Jira MCP Server
by George5562
# Jira MCP Server
Speak to Jira in natural language to get information on and modify your project. Use it with Claude Desktop in combination with a custom README that you will create with project information, so that you can delegate PM tasks, (e.g. given yoou have a list of my team and their specialities, assign any new issue to the most relevant person).
Built using the [Model Context Protocol](https://github.com/modelcontextprotocol).
The server enables:
- Project creation and configuration
- Issue and subtask management
- Issue linking and dependencies
- Automated issue workflows
## Configuration
Required environment variables:
- `JIRA_HOST`: Your Jira instance hostname
- `JIRA_EMAIL`: Your Jira account email
- `JIRA_API_TOKEN`: API token from https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens
## Available Tools
### 1. User Management
// Get user's account ID by email
email: "user@example.com";
### 2. Issue Type Management
// List all available issue types
// Returns: id, name, description, subtask status
// No parameters required
### 3. Issue Link Types
// List all available issue link types
// Returns: id, name, inward/outward descriptions
// No parameters required
### 4. Issue Management
#### Retrieving Issues
// Get all issues in a project
projectKey: "PROJECT"
// Get issues with JQL filtering
projectKey: "PROJECT",
jql: "status = 'In Progress' AND assignee = currentUser()"
// Get issues assigned to user
projectKey: "PROJECT",
jql: "assignee = 'user@example.com' ORDER BY created DESC"
#### Creating Issues
// Create a standard issue
projectKey: "PROJECT",
summary: "Issue title",
issueType: "Task", // or "Story", "Bug", etc.
description: "Detailed description",
assignee: "accountId", // from get_user tool
labels: ["frontend", "urgent"],
components: ["ui", "api"],
priority: "High"
// Create a subtask
parent: "PROJECT-123",
projectKey: "PROJECT",
summary: "Subtask title",
issueType: "Subtask",
description: "Subtask details",
assignee: "accountId"
#### Updating Issues
// Update issue fields
issueKey: "PROJECT-123",
summary: "Updated title",
description: "New description",
assignee: "accountId",
status: "In Progress",
priority: "High"
#### Issue Dependencies
// Create issue link
linkType: "Blocks", // from list_link_types
inwardIssueKey: "PROJECT-124", // blocked issue
outwardIssueKey: "PROJECT-123" // blocking issue
#### Deleting Issues
// Delete single issue
issueKey: "PROJECT-123"
// Delete issue with subtasks
issueKey: "PROJECT-123",
deleteSubtasks: true
// Delete multiple issues
issueKeys: ["PROJECT-123", "PROJECT-124"]
## Field Formatting
### Description Field
The description field supports markdown-style formatting:
- Use blank lines between paragraphs
- Use "- " for bullet points
- Use "1. " for numbered lists
- Use headers ending with ":" (followed by blank line)
Task Overview:
This task involves implementing new features:
- Feature A implementation
- Feature B testing
1. Design component
2. Implement logic
3. Add tests
Acceptance Criteria:
- All tests passing
- Documentation updated
## Error Handling
The server provides detailed error messages for:
- Invalid issue keys
- Missing required fields
- Permission issues
- API rate limits
## Setup Instructions
1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/George5562/Jira-MCP-Server.git
cd Jira-MCP-Server
2. Install dependencies:
npm install
3. Configure environment variables:
Create a `.env` file in the root directory:
4. Build the project:
npm run build
5. Start the server:
npm start
## Configuring Claude Desktop
To use this MCP server with Claude Desktop:
1. Locate your Claude Desktop configuration file:
- macOS: `~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json`
- Windows: `%APPDATA%/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json`
- Linux: `~/.config/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json`
2. Add the Jira MCP server to your configuration:
"mcp_servers": [
"name": "jira-server",
"command": "npm start",
"cwd": "/path/to/jira-server",
"env": {
"JIRA_HOST": "your-instance.atlassian.net",
"JIRA_EMAIL": "your-email@example.com",
"JIRA_API_TOKEN": "your-api-token"
Replace `/path/to/jira-server` with the absolute path to your cloned repository.
3. Restart Claude Desktop to apply the changes.
## References
- [Model Context Protocol](https://github.com/modelcontextprotocol)
- [Jira REST API Documentation](https://docs.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/api/REST/7.12.0)
- [Jira REST API Examples](https://developer.atlassian.com/server/jira/platform/jira-rest-api-examples/)