// Copyright 2024 Google LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package ai
import (
// A Prompt is used to render a prompt template,
// producing a [GenerateRequest] that may be passed to a [Model].
type Prompt core.ActionDef[any, *ModelRequest, struct{}]
// DefinePrompt takes a function that renders a prompt template
// into a [GenerateRequest] that may be passed to a [Model].
// The prompt expects some input described by inputSchema.
// DefinePrompt registers the function as an action,
// and returns a [Prompt] that runs it.
func DefinePrompt(r *registry.Registry, provider, name string, metadata map[string]any, inputSchema *jsonschema.Schema, render func(context.Context, any) (*ModelRequest, error)) *Prompt {
mm := maps.Clone(metadata)
if mm == nil {
mm = make(map[string]any)
mm["type"] = "prompt"
return (*Prompt)(core.DefineActionWithInputSchema(r, provider, name, atype.Prompt, mm, inputSchema, render))
// IsDefinedPrompt reports whether a [Prompt] is defined.
func IsDefinedPrompt(r *registry.Registry, provider, name string) bool {
return LookupPrompt(r, provider, name) != nil
// LookupPrompt looks up a [Prompt] registered by [DefinePrompt].
// It returns nil if the prompt was not defined.
func LookupPrompt(r *registry.Registry, provider, name string) *Prompt {
return (*Prompt)(core.LookupActionFor[any, *ModelRequest, struct{}](r, atype.Prompt, provider, name))
// Render renders the [Prompt] with some input data.
func (p *Prompt) Render(ctx context.Context, input any) (*ModelRequest, error) {
if p == nil {
return nil, errors.New("Render called on a nil Prompt; check that all prompts are defined")
return (*core.ActionDef[any, *ModelRequest, struct{}])(p).Run(ctx, input, nil)