Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
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# Firebase Genkit Developer Tools Firebase Genkit provides two key developer tools: - A Node.js CLI for command-line operations - An optional local web app, called the Developer UI, that interfaces with your Genkit configuration for interactive testing and development ### Command Line Interface (CLI) Install the CLI in your project using: ```posix-terminal npm install -D genkit-cli ``` The CLI supports various commands to facilitate working with Genkit projects: - `genkit start -- <command to run your code>`: Start the developer UI and connect it to a running code process. - `genkit flow:run <flowName>`: Run a specified flow. Your runtime must already be running in a separate terminal with the `GENKIT_ENV=dev` environment variable set. - `genkit eval:flow <flowName>`: Evaluate a specific flow. Your runtime must already be running in a separate terminal with the `GENKIT_ENV=dev` environment variable set. For a full list of commands, use: ```posix-terminal npx genkit --help ``` ### Genkit Developer UI The Genkit Developer UI is a local web app that lets you interactively work with models, flows, prompts, and other elements in your Genkit project. The Developer UI is able to identify what Genkit components you have defined in your code by attaching to a running code process. To start the UI, run the following command: ```posix-terminal npx genkit start -- <command to run your code> ``` The `<command to run your code>` will vary based on your project's setup and the file you want to execute. Here are some examples: ```posix-terminal # Running a typical development server npx genkit start -- npm run dev # Running a TypeScript file directly npx genkit start -- npx tsx --watch src/index.ts # Running a JavaScript file directly npx genkit start -- node --watch src/index.js ``` Including the `--watch` option will enable the Developer UI to notice and reflect saved changes to your code without needing to restart it. After running the command, you will get an output like the following: ```posix-terminal Telemetry API running on http://localhost:4033 Genkit Developer UI: http://localhost:4000 ``` Open the local host address for the Genkit Developer UI in your browser to view it. You can also open it in the VS Code simple browser to view it alongside your code. Alternatively, you can use add the `-o` option to the start command to automatically open the Developer UI in your default browser tab. ``` npx genkit start -o -- <command to run your code> ``` ![Welcome to Genkit Developer UI](resources/welcome_to_genkit_developer_ui.png) The Developer UI has action runners for `flow`, `prompt`, `model`, `tool`, `retriever`, `indexer`, `embedder` and `evaluator` based on the components you have defined in your code. Here's a quick gif tour with cats. ![Gif overview of Genkit Developer UI](resources/genkit_developer_ui_overview.gif) ### Analytics The Genkit CLI and Developer UI use cookies and similar technologies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its services and to analyze usage. [Learn more]( To opt-out of analytics, you can run the following command: ```posix-terminal npx genkit config set analyticsOptOut true ``` You can view the current setting by running: ```posix-terminal npx genkit config get analyticsOptOut ```