Genkit MCP
by firebase
// Copyright 2024 Google LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package dotprompt
import (
// PromptRequest is a request to execute a dotprompt template and
// pass the result to a [Model].
type PromptRequest struct {
// Input fields for the prompt. If not nil this should be a struct
// or pointer to a struct that matches the prompt's input schema.
Input any `json:"input,omitempty"`
// Model configuration. If nil will be taken from the prompt config.
Config *ai.GenerationCommonConfig `json:"config,omitempty"`
// Documents to pass to the model as context, if any.
Context []*ai.Document `json:"context,omitempty"`
// The model to use. This overrides any model specified by the prompt.
Model ai.Model `json:"model,omitempty"`
// The name of the model to use. This overrides any model specified by the prompt.
ModelName string `json:"modelname,omitempty"`
// Streaming callback function
Stream ai.ModelStreamCallback
// Maximum number of tool call iterations for the prompt.
MaxTurns int `json:"maxTurns,omitempty"`
// Whether to return tool requests instead of making the tool calls and continuing the generation.
ReturnToolRequests bool `json:"returnToolRequests,omitempty"`
// Whether the ReturnToolRequests field was set (false is not enough information as to whether to override).
IsReturnToolRequestsSet bool `json:"-"`
// Whether tool calls are required, disabled, or optional for the prompt.
ToolChoice ai.ToolChoice `json:"toolChoice,omitempty"`
// Middleware to apply to the prompt.
Middleware []ai.ModelMiddleware `json:"-"`
// GenerateOption configures params for Generate function
type GenerateOption func(p *PromptRequest) error
// buildVariables returns a map holding prompt field values based
// on a struct or a pointer to a struct. The struct value should have
// JSON tags that correspond to the Prompt's input schema.
// Only exported fields of the struct will be used.
func (p *Prompt) buildVariables(variables any) (map[string]any, error) {
if variables == nil {
return nil, nil
v := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(variables))
if v.Kind() == reflect.Map {
return variables.(map[string]any), nil
if v.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return nil, errors.New("dotprompt: fields not a struct or pointer to a struct or a map")
vt := v.Type()
// TODO: Verify the struct with p.Config.InputSchema.
m := make(map[string]any)
for i := 0; i < vt.NumField(); i++ {
ft := vt.Field(i)
if ft.PkgPath != "" {
jsonTag := ft.Tag.Get("json")
jsonName, rest, _ := strings.Cut(jsonTag, ",")
if jsonName == "" {
jsonName = ft.Name
vf := v.Field(i)
// If the field is the zero value, and omitempty is set,
// don't pass it as a prompt input variable.
if vf.IsZero() {
for rest != "" {
var key string
key, rest, _ = strings.Cut(rest, ",")
if key == "omitempty" {
continue fieldLoop
m[jsonName] = vf.Interface()
return m, nil
// buildRequest prepares an [ai.ModelRequest] based on the prompt,
// using the input variables and other information in the [ai.PromptRequest].
func (p *Prompt) buildRequest(ctx context.Context, input any) (*ai.ModelRequest, error) {
req := &ai.ModelRequest{}
m, err := p.buildVariables(input)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if req.Messages, err = p.RenderMessages(m); err != nil {
return nil, err
req.Config = p.GenerationConfig
req.ToolChoice = p.ToolChoice
var outputSchema map[string]any
if p.OutputSchema != nil {
jsonBytes, err := p.OutputSchema.MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal output schema JSON: %w", err)
err = json.Unmarshal(jsonBytes, &outputSchema)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal output schema JSON: %w", err)
req.Output = &ai.ModelRequestOutput{
Format: p.OutputFormat,
Schema: outputSchema,
var tds []*ai.ToolDefinition
for _, t := range p.Tools {
tds = append(tds, t.Definition())
req.Tools = tds
return req, nil
// Register registers an action to render a prompt.
func (p *Prompt) Register(g *genkit.Genkit) error {
if p.prompt != nil {
return nil
if p.ModelName != "" && p.Model != nil {
return errors.New("dotprompt.Register: config must specify exactly one of ModelName and Model")
name := p.Name
if name == "" {
return errors.New("attempt to register unnamed prompt")
if p.Variant != "" {
name += "." + p.Variant
// TODO: Undo clearing of the Version once Monaco Editor supports newer than JSON schema draft-07.
if p.InputSchema != nil {
p.InputSchema.Version = ""
metadata := map[string]any{
"prompt": map[string]any{
"name": p.Name,
"input": map[string]any{"schema": p.InputSchema},
"output": map[string]any{"format": p.OutputFormat},
"template": p.TemplateText,
var err error
p.prompt, err = genkit.DefinePrompt(
return err
// Generate executes a prompt. It does variable substitution and
// passes the rendered template to the AI model specified by
// the prompt.
// This implements the [ai.Prompt] interface.
func (p *Prompt) Generate(ctx context.Context, g *genkit.Genkit, opts ...GenerateOption) (*ai.ModelResponse, error) {
tracing.SetCustomMetadataAttr(ctx, "subtype", "prompt")
var pr PromptRequest
for _, with := range opts {
err := with(&pr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var mr *ai.ModelRequest
var err error
if p.prompt != nil {
mr, err = p.prompt.Render(ctx, pr.Input)
} else {
mr, err = p.buildRequest(ctx, pr.Input)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Let some fields in pr override those in the prompt config.
if pr.Config != nil {
mr.Config = pr.Config
if len(pr.Context) > 0 {
mr.Context = pr.Context
if pr.ToolChoice != "" {
mr.ToolChoice = pr.ToolChoice
// Setting the model on generate, overrides the model defined on the prompt
var model ai.Model
if p.Model != nil {
model = p.Model
if pr.Model != nil {
model = pr.Model
if model == nil {
modelName := p.ModelName
if pr.ModelName != "" {
modelName = pr.ModelName
if modelName == "" {
return nil, errors.New("dotprompt execution: model not specified")
provider, name, found := strings.Cut(modelName, "/")
if !found {
return nil, errors.New("dotprompt model not in provider/name format")
model = genkit.LookupModel(g, provider, name)
if model == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no model named %q for provider %q", name, provider)
maxTurns := p.Config.MaxTurns
if pr.MaxTurns != 0 {
maxTurns = pr.MaxTurns
returnToolRequests := p.Config.ReturnToolRequests
if pr.IsReturnToolRequestsSet {
returnToolRequests = pr.ReturnToolRequests
toolCfg := &ai.ToolConfig{
MaxTurns: maxTurns,
ReturnToolRequests: returnToolRequests,
resp, err := genkit.GenerateWithRequest(ctx, g, model, mr, pr.Middleware, toolCfg, pr.Stream)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// GenerateText runs generate request for this prompt. Returns generated text only.
func (p *Prompt) GenerateText(ctx context.Context, g *genkit.Genkit, opts ...GenerateOption) (string, error) {
res, err := p.Generate(ctx, g, opts...)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return res.Text(), nil
// GenerateData runs generate request for this prompt. Returns ModelResponse struct.
// TODO: Stream GenerateData with partial JSON
func (p *Prompt) GenerateData(ctx context.Context, g *genkit.Genkit, value any, opts ...GenerateOption) (*ai.ModelResponse, error) {
with := WithOutputType(value)
err := with(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := p.Generate(ctx, g, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = resp.UnmarshalOutput(value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// WithInput adds input to pass to the model.
func WithInput(input any) GenerateOption {
return func(p *PromptRequest) error {
if p.Input != nil {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithInput: cannot set Input more than once")
p.Input = input
return nil
// WithConfig adds model configuration. If nil will be taken from the prompt config.
func WithConfig(config *ai.GenerationCommonConfig) GenerateOption {
return func(p *PromptRequest) error {
if p.Config != nil {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithConfig: cannot set Config more than once")
p.Config = config
return nil
// WithContext adds documents to pass to model as context, if any.
func WithContext(docs ...*ai.Document) GenerateOption {
return func(p *PromptRequest) error {
if p.Context != nil {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithContext: cannot set Context more than once")
p.Context = docs
return nil
// WithModel adds the Model to use. This overrides any model specified by the prompt.
func WithModel(model ai.Model) GenerateOption {
return func(p *PromptRequest) error {
if p.ModelName != "" || p.Model != nil {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithModel: Model must be specified exactly once, either ModelName or Model")
p.Model = model
return nil
// WithModelName adds the name of the Model to use. This overrides any model specified by the prompt.
func WithModelName(model string) GenerateOption {
return func(p *PromptRequest) error {
if p.ModelName != "" || p.Model != nil {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithModelName: Model must be specified exactly once, either ModelName or Model")
p.ModelName = model
return nil
// WithStreaming adds a streaming callback to the generate request.
func WithStreaming(cb ai.ModelStreamCallback) GenerateOption {
return func(p *PromptRequest) error {
if p.Stream != nil {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithStreaming: cannot set Stream more than once")
p.Stream = cb
return nil
// WithMaxTurns sets the maximum number of tool call iterations for the prompt.
func WithMaxTurns(maxTurns int) GenerateOption {
return func(p *PromptRequest) error {
if maxTurns <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("maxTurns must be greater than 0, got %d", maxTurns)
if p.MaxTurns != 0 {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithMaxTurns: cannot set MaxTurns more than once")
p.MaxTurns = maxTurns
return nil
// WithReturnToolRequests configures whether to return tool requests instead of making the tool calls and continuing the generation.
func WithReturnToolRequests(returnToolRequests bool) GenerateOption {
return func(p *PromptRequest) error {
if p.IsReturnToolRequestsSet {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithReturnToolRequests: cannot set ReturnToolRequests more than once")
p.ReturnToolRequests = returnToolRequests
p.IsReturnToolRequestsSet = true
return nil
// WithToolChoice configures whether tool calls are required, disabled, or optional for the prompt.
func WithToolChoice(toolChoice ai.ToolChoice) GenerateOption {
return func(p *PromptRequest) error {
if p.ToolChoice != "" {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithToolChoice: cannot set ToolChoice more than once")
p.ToolChoice = toolChoice
return nil
// WithMiddleware adds middleware to the prompt request.
func WithMiddleware(middleware GenerateOption {
return func(p *PromptRequest) error {
if p.Middleware != nil {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithMiddleware: cannot set Middleware more than once")
p.Middleware = middleware
return nil