Genkit MCP
by firebase
// Copyright 2024 Google LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Package dotprompt parses and renders dotprompt files.
package dotprompt
import (
// Prompt is a parsed dotprompt file.
// A dotprompt file consists of YAML frontmatter within --- lines,
// followed by a template written in the [Handlebars] language.
// The YAML frontmatter will normally define a JSON schema
// describing the expected input and output variables.
// The input variables will appear in the template.
// The JSON schemas may be defined in a compact picoschema format.
// The templates are evaluated with a couple of helpers.
// - {{role r}} changes to a new role for the following text
// - {{media url=URL}} adds a URL with an optional contentType
// [Handlebars]:
type Prompt struct {
// The name of the prompt. Optional unless the prompt is
// registered as an action.
Name string
// The parsed prompt template.
Template *raymond.Template
// The original prompt template text.
TemplateText string
// A hash of the prompt contents.
hash string
// A prompt that renders the prompt.
prompt *prompt.Prompt
// Config is optional configuration for a [Prompt].
type Config struct {
// The prompt variant.
Variant string
// The name of the model for which the prompt is input.
// If this is non-empty, Model should be nil.
ModelName string
// The Model to use.
// If this is set, ModelName should be an empty string.
Model ai.Model
// TODO: document
Tools []ai.Tool
// Details for the model.
GenerationConfig *ai.GenerationCommonConfig
// Schema for input variables.
InputSchema *jsonschema.Schema
// Default input variable values
DefaultInput map[string]any
// Desired output format.
OutputFormat ai.OutputFormat
// Desired output schema, for JSON output.
OutputSchema *jsonschema.Schema
// Arbitrary metadata.
Metadata map[string]any
// ToolChoice is the tool choice to use.
ToolChoice ai.ToolChoice
// MaxTurns is the maximum number of turns.
MaxTurns int
// ReturnToolRequests is whether to return tool requests.
ReturnToolRequests bool
// PromptOption configures params for the prompt
type PromptOption func(p *Prompt) error
// Open opens and parses a dotprompt file.
// The name is a base file name, without the ".prompt" extension.
func Open(g *genkit.Genkit, name string) (*Prompt, error) {
return OpenVariant(g, name, "")
// OpenVariant opens a parses a dotprompt file with a variant.
// If the variant does not exist, the non-variant version is tried.
func OpenVariant(g *genkit.Genkit, name, variant string) (*Prompt, error) {
if g.Params.PromptDir == "" {
// The TypeScript code defaults to ./prompts,
// but that makes the program change behavior
// depending on where it is run.
return nil, errors.New("PromptDir in Genkit options is empty")
vname := name
if variant != "" {
vname = name + "." + variant
fileName := filepath.Join(g.Params.PromptDir, vname+".prompt")
data, err := os.ReadFile(fileName)
if err != nil {
if variant != "" && errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
slog.Warn("prompt not found, trying without variant", "name", name, "variant", variant)
return OpenVariant(g, name, "")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read dotprompt file %q: %w", name, err)
return Parse(g, name, variant, data)
// frontmatterYAML is the type we use to unpack the frontmatter.
// (Frontmatter is the data we may see, YAML encoded, at the
// start of a dotprompt file. It appears within --- lines.)
// We do it this way so that we can handle the input and output
// fields as picoschema, while returning them as jsonschema.Schema.
type frontmatterYAML struct {
Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
Variant string `yaml:"variant,omitempty"`
Model string `yaml:"model,omitempty"`
Tools []string `yaml:"tools,omitempty"`
Candidates int `yaml:"candidates,omitempty"`
Config *ai.GenerationCommonConfig `yaml:"config,omitempty"`
Input struct {
Schema any `yaml:"schema,omitempty"`
Default map[string]any `yaml:"default,omitempty"`
} `yaml:"input,omitempty"`
Output struct {
Format string `yaml:"format,omitempty"`
Schema any `yaml:"schema,omitempty"`
} `yaml:"output,omitempty"`
Metadata map[string]any `yaml:"metadata,omitempty"`
ToolChoice string `yaml:"toolChoice,omitempty"`
MaxTurns int `yaml:"maxTurns,omitempty"`
ReturnToolRequests bool `yaml:"returnToolRequests,omitempty"`
// Parse parses the contents of a dotprompt file.
func Parse(g *genkit.Genkit, name, variant string, data []byte) (*Prompt, error) {
const header = "---\n"
var fmName string
var cfg Config
if bytes.HasPrefix(data, []byte(header)) {
var err error
fmName, cfg, data, err = parseFrontmatter(g, data[len(header):])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// The name argument takes precedence over the name in the frontmatter.
if name == "" {
name = fmName
return newPrompt(name, string(data), fmt.Sprintf("%02x", sha256.Sum256(data)), cfg)
// newPrompt creates a new prompt.
// templateText should be a handlebars template.
// hash is its SHA256 hash as a hex string.
func newPrompt(name, templateText, hash string, config Config) (*Prompt, error) {
template, err := raymond.Parse(templateText)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse template: %w", err)
return &Prompt{
Name: name,
Config: config,
hash: hash,
Template: template,
TemplateText: templateText,
}, nil
// parseFrontmatter parses the initial YAML frontmatter of a dotprompt file.
// It returns the frontmatter as a Config along with the remaining data.
func parseFrontmatter(g *genkit.Genkit, data []byte) (name string, c Config, rest []byte, err error) {
const footer = "\n---\n"
end := bytes.Index(data, []byte(footer))
if end == -1 {
return "", Config{}, nil, errors.New("dotprompt: missing marker for end of frontmatter")
input := data[:end]
var fy frontmatterYAML
if err := yaml.Unmarshal(input, &fy); err != nil {
return "", Config{}, nil, fmt.Errorf("dotprompt: failed to parse YAML frontmatter: %w", err)
var tools []ai.Tool
for _, tn := range fy.Tools {
tools = append(tools, genkit.LookupTool(g, tn))
ret := Config{
Variant: fy.Variant,
ModelName: fy.Model,
Tools: tools,
GenerationConfig: fy.Config,
DefaultInput: fy.Input.Default,
Metadata: fy.Metadata,
ToolChoice: ai.ToolChoice(fy.ToolChoice),
MaxTurns: fy.MaxTurns,
ReturnToolRequests: fy.ReturnToolRequests,
inputSchema, err := picoschemaToJSONSchema(fy.Input.Schema)
if err != nil {
return "", Config{}, nil, fmt.Errorf("dotprompt: can't parse input: %w", err)
ret.InputSchema = inputSchema
outputSchema, err := picoschemaToJSONSchema(fy.Output.Schema)
if err != nil {
return "", Config{}, nil, fmt.Errorf("dotprompt: can't parse output: %w", err)
if outputSchema != nil {
// We have a jsonschema.Schema and we want a map[string]any.
// TODO: This conversion is useless.
// Sort so that testing is reliable.
// This is not required if not testing.
data, err := json.Marshal(outputSchema)
if err != nil {
return "", Config{}, nil, fmt.Errorf("dotprompt: can't JSON marshal JSON schema: %w", err)
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &ret.OutputSchema); err != nil {
return "", Config{}, nil, fmt.Errorf("dotprompt: can't unmarshal JSON schema: %w", err)
// TODO: The TypeScript codes supports media also,
// but there is no ai.OutputFormatMedia.
switch fy.Output.Format {
case "":
case string(ai.OutputFormatJSON):
ret.OutputFormat = ai.OutputFormatJSON
case string(ai.OutputFormatText):
ret.OutputFormat = ai.OutputFormatText
return "", Config{}, nil, fmt.Errorf("dotprompt: unrecognized output format %q", fy.Output.Format)
return fy.Name, ret, data[end+len(footer):], nil
// Define creates and registers a new Prompt. This can be called from code that
// doesn't have a prompt file.
func Define(g *genkit.Genkit, name, templateText string, opts ...PromptOption) (*Prompt, error) {
p, err := New(name, templateText, Config{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, with := range opts {
err := with(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// fallback to default model name if no model was specified
if p.Config.ModelName == "" && p.Config.Model == nil {
p.Config.ModelName = g.Params.DefaultModel
return p, nil
// New creates a new Prompt without registering it.
// This may be used for testing or for direct calls not using the
// genkit action and flow mechanisms.
func New(name, templateText string, cfg Config) (*Prompt, error) {
hash := fmt.Sprintf("%02x", sha256.Sum256([]byte(templateText)))
return newPrompt(name, templateText, hash, cfg)
// sortSchemaSlices sorts the slices in a jsonschema to permit
// consistent comparisons. We only bother with the fields we need
// for the tests we have.
func sortSchemaSlices(s *jsonschema.Schema) {
if s.Properties != nil {
for p := s.Properties.Oldest(); p != nil; p = p.Next() {
if s.Items != nil {
// WithTools adds tools to the prompt.
func WithTools(tools PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.Config.Tools != nil {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithTools: cannot set Tools more than once")
var toolSlice []ai.Tool
toolSlice = append(toolSlice, tools...)
p.Tools = toolSlice
return nil
// WithDefaultConfig adds default model configuration.
func WithDefaultConfig(config *ai.GenerationCommonConfig) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.Config.GenerationConfig != nil {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithDefaultConfig: cannot set Config more than once")
p.Config.GenerationConfig = config
return nil
// WithInputType uses the type provided to derive the input schema.
// If passing eg. a struct with values, the struct definition will serve as the schema, the values will serve as defaults if no input is given at generation time.
func WithInputType(input any) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.Config.InputSchema != nil {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithInputType: cannot set InputType more than once")
// Handle primitives, default to "value" as key
// No default necessary, assumed type to be struct
switch v := input.(type) {
case int:
input = map[string]any{"value": strconv.Itoa(v)}
case float32:
case float64:
input = map[string]any{"value": fmt.Sprintf("%f", v)}
case string:
input = map[string]any{"value": v}
// Pass map directly
case map[string]any:
input = v
p.Config.InputSchema = base.InferJSONSchemaNonReferencing(input)
// Set values as default input
defaultInput := base.SchemaAsMap(p.Config.InputSchema)
data, err := json.Marshal(input)
if err != nil {
return err
err = json.Unmarshal(data, &defaultInput)
if err != nil {
return err
p.Config.DefaultInput = defaultInput
return nil
// WithOutputType uses the type provided to derive the output schema.
func WithOutputType(output any) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.Config.OutputSchema != nil {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithOutputType: cannot set OutputType more than once")
p.Config.OutputSchema = base.InferJSONSchemaNonReferencing(output)
p.Config.OutputFormat = ai.OutputFormatJSON
return nil
// WithOutputFormat adds the desired output format to the prompt
func WithOutputFormat(format ai.OutputFormat) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.Config.OutputFormat != "" && p.Config.OutputFormat != format {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithOutputFormat: OutputFormat does not match set OutputSchema")
if format == ai.OutputFormatJSON && p.Config.OutputSchema == nil {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithOutputFormat: to set OutputFormat to JSON, OutputSchema must be set")
p.Config.OutputFormat = format
return nil
// WithMetadata adds arbitrary metadata.
func WithMetadata(metadata map[string]any) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.Config.Metadata != nil {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithMetadata: cannot set Metadata more than once")
p.Config.Metadata = metadata
return nil
// WithDefaultModel adds the default Model to use.
func WithDefaultModel(model ai.Model) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.Config.ModelName != "" || p.Config.Model != nil {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithDefaultModel: config must specify exactly once, either ModelName or Model")
p.Config.Model = model
return nil
// WithDefaultModelName adds the name of the default Model to use.
func WithDefaultModelName(name string) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.Config.ModelName != "" || p.Config.Model != nil {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithDefaultModelName: config must specify exactly once, either ModelName or Model")
p.Config.ModelName = name
return nil
// WithDefaultMaxTurns sets the default maximum number of tool call iterations for the prompt.
func WithDefaultMaxTurns(maxTurns int) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if maxTurns <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("maxTurns must be greater than 0, got %d", maxTurns)
if p.Config.MaxTurns != 0 {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithMaxTurns: cannot set MaxTurns more than once")
p.Config.MaxTurns = maxTurns
return nil
// WithDefaultReturnToolRequests configures whether by default to return tool requests instead of making the tool calls and continuing the generation.
func WithDefaultReturnToolRequests(returnToolRequests bool) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.Config.ReturnToolRequests {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithReturnToolRequests: cannot set ReturnToolRequests more than once")
p.Config.ReturnToolRequests = returnToolRequests
return nil
// WithDefaultToolChoice configures whether by default tool calls are required, disabled, or optional for the prompt.
func WithDefaultToolChoice(toolChoice ai.ToolChoice) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.Config.ToolChoice != "" {
return errors.New("dotprompt.WithToolChoice: cannot set ToolChoice more than once")
p.Config.ToolChoice = toolChoice
return nil