Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { initializeApp } from 'firebase/app'; import { connectAuthEmulator, getAuth, GoogleAuthProvider, signInAnonymously, signInWithPopup, } from 'firebase/auth'; import { connectFunctionsEmulator, getFunctions, httpsCallable, } from 'firebase/functions'; import $ from 'jquery'; // This code assumes `firebaseConfig` is a global variable containing // your Firebase configuration object. You can get this object from the // Firebase console by adding a web app and copying the blob. Put that // blob in public/config.js with the following: // window.firebaseConfig = {...}; let auth; let jokeFlow; let emulated = false; async function getDecodedIdToken() { const tok = await auth.currentUser.getIdToken(); const [, claims] = tok.split('.'); return JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(atob(claims)), null, 2); } function updateResult(message, code) { $('#response').text(message); $('#response-code').text(code); } $(() => { emulated = new URL(window.location.href).search.includes('emulated=true'); initializeApp(window.firebaseConfig); auth = getAuth(); window.auth = auth; const fns = getFunctions(); if (emulated) { $('#emulator-button').text('Use prod'); $('#emulator-warning').show(); connectAuthEmulator(auth, 'http://localhost:9099', { disableWarnings: true, }); connectFunctionsEmulator(fns, 'localhost', 5001); } jokeFlow = httpsCallable(fns, 'jokeFlow'); auth.onAuthStateChanged(async (user) => { if (user) { $('#login').hide(); $('#logout').show(); $('#token-blob').text(await getDecodedIdToken()); console.log(await auth.currentUser.getIdToken()); } else { $('#login').show(); $('#logout').hide(); $('#token-blob').text('Signed out'); } }); }); window.anonymous = async () => { await signInAnonymously(auth); }; = async () => { await signInWithPopup(auth, new GoogleAuthProvider()); }; window.logout = async () => { await auth.signOut(); }; window.runflow = async () => { try { const payload = $('#subject').val(); const response = await jokeFlow(payload); updateResult(, '200'); } catch (e) { updateResult(e.message, e.code); } }; window.emulate = function () { const url = new URL(window.location.href); if (emulated) { = ''; } else { = 'emulated=true'; } window.location.replace(url); };