Genkit MCP
by firebase
// Copyright 2024 Google LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package metrics
import (
type metricInstruments struct {
actionCounter metric.Int64Counter
actionLatencies metric.Int64Histogram
flowCounter metric.Int64Counter
flowLatencies metric.Int64Histogram
// Delay instrument creation until first use to ensure that
// a MeterProvider has been set (see, e.g., plugins/googlecloud).
var fetchInstruments = sync.OnceValue(func() *metricInstruments {
insts, err := initInstruments()
if err != nil {
// Do not stop the program because we can't collect metrics.
slog.Default().Error("metric initialization failed; no metrics will be collected", "err", err)
return nil
return insts
func initInstruments() (*metricInstruments, error) {
meter := otel.Meter("genkit")
var err error
insts := &metricInstruments{}
insts.actionCounter, err = meter.Int64Counter("genkit/action/requests")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
insts.actionLatencies, err = meter.Int64Histogram("genkit/action/latency", metric.WithUnit("ms"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
insts.flowCounter, err = meter.Int64Counter("genkit/flow/requests")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
insts.flowLatencies, err = meter.Int64Histogram("genkit/flow/latency", metric.WithUnit("ms"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return insts, nil
func WriteActionSuccess(ctx context.Context, actionName string, latency time.Duration) {
recordAction(ctx, latency,
attribute.String("name", actionName),
attribute.String("source", "go"))
func WriteActionFailure(ctx context.Context, actionName string, latency time.Duration, err error) {
recordAction(ctx, latency, attribute.String("name", actionName),
attribute.Int("errorCode", errorCode(err)),
// TODO: Mitigate against high-cardinality dimensions that arise from
// many different error messages, perhaps by taking a prefix of the error
// message.
attribute.String("errorMessage", err.Error()),
attribute.String("source", "go"))
func errorCode(err error) int {
// Support errors that have a numeric code.
if cerr, ok := err.(interface{ Code() int }); ok {
return cerr.Code()
return 0
func recordAction(ctx context.Context, latency time.Duration, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) {
if insts := fetchInstruments(); insts != nil {
recordCountAndLatency(ctx, insts.actionCounter, insts.actionLatencies, latency, attrs...)
func WriteFlowSuccess(ctx context.Context, flowName string, latency time.Duration) {
recordFlow(ctx, latency,
attribute.String("name", flowName),
attribute.String("source", "go"))
func WriteFlowFailure(ctx context.Context, flowName string, latency time.Duration, err error) {
recordAction(ctx, latency, attribute.String("name", flowName),
attribute.Int("errorCode", errorCode(err)),
// TODO: Mitigate against high-cardinality dimensions that arise from
// many different error messages, perhaps by taking a prefix of the error
// message.
attribute.String("errorMessage", err.Error()),
attribute.String("source", "go"))
func recordFlow(ctx context.Context, latency time.Duration, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) {
if insts := fetchInstruments(); insts != nil {
recordCountAndLatency(ctx, insts.flowCounter, insts.flowLatencies, latency, attrs...)
func recordCountAndLatency(ctx context.Context, counter metric.Int64Counter, hist metric.Int64Histogram, latency time.Duration, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) {
opt := metric.WithAttributes(attrs...)
counter.Add(ctx, 1, opt)
hist.Record(ctx, latency.Milliseconds(), opt)